
1.- Many years ago, when my father died, we were veiling him, together with other people. These people were with me when I fell asleep for a moment, and I suddenly saw that my father had entered in the room where we were veiling him, had his hands in the pockets of his pants and asked me who had died, who was that one that was lying down, and I thought, it was my father that had just died and he was speaking to me. Can you tell me the cause of this phenomenon?

R. – It is essential to understand that people never in life worry about waking up Consciousness; everybody in the social conglomerate have a deeply sleeping Consciousness.

It is obvious that after death the intellectual animal mistakenly called man continues with his illusory life; if any discarnate person were told that he is dead he obviously would not believe it.

It is obvious that the discarnate always believe they are alive, because when they die they find nothing strange.

They always see the same sun, the same clouds, and the same birds trying to fly from the dense sallow of the garden.

The so-called dead, after the great step, stroll by the streets of the city or the different sectors of the district where they died. Normally they continue with their daily work, and they sit at the table in their house and even they have the luxury of going to bed in their own bed, they would never think that they have passed on. They feel they are living in the here and now.

In these conditions, upon seeing their body in the coffin, they suppose that it is somebody else’s; not even remotely they suspect that it is their own dead body, that is the crude reality of the facts; for that reason do not be surprised at having had that intimate experience.

2.- What was the cause of the fear that my younger sister felt when entering the room where my grandfather was being veiled?

R. – Said fear has ancestral roots. In general it is transmitted from parents to children; there is not anyone in life that has not felt it; the same as when we go into a dark cavern or when we are in the presence of a real ghost. The Causa Causorum of all this rests in the subjective psyche, better we say in the sleeping Consciousness. When one awakens the Consciousness, it is very clear that such fears disappear radically.

3.- Why can the children see a discarnate presence and the adults cannot? My youngest son saw my father newly discarnate and chatted with him.

R. – We, on behalf of the truth, should be clear and emphasize certain ideas. It is not too much to say that all children are clairvoyants. We have been told that before closing the fontanel of the newly born, that is the crown of the head, human creatures have the power of seeing the supersensible, that that does not belong to the physical world, that that is invisible for the adults.

If the human beings were to recover the innocence of mind and of heart it is unquestionable that they would recover the divine Clairvoyance, the power of seeing the hidden, the mysterious, the strange.

4.- When we die, don’t we have the danger of getting lost? Or does somebody wait for us?

R. – What is it, that of getting lost, distinguished lady? What is it, that of getting lost, gentlemen? When are you going to stop being afraid? Do you get lost maybe in your house? I have already spoken much and clearly about this, I have already said that during the first days we continue living in the same house where we died, and that there are many testimonies of these facts.

Upon dying we meet those dear deceased that have died before us, that is, our relative and friends.

5.- Can we recognize those relative and friends that we meet when we discarnate?

R. – Could you recognize your dead mother, your father, your friends and relatives; do you suppose that one could simply just not recognize one’s dear beings?

Your question is quite strange, it is obvious that no son could ignore the author of his days, it is clear that all have the capacity to recognize what we have known.

6.- When we die, do we suffer loneliness?

R. – Each one is different; the selfish person, that one that is self-contained, the misanthropic, the one who doesn’t love anybody, is obvious that here he will have to endure the bitterness of solitude; after death his painful solitary state in the region of the dead is pathetic, clear and defined.

7.- In accordance with what they call Destiny, is it true that our days and hours are already fixed, counted?

R. – Distinguished gentleman, with great pleasure I will answer your question. When you leave for a trip it is unquestionable that you take a certain amount of money for the diverse systems of transport. Obviously you should know how to spend your money, because if you waste it your trip will have to be interrupted.

I want you to understand that upon us coming into the world the Angels of Destiny deposit certain capital of Vital Values in our Three Brains. It is clear that if we waste it, if we put an end to this fortune, the trip by the path of existence will be interrupted quickly; but if we save them, our trip will be made long and so we will reach old age.

8.- You surprise me with your talk of the Three Brains, I have always heard that we have one brain, could you tell me, which are those other two?

R. – So you are surprised by the Three Brains… Understand me: inside the cranial box we have the Intellectual Brain; in the superior part of the dorsal spine we have the Motor Brain, the capital center of the movements; in the solar plexus and other sympathetic centers is the Brain of Emotions. Have you understood me now?

9.- Why do we feel fear upon thinking of death and why do we become attached to life?

R. – The desire to live is very powerful; all human beings want to live, and are attached to sensual life. It is obvious that the adhesion and addiction to, and the desire of material existence, has us fascinated; in these conditions in no way we want to die, we are afraid of death, we don’t want to cease existing.

If the people, through the developing of understanding, lose the desire of material life, then the fear of death would disappear. One comes to lose such fear when one understand the illusory reality of our existence, when one sees that nothing here is permanent. Ideas pass away, as do things and people.

10.- When a person discarnates, what does the Soul do? Where does it go in order to embody again?

R. – It is necessary to speak clearly and to understand; people have the mind too full of dogma; intellectual deterioration exists; now people are not able to open up to the new, of seeing the natural, they always think of the artificial and they consider this as the pattern of all.

In other times the human senses had not yet degenerated. In the ancient times of our world, people could see the dead, hear and feel them, etc.

In Lemuria, for example, when somebody proceeded to discarnate, he/she dug his/her own grave and went into it with the head toward the East; happily he/she said goodbye to their relatives and these smiled cheerfully. Who passed on to the Beyond didn’t remain invisible for their relatives; he/she could continue living together delightfully with his/her own; the air seemed transparent; in the atmosphere one could see clearly the spirits, the souls, the innocents creatures of Nature.

