79. Let the disciple sit down on the ground, crossing his legs in the oriental style. This
position is called Padmasana in India.
80. Shut the left nasal cavity with the index finger and inhale the Prana through the right
nasal cavity.
81. Now, retain the air while shutting both nasal cavities with the index finger and the thumb.
82. Exhale the air through the left nasal cavity while shutting the right nasal cavity; inhale, now through the left nasal cavity, retain the air again and exhale through the right nasal cavity.
83. When you are inhaling the air, imagine the sexual energy ascending through the nadi
related with the nasal cavity through which you are inhaling the Prana.
84. Think in the Three Breaths of pure Akasa descending through the nadis Shushumna, Ida and Pingala when you are sending the inhaled Prana downwards, so to awake the chakra Muladhara where the Kundalini abides.
85. Prana is the purifying fire that cleans the scoria, which plugs the nadis.
86. The veils of Rajas and Tamas are dissipated with the sexual transmutation in
87. The mind of the student is prepared for Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi with the
practice of Pranayama.
88. The disciple should practice Pranayama ten minutes daily.
89. The disciple should drink a glass of milk or eat any light food after he finishes the
90. The disciples can also practice while standing firm on their feet.
91. The disciple should slowly inhale and exhale with his mind very well concentrated in his practice of Pranayama.
92. Many Asanas (positions) and exercises of Pranayama exist, but the former exercise of Pranayama is enough for the transmutation of the student’s sexual energies.
93. The disciples can also sit on a comfortable sofa to perform his practices.
94. Before starting his practices, the disciple must pray to his/her Innermost by meditating profoundly on Him.
95. The disciple must be profoundly concentrated in his chakra Muladhara and begging to his Purusha (the Innermost) for the awakening of the Kundalini.
96. The oriental Yogis give a great variety of exercises for Pranayama.
97. Let us see: profound respiration, Sukh Purvak (comfortable position), Pranayama
while walking, Pranayama during meditation, rhythmic respiration, Suryabeda, Ujjayi,
Sitkari, Sitali, Bhastrika, Bhramari, Mucha, Plavini, Kevala Kumvhak, etc.
98. All of these innumerable varieties of practices and Asanas (postures) served for the
descending arch of the evolving life; yet, now we are starting an ascending arch of evolution, and therefore, that enormous quantity of postures and exercises are antiquated for the New Aquarian Era.
99. Now the Yogis of the New Aquarian Era live a life of intense activity within the cities
and they do not need to withdraw into the solitary forests, because we are initiating the New Aquarian Era. This Era is of sociability, cooperation and cofraternity between all
human beings without distinction of schools, races, sexes, castes and religions.
100. All the exercises of Pranayama can be executed in our own home without too many
complications and without abandoning the execution of all the responsibilities with our family, society and humanity.
101. The Yogi must be absolutely chaste; otherwise, he will fail totally.
From the book “The Mysteries of Fire” Chapter III – By Samael Aun Weor
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