Employers and Workers

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The conflict between employers and workers can be resolved if we learn how to see the other’s point of view. When we want to solve a problem we should not identify with the problem because then it becomes another problem. If we want to solve the problem that exists between employers and workers, we must understand that the solution of every problem is in the problem itself, it is urgent to have the mind at peace to solve problems. It happens that when workers want to solve the problem of employers and workers, they identify so much with the problem that it becomes another problem, and nothing is solved.

We need above all to discover what is the principal factor which destroys PEACE inside and outside of because the truth is that in the greater part of cases that which we see in others is actually inside of ourselves.

We need to discover to whom belongs the cause of the conflict between employers and worker. This problem can only be done by focusing precisely on the situation, this requires infinite stillness and supreme inner peace. Knowing in depth the true cause of the conflict, it inevitably disappears.

We must be sincere with ourselves. Often the cause of the conflict is within ourselves. We never really know how to see other people’s point of view and that is very serious. Sometimes the employers is guilty and other times the culprit is the worker who demands and demands until the employer is tired out.

The greater part of the problems of life are due to a lack of inner peace; We are full of infinite contradictions and this generates discord and conflicts. We are poor and we want to be rich, we are workers and we want to be managers, we are earning our keep humbly having all the we need and we want to earn more to feel more powerful.

Other times it is the employer who creates the problems, the workers do their duty and he wants them to work more hours than the law dictates, the workers produce and he wants them to produce double, the workers demand what is fair and he he wants them not to demand. All these states of contradiction and internal conflicts breed terrible problems, tremendous conflicts between employers and workers, walkouts, strikes, etc.

An in-depth analysis leads us to the logical conclusion that all the problems existing between employers and workers are within the individual himself.

If really the employers and workers want to solve their problem, it is urgent for all of them to be sincere with themselves and solve their own internal conflicts. We need to first study ourselves to discover the cause of the conflict . All external conflict is only the projection of an internal conflict, the conflicts that we see outside are inside of ourselves.

It is necessary to put an end to our own internal contradictions if really we want peace. There has been much legislation on employers and workers, but only through deep understanding can all the problems between employers and workers be resolved.

The employer must approach his problems with the workers, honestly, sincerely, without greed, without concepts, without pride, without anger, etc.

It is urgent for the employer to accomplish an auto-exploration of himself, of his own ‘I’, in order to discover the factor at the origin of the conflict with his workers, it is necessary for workers to do the same thing, that they investigate themselves without greed, without pride, without vanity, without selfishness, etc., in order to discover within themselves the cause that generated the conflict. This sincere study of themselves is better than all labour laws.

The new age has begun and if we want to solve the problem between employers and workers, we should awaken the blaze of the understanding to a new creative activity. We should learn how see points of view other than our own. The employer is not always to blame, the worker is not always to blame. Really the causes of all problems are within ourselves.

Before protesting against someone, before making a claim, we must first examine ourselves because it can happen that the error is only within us and not in our neighbor.

Life is an absurd succession of vague and vain desires. When we truly understand that all desires are vain and passing, when we have complete consciousness that the physical body was generated in sin and that it’s destination is putrefaction of the grave, then the vain illusions and internal contradictions of the mind disappear. Certainly the contradictions arise from desire, and from this the vain illusions.

Obstinacy is a product of the contradictions of the mind, obstinacy is a result of desire; when desire and illusions are dead, obstinacy and conflict end.

Employers and workers in full discussion cling to their desires; all of them want to satisfy their desires, all of them look for satisfaction. The result of such absurd conduct are conflicts, the closing of companies, indefinite strikes, etc..

It is not just that workers finish with the employer because they live by the employer. It is not just that the employer finish with the life of the workers because the employer lives by the workers. Mutual comprehension is needed.

It is urgent to learn how to not identify with the problem, it is necessary to self-explore sincerely and then to keep mental and verbal silence.

When the mind is quiet, when the mind is silent, the marvelous key that allows us to resolve the conflict comes to us.

We have legislated very much on employers and workers, but now it is necessary for us to become sincere with ourselves. The cause of the error is within the individual himself.

The workers must learn how to cooperate with the employer, the employer must cooperate with the workers.

The worker should learn how to see the point of view of the employer. The employer should learn how to see the point of view of the worker.

Is absurd that workers finish with the employer. It is stupid that the employer exploit the workers.

Let’s be sincere with ourselves. The substance of sincerity can create an order of things and a world of wisdom and love. The hour has arrived to learn how to live . It is necessary that each one of us learn to govern himself. When each human being knows how to govern himself, governments will no longer be needed. Then true peace will reign.

Samael Aun Weor

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