Fisher of Men

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In order to succeed in life one has to become a fisher of men. Jesus chose his disciples from among poor fishermen. They had to stop catching fish to become fishers of men. Do you want to obtain success, power, glory? Listen to this advice, “Put the bait on the hook that will catch the fish.” Do not talk with others about things of interest to you. Your business is your business.

The human being is egotistical, unfortunately, and wants to only know things that are of interest to him. If you talk to your fellowman about the things that he desires and loves, you will influence him positively and will obtain from him all that you need. It is necessary to learn to see the point of view of our fellowman and help to Solve his conflicts; in this manner we also solve our own Problems.

Become an altruistic and generous person, help Others with your advice, do your best to understand others’ Points of view and you will catch fish in abundance. When we begin comprehending our fellowmen, we also begin to take the first steps on the path of happiness and success.

It is necessary to study and understand the functions of the mind. Whoever knows the mental mechanism is in a position to control it. Much has been said about mental power and there are many schools that teach how to concentrate the mind. Nobody can intelligently deny the power of thought. This force is made up of radioactive forms and waves that move from one brain to another. We need to develop this marvelous power but we must advise that thought and action should wisely be combined if we want to succeed in life. Mental concentration is miraculous when intelligently combined with action.

Mental power achieves prodigies and marvels when it is based on sincerity and the truth.

Do not attempt to deceive your fellowmen; do not use mental concentration to deceive your fellowmen because failure for you will be inevitable. Mental power achieves prodigies when used to help others. By helping others we ourselves benefit. That is the Law.

Do you need to succeed in something important? Sit in a comfortable chair, relax your muscles, concentrate on the business you are interested in and imagine the business in full prosperity. Identify yourself with your fellowman; try to understand your fellowman’s point of view; advise him mentally, making him see the advantages that the business he is about to carry out with you will bring him. So, the mental waves will penetrate deeply in the other person’s mind and will do marvels. One hour of perfect concentration is enough to determine success in a business.

Every merchant has the right to obtain money, but whatever you sell should be good, useful and necessary to others. Do not try to deceive others because you deceive yourself.

Multitudes of peddlers travel the streets offering their merchandise uselessly; no one is interested in their merchandise and people become annoyed when they meet these peddlers. The error of these peddlers is that they only think and talk about their wares. If they learned how to see another’s point of view, they would inevitably succeed.

It is necessary to comprehend that all human beings have an “I” that wants to stand out, make itself felt, climb to the top of the ladder, etc.; this is precisely the human being’s weakness. You also have that weak side. Do not fall into the same errors of others; never say “I,” always say “we.” Whoever masters himself can also master others.

Intelligently insinuate what you want, but do not say, “I want.” Remember that others are not interested in what you want. Let others prepare your idea as if it was theirs; provide the elements for that preparation, provide them very intelligently. Let others elaborate your ideas. You can be sure that others feel good elaborating your ideas. People like to feel important; that is the weakness of the “I.” Exploit that weakness. Never feel important and you will be important. Try to dissolve the “I” and you will be truly happy.

All success in life depends on the ability you have to deal with other people. It is necessary to abandon egotism and to develop Christ-centrism. It is urgent to work for the common good. It is indispensable to dissolve the “I” and to always think as “we.” The term “we” has more power than the egotistical “I” AJI the great failures of life are due to the “I.” When the latter wants to make itself felt, stand out, climb to the top of the ladder, then the reactions of others follow, and the result of such mental reactions is failure. Remember that the “I” is energetic, it is desire, it is memory, it is fear, violence, hatred, wants, fanaticisms, jealousies, distrust, etc. You need to explore profoundly all the depths of your mind because you have within you that which is called “I” “myself” the Ego, etc.

If you want to succeed in life you should dissolve the “I.” If you want to dissolve the “I,” you should disintegrate all your defects. If you want to disintegrate your defects, do not condemn or justify them, comprehend them. When we condemn a defect, we hide it in the profound recesses of the mind and when we justify a defect, we strengthen it horribly but when we comprehend a certain defect, then we disintegrate it completely.

When the “I” is dissolved, we are filled with plenitude and happiness. When the “I” is dissolved, the Being, the spirit, love expresses itself through us. Remember that God, the spirit, the Internal Being of each man, of each woman, and of each creature is never the “I.” The Being is divine, eternal and perfect. The “I” is Satan of the Biblical legend. The “I” is not the body, it is energetic and diabolic. In the “I” is the root of misery, poverty failures, disillusions, unsatisfied desires, violent desires, hatred, envy, jealousy, etc.

Change your life now. It is urgent that you understand the need to do away with all your defects, to dissolve the “I,” Satan, the cause of all failures. When the “I” is dissolved, only the Being, God, happiness, remains in us. God is peace, abundance, happiness and perfection.


A man, after having studied himself discovered that he had twelve defects that were bothering him. This man said, “Just as it is impossible to catch ten hares at the same time, because the hunter who wants to try this would not catch any, so is it also impossible to do away with my twelve defects at the same time.” This man arrived at the conclusion that it would be better to catch one hare and then another, first to do away with one defect and then another. Therefore he decided to dedicate two months to each defect. After twenty-four months, this man no longer had the defects; he had done away with the twelve defects that hindered him from success. The result was marvelous. This man became the foremost citizen of the United States, his name: Benjamin Franklin.

Imitate this person. Examine yourself and see how many defects you have, count them, number them. Then dedicate two months to each defect, successively, until you eliminate all of them.

Sit in a comfortable chair and pray to your Internal God like this, “You who are my true Being, you who are my Internal God, enlighten me, help me, make me see my own defects. Amen.” Concentrate on this prayer until deep sleep arrives. Try to discover all your defects. We advise you to read the Bible. The word of the Divine Master is found in the four Gospels.

There you will see the virtues that you need, there you will discover the virtues that you lack. Wherever a virtue is lacking, a defect exists.

Samael Aun Weor

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