But we know that in the atmosphere, under those zones that belong to the Three- dimensional, to the physical, metaphysical regions exist, by way of Worlds or Spaces, where the souls of the dead live before taking new body again.

11.- Why is it that whenever I dream of my deceased relatives, I chat with them and they affirm to me that they have not died and that are they in perfect state of health?

R. – Distinguished gentleman, I like your question and with the greatest pleasure I will answer you. Above all I want you to understand what is the process of the dream. It is unquestionable that the dream is a tiny death, as the vulgar statement says. During the hours in which our body lies sleeping in bed, the Soul wanders outside it, goes to different places, and contacts those that have died and even experiences the treat of chatting with them.

It is clear that the dead never believe that they are dead because in their life they never worried about waking up Consciousness; they always believe that they are alive; now you will understand why the souls of the dear dead make such asseverations to you.

12.- Why do spiritualists have special predilection for calling or invoking the deceased?

R. – Well, so they learned it from their teachers, Allan Kardec, Leon Denis, and many others; the problem is that such authors didn’t thoroughly investigate the essence of this question.

Above all I want, my honorable gentleman, that you know that all the human beings have inside an “I,” an Ego, the Itself.

Please don’t think that such “I” is the best; you study the “Book of the Dead” of the old Egyptians and you will understand what I am saying to you.

Have you read the Faust of Goethe? Ah! If you knew what Mephistopheles really is, you would agree with me; it is unquestionable that the dark character of Mephistopheles, is the Ego, the “I”, the Myself.

Who enters the body of the spiritualistic medium is the “I” of the deceased, Ahriman, Mephistopheles. It is indubitable that such “I” personifies all our psychological defects, all our errors.

The Being of the deceased never comes to these sessions of spirits; you distinguish between the Being and the “I”; who goes to such sessions is Satan, the I. I want you to understand what is the Law of Action and Consequence; the people that lend their body, their material being to the “Egos” of the dead, to Mephistopheles, to Satan, in their future lives will have to suffer much because of epilepsy.

13.- Would you be able to say what is the Being?

R. – The Being is the Being and the reason of being of the Being is the same Being; the Being is The Divine, the immortal Spark of all human being, without beginning nor end, terrifyingly divine.

Yet the human beings don’t possess that Spark inside their bodies, but if we sanctified us and we eliminated the “I,” the Mephistopheles, it is clear that one day the Spark will enter in our bodies. Now I invite it to you to understand what is the Being.

14.- After death, does one remember the whole life that has just passed?

R.- You know young lady, that after having abandoned the physical body all deceased relive in retrospective form the life that has just passed.

The discarnate will begin reviving those instants that preceded their death; for this reason during the first days, as we already said, they will live amongst their people, in their house, in their village, in their town, in their office, in their work; later, continuing, they will live in all those very previous places; in each facet of their past existence they will repeat the same dramas, the same words, the same scenes, etc. The last retrospective part corresponds to the processes of childhood; finished the retrospection we have to present ourselves before the Tribunals of the Divine Justice; the Angels of the Law will judge us for our acts, for our works.

Three roads open up in before the discarnate:

  • First, some vacations in the Luminous Regions of the infinite space before taking body again.
  • Second, return to a new womb immediately or after some time.
  • Third: entering the Hell Worlds inside the interior of the planet in which we lived.

15 – Is it possible that that retrospection can be made while the person is living?

R.- Many people that have been about to die drowned, have seen their life passing in retrospective form; this same thing has happened to people that have been near death for other reasons.

16.– A certain day, conducting business associated with matters of graves and crypts in order to bury some relatives, chatting with the administrator of the cemetery, I suddenly went quiet and wide-eyed during a good while; he continued speaking and upon seeing that I didn’t pay attention, he asked me if something was wrong; after speaking to me in a strong manner, I woke up from my abstraction and I related to him what had happened to me. When I stopped speaking I began to feel the presence of somebody and upon turning saw next to me my mother-in-law, newly discarnate, for whom I was fixing the matters of the cemetery; later on she smiled kindly and invited me to pass making a gesture. As I could not move she just said good bye, and disappeared from my view. Upon finishing my story, the man had his hair standing up and the goosebumps, and nervously told me that in all the years that he was working in the vault ha had never had a sensation like that. Could you tell me what was the cause of this phenomenon?

R.- With the greatest pleasure I will answer your question, distinguished gentleman. In no way you should be surprised because of a Supersensible Vision; in the times of Lemuria, as I have already said, the dead were visible in the atmosphere for everybody; what pity that now people are surprised with this type of visions.

It is not at all rare that those that have died can be made visible from time to time in the atmosphere, and that is evident to you; it obvious that you could verify this by direct perception; the Administrator of the vault didn’t get so far but yes, he could have had certain psychic sensibility, enough so that his hair stood up and got the goosebumps..

17.- Whenever I dream about my maternal grandmother and I see her sad, she points out something to me that when I awaken I don’t remember, but I have realized through the years that eight days after these dreams, someone of my family would get on a state of grave illness. Could you say to what is this due?

R.- Distinguished young lady, I have already said in many in my conferences that, during the hours of the normal ordinary dream, the souls of the live escape from the body that sleeps in the bed and they then contact the souls of the dead.

That you see your grandmother, that is normal in the Unknown Dimension. She visits in instants of anguish or when any person of your family is getting ill. You already see how the dead are so near to us!

Samael Aun Weor

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