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Practice #2

It is not dangerous to go out in the ASTRAL body because everyone goes out in the ASTRAL body during their sleep. Whoever wants to awaken consciousness during sleep must know the key to “Discernment“.

During sleep, every human being walks in the internal worlds with the consciousness asleep. The soul wrapped in its ASTRAL body leaves the physical body during it’s  sleep.

This is how the etheric body can repair the physical body. When the soul enters the body, then we “wake up” from natural sleep. In the internal worlds, souls occupy themselves with the same daily trades, they buy and sell, as in the physical world.

The souls of the living and the dead live together during sleep. In the internal worlds we see everything as in the physical world: the same sun, the same clouds, the same houses in the city, everything the same. Now our Gnostic disciples will understand why the dead do not accept that they are dead.

Now our disciples will understand why the souls of the living buy and sell, work, etc., during sleep. Going out in the body ASTRAL is how we know the mysteries of life and death. Every human being comes out in the ASTRAL body during sleep. We can know the great mysteries of life and death by awakening consciousness during the existing dream, a key we can utilize is that of Discernment.

Let’s see:

If you go down a street and you meet a friend, or you see objects that catch your attention, jump with the intention of floating, it is logical that if you float it is because you are outside the physical body; however if you do not float it is because you are in the physical body.


It happens that in the internal worlds we act during sleep in the same way as in flesh and blood, and if we add to this that we see everything there as here in the physical world, then we will understand that only if we manage to fly we awaken consciousness, to realize that we are in the ASTRAL body.

This exercise is practiced at every moment during the “waking” state and in the presence of every curious thing. What is done in vigil is repeated during sleep. If we do this practice during sleep, the result will be that when jumping we will be floating in the ASTRAL body; then our conscience will awaken and full of happiness we will say: I am in the ASTRAL body.

Samael Aun Weor – Major Mysteries

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