Beloved Gnostic Brethren:
I wish you a merry Christmas and a prosperous new year. May the star of Bethlehem shine upon your way.
Practice these Runes in order, you should start your Runic exercises the 21st of March {read Chapter 3}. Dedicate the time that you wish to each Rune.
Beloved reader I beseech you, if you write, do not mail me adulations, praises or compliments.
Remember, that all of them who betrayed us in the past, they really were tremendous adulators.
I want all of you to radically resolve to die in all of the levels of the mind.
Really, the way you are now, with that tremendous “I” very alive inside, you are only a failure.
Many are complaining that they cannot willingly go in the Astral Body. Let these people awake their consciousness.
The astral travel stops being a problem when one awakens consciousness. The sleepy ones are good for nothing.
I have delivered to you, in this 1968-1969 Christmas Message, the whole science that you need in order to attain the awakening of the consciousness.
Do not commit the error of reading this book as when someone is reading the newspaper. You must profoundly study it during many years, thus, you will live it, and will select it in the practical way.
I advise patience and serenity to those who complain because they do not achieve the Illumination.
The Illumination comes to us when we dissolve the pluralized ‘I’, when we truly have died in all the forty-nine regions of the subconsciousness.
Those who are coveting occult powers, those who utilize the Maithuna as a pretext in order to seduce women (or men), will enter into the submerged involution in the Infernal Worlds.
Work with the three factors of the Revolution of the Consciousness in an orderly and perfect way.
Do not commit the error of committing adultery and fornication. You must abandon fluttering. Those who live fluttering around like butterflies from flower to flower, that is to say, from school to school, are really candidates for the abyss and the Second Death.
You must abandon all self-justification and self-consideration. You must convert yourselves into enemies of your own selves if in reality what you want is to radically die. Thus, only in this way, you will attain the Illumination.
Beloved ones, depart from zero, you must abandon mystic pride, mythomania, that tendency of considering yourselves super-transcended.
All of you are nothing else but poor Intellectual Animals, who are sentenced to the penalty of living.
Thus, only in this way, by doing an inventory of yourselves is how you can know what you really are.
Truly, you only possess the lunar bodies and the animal ego, that is all. Then, why do you fall into mythomania? Your soul, your Essence, is bottled up asleep within the ‘I’. Then, on what is your mystic pride based on?
Be humble, so you can reach Wisdom, and after this Wisdom is reached by you, be even more humble.
“If any man will come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross, and follow me.” (Matthew 16: 24).
Inverencial Peace
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