The intellectual animal, falsely called man, has the fixed idea that the total annihilation of the ego, the absolute dominion of sex and the intimate self realization of the Being is something fantastic and impossible; however, he does not realize that this very subjective way of thinking is the fruit of defeatist psychological elements that manipulate the mind and the body of those persons who have not awakened consciousness.
The people of this senile and degenerated era carry in their interior a psychic aggregate that is a great obstacle on the path of the annihilation of the ego and that is: defeatism!
Defeatist thoughts handicap persons from elevating their mechanistic life to superior states. The majority of persons consider themselves defeated even before beginning the struggle or the Gnostic esoteric work.
One has to observe oneself and analyze oneself to discover within oneself, here and now, those facets that make up that which is called defeatism.
Synthesizing, we say that there exist three common defeatist attitudes:
1.— To feel handicapped because of a lack of intellectual education.
2.— To feel incapable of beginning the Radical Transformation.
3.— To walk around with the psychological song: “I never have opportunities to change or to triumph!”
On feeling handicapped because of a lack of education, we have to remember that aid the great sages such as Hermes Trimegistus, Paracelsus, Plato, Socrates, Jesus the Christ, Homer, etc., never went to university because in the reality of truth, each person has his own Master, the latter being the Being, that which is beyond the mind and false rationalism. Do not confuse education with wisdom and knowledge.
The specific knowledge of the mysteries of life, of the Cosmos and of Nature is an extraordinary force that allows us to achieve Integral Revolution.
The robots programmed by the Antichrist-materialistic science feel at a disadvantage because they do not feel capable and this we should analyze. The intellectual animal, because of the influence of a false academic education that adulterates the values of the Being, has made in his sensual mind, two terrible I’s which should be eliminated: The fixed idea: “I am going to lose!”, and laziness to practice the Gnostic techniques to acquire knowledge that is needed to emancipate ourselves from all mechanicity and come out, once and for all, from the defeatist tendency.
The thinking of the mechanical man is: “Opportunities are never provided to me!”
The scenes of existence can be modified. One creates his own circumstances. Everything is the result of the Law of Action and Consequence but with the possibility that a superior law transcends an inferior law.
The elimination of the ‘I’ of defeatism is urgent, undelayable. It is not the quantity of theories that matter, it is the quantity of super efforts that are exerted in the work of the Revolution of Consciousness. The authentic man fabricates, in the moment that he wishes, the opportune moments for his spiritual or psychological growth!
Samael Aun Weor
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