Evolution, Involution and Revolution

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From the rigorously academic point of view the word Evolution means: development, construction, progression, improvement, advance, edifying, dignifying, etc. Making a pure and orthodox grammatical focus, we make clear that the term Involution means: reverse progression, backward motion, destruction, degeneration, decadence, etc.

Obviously it is urgent to emphasize the transcendental idea that the Law of Antithesis is coexistent with any rudely natural process. This concept of content is absolutely unimpeachable, unanswerable and irrefutable. For example, day and night, light and darkness, construction and destruction, growth and fall, birth and death, etc., etc.,etc.

The exclusion of any of those two laws aforementioned (Evolution and Involution), would produce a radical paralysis of the natural mechanism, then to refute any of those two ordinances, means in fact, to fall into barbarism.

There exists evolution in the plant that germinates, develops and grows. There exists involution in the vegetable that slowly grows old and falls until it becomes a pile of dust. There exists evolution in all organisms that gestate, are born and develop. There exists involution in all creatures that become senile and die. There exists evolution in any cosmic unity that arises from the chaos. There exists involution in every planet in a consummation state, destined to become a Moon in a dead body. There is evolution in all ascending civilizations and there is involution in any culture of a descending type.

It is obvious that these two aforementioned laws constitute the Fundamental Mechanic Axis of Nature. Unquestionably, without such basic axis the wheel of the natural mechanisms would not turn round. Life is processed in surges that rotate.

Many people believe that the small monkeys, apes, orangutans, and gorillas are of an evolutive type. Some of them suppose that man came from the monkey, but this concept falls when we observe the customs of those species of animals. Put an ape inside of a laboratory and observe what happens. The diverse families of apes are involutions that descend from the intellectual humanoid. The humanoid does not come from the monkey, the truth of this is the inverse; the apes are degenerated humanoids. Let us observe the family of pigs. In the time of Moses, the Israelites who ate that meat were decapitated. It is obvious that this type of elemental are in involution. Another one is the state of the ravens, and even thought they feed of death, by the fact of developing in the Ray of Saturn, they possess certain wonderful powers that indicate Evolution.

Waves of Essences initiate their evolution in the mineral kingdom, proceed with the vegetable state, continue to the animal scale and finally, they reach the level of intellectual humanoid type. Waves of lives descend involuting in accordance to the Law of Fall, reviving animal, vegetable and mineral processes, toward the Center of Terrestrial Gravity.

There is no doubt that the advanced mineral elements enter the vegetable kingdom. Each plant is the physical body of a vegetable elemental. Every tree, every grass (however insignificant), possesses its particular elemental. I do not want to say that the elementals of the plants, trees and flowers, etc., are at all hours inside of their immobile body, that would be absurd and also unfair.

The vegetable elemental has complete freedom to enter and live in their bodies at will; one is astonished when meeting them in the fourth dimension.

Normally the elemental creatures of the vegetable kingdom are found classified in the way of families. One is the family of the orange groves, another the one of the mint, another the one of the pines, etc., etc.,etc.

The advanced elementals of the vegetable kingdom enter later into the departments of the animal kingdom. These creatures distributed in multiple families or species also have their guides and their temples located in the Terrestrial Paradise, that is to say, the fourth coordinate called by the occultists the Ethereal World.

The more advanced elemental creatures enter in the kingdom of the intellectual humanoids. There is no doubt that this three-brained or three-centred bipeds are much more dangerous.

Much has been said about the doctrine of the Souls’ Transmigration, exposed by the Lord Krishna in the sacred land of the Vedas about one thousand years B.C. Each soul is assigned with 108 existences for its Self-Realization. Those that do not reach their Self Realization, during the number of assigned existences, obviously have to descend into the Submerged Mineral Kingdom: the Hindustani Avitchi, the Greek Tartarus, the Roman Avernus, the Inferno.

This 108 existences keeps strict mathematic concordance with the number of beads that forms the necklace of the Buddha. After each humanoid period, according to the Laws of Time, Space and Movement, the involuting waves of life descend in the Submerged Mineral Kingdom to the Center of Planetary Stability to re-ascend in evolutive form later on. Any new Evolutive re-ascent from the center of terrestrial gravity, requires previous disintegration of the oneself, the Ego, of the psychological “I.” This is the Second Death.

Because the Essence is trapped between the Ego, the dissolution of this last one becomes indispensable so that the Essence can be set free. In the Center of Planetary Stability the original pristine purity of the Essence is restored.

Those who have dissolved the Ego ascend, those who have not dissolved it descend. The victorious become Buddhas, Masters. The unsuccessful, after the Second Death announced by our Lord the Christ by John in the Apocalypse, are transformed into elementals of nature. Serious would it be that the Ego would not have limits and that it could continue developing and evolving eternally. Then the evil of the world would never have a limit; it would extend victoriously by the infinite space and would dominate the cosmos. In this case there would really be injustice. Fortunately, the Great Architect of the Universe had put a dike to the evil.

Those that want the Intimate Self-Realization with the purpose of avoiding the descent to the Infernos Worlds, must get into the path of the Consciousness’ Revolution. This means to separate completely from the Laws of Evolution and Involution. To descend into the underground world is radically different from the evolutive ascent over the surface of the Earth. The animal recapitulation in the abyss is of a degenerative, involuting descending painful type. The vegetaloid recapitulation between the entrails of the Earth is frightful. Those who pass through such a process seem more like shadows that slide through here, there and the other side on horrible sufferings. The involuting descend of the mineral recapitulation amongst the entrails of the world in which we live, is more bitter than death itself. The creatures become fossil, become mineralized and slowly disintegrate between torments which are impossible to describe.

It is evident that the destruction of the myself, the annihilation of the Ego, the dissolution of the oneself, in the submerged regions of the Avernus, is absolutely indispensable for the destruction of the evil within each one of us. Obviously only through the death of the Ego, becomes possible the liberation of the Essence, then this one reappears, and comes out to the planetary surface, to the sun light, to re-initiate a new evolutive process within these two mechanic laws of the nature. The re-ascent is verified always passing through the mineral, vegetable and animal states until recovering the humanoid state that was lost.

It is clear that with the re-entry to this state, 108 existences are assigned again which are also related with the 108 rounds that the Hindustani Brahaman does around the Sacred Cow, and that if we do not take advantage of them properly, will lead us to descend back to the Avernus.

The Consciousness suffers the evolutive processes as much as the involuting processes. Millions of humanoids have their Consciousness asleep, but when entering into the abyss after the 108 existences, inevitably awake in the evil and for the evil.

The important thing in this case is that they awake, though it is to justify their errors in the Infernos Worlds. Those who believe in reaching the Christification with time and through evolution and acquiring many experiences, are in fact mistaken. Those who think like this are delaying the mistake from century to century, from existence to existence, and the reality is that at the end they get lost in the abyss.


Samael Aun Weor

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