From Lima, Peru, came a news dated August 2 whose text is as follows: “A Flying Saucer with its crew, a greenish dwarf, was seen last night on the roof of a house in this capital, by a young student , according to a statement he gave today to the newspaper “EL COMERCIO”.
“This visit is added to one that was reported last week by a guardian of the Chosica District, forty kilometers from Lima, who reported seeing, in the courtyard of a factory, a Saucer equipped with an elephant’s trunk, which disappeared at ten minutes of observation.”
“As for the flying saucer last night, Alberto San Román Núñez, fifteen, said he had seen a greenish, wrinkled, and ninety centimeters tall being that was sliding down the roof.”
“Shortly after, the ship threw a reddish light in the middle of which it took flight, leaving on the floor its footprints in which four bases of settlement are appreciated.”
So far this wonderful news. Green skin may surprise many people, but we earthlings also have black and yellow and red skin races that could surprise cosmic visitors.
Really, none of the eyewitnesses of flying saucers and extraterrestrial crew could dare to ensure that these mysterious visitors have different forms from those of us poor earthlings.
It is unfortunate that science fiction has been devoted to spreading false ideas or fantasies about the figure and shape of extra-terrestrial visitors. It is clear that the color of the skin varies according to the climates, the environments, etc., but the human form, whether gigantic, medium, or small, is always the same.
Science fiction has been responsible for propagating tremendously harmful falsehoods for mankind everywhere on the radio, or through cinema or television.
Infamous slander has been raised against extraterrestrial visitors; the mind of earthlings judges according to their malice and wants to see in our noble visitors all the hatred of the earthly mind, all the atrocities of a Hitler, all the monstrosities of the inventor of the H. Bomb, all the bloody purges of a Stalin, etc., etc., etc.
These perverse earthlings do not want to realize the noble purpose of our extraterrestrial friends. If they wanted to take planet Earth and enslave all its inhabitants they would do it in minutes because they have enough elements to do so.
If they wanted to destroy us they would have done so because they have atomic and scientific instruments with which they can blow up any planet in space. Let us remember that long before we earthlings knew mathematics, they sailed in the outer space.
Our extraterrestrial friends know planet Earth better than us and have no interest in enslaving or destroying us as the science fiction of these times of rock and Rebels without cause has mysteriously propagated it.
Our extraterrestrial friends know the critical time we live and just want to help us. We urgently need your help because we Earthlings are totally unsuccessful. If the barbarian hordes continue in their stupid purpose of capturing or destroying the cosmic ships that visit us, we will sadly miss the brilliant opportunity that our space brothers are giving us.
They want to establish personal contact with us, but instead of receiving them with true respect and love, instead of providing hospitality, hunting planes are sent to intercept them. Everyone would like to destroy them; we are really behaving like savages oblivious to all civilization and all culture.
The time has come to change our bellicose attitude and offer our brothers visitors from space, our friendship and our love. They come to help us not to destroy us.
The Gnostic brothers must start by setting an example by laying on the roofs of our houses, in our country, on our land, friendly signs, circles with points in the center. From the point there are lines that go to the periphery and from the periphery there are small lines that, although they do not reach the center, imply that they are directed towards the center and towards the point.
Make the point, mentioned in the center of the circle, have a beautiful golden color to symbolize the Divine.
The lines that from the periphery are directed towards the center point can be blue, abundant in quantity, and short. The lines from the center directed towards the circle are clearly connecting the point with the circumference and can also be blue.
This is the symbol of Divinity in the Martian Religion. We can use it by putting it on our houses, on our land, making it with light bulbs or simply painted, to establish a friendly relationship with the inhabitants of Mars and with all the inhabitants of the Cosmos.
This symbol means that everything comes out of the Divinity and returns to the Divinity.
Use this symbol to offer a friendship to the inhabitants of the space, although the rascals laugh at us. Already all of you know what rascals are, they are skeptical one hundred percent, they boast super civilized, they think they are very wise and use satire and fine irony against all who do not want to think like them.
Samael Aun Weor
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