
Let us now study a chapter of the Chinese Gospel called the TAO, with the purpose of once again clarifying our Gnostic doctrine.

“Chao Hsiang Tzu led out a company of a hundred thousand men to hunt in the Central Mountains. Lighting the dry undergrowth, they set fire to the whole forest, and the glow of the flames was visible for a hundred miles around. Suddenly a man appeared, emerging from a rocky cliff (that is to say, passing miraculously out of the actual stone itself), and was seen to hover in the air amidst the flames and the smoke. Everybody took him for a disembodied spirit. When the fire had passed, he walked quietly out, and showed no trace of having been through the ordeal. Hsiang Tzu marveled thereat, and detained him for the purpose of careful examination. In bodily form he was undoubtedly a man, possessing the seven channels of sense, besides which his breathing and his voice also proclaimed him a man. So the prince inquired what secret power it was that enabled him to dwell in rock and to walk through fire.

“‘What do you mean by rock? What do you mean by fire?’ replied the man.

“Hsiang Tzu said, ‘What you just now came out of is rock; what you just now walked through is fire.’

“‘I know nothing of them,’ replied the man.

“The incident came to the ears of Marquis Wên of the Wei State, who spoke to Tzu Hsia about it, saying: ‘What an extraordinary man this must be!’

“‘From what I have heard the Master say,’ replied Tzu Hsia, ‘the man who achieves harmony with Tao enters into close unison with external objects, and none of them has the power to harm or hinder him. Passing through solid metal or stone, walking in the midst of fire or on the surface of water—all these things become possible to him.’

“‘Why, my friend,’ asked the Marquis, ‘cannot you do all this?’

“‘I have not yet succeeded,’ said Tzu Hsia, ‘in cleansing my heart of impurities and discarding (false) wisdom. I can only find leisure to discuss the matter in tentative fashion.’

“‘And why,’ pursued the Marquis, ‘does not the Master himself perform these feats?’

“‘The Master,’ replied Tzu Hsia, “is is able to do these things, but he is also able to refrain from doing them,’ an answer that greatly delighted the Marquis.” – The Book of Lieh-Tzü by Lieh-Tzu

It is urgent to ignite the sacred fire in the central mountain range—that is to say, the dorsal spine. The Mother Kundalini gives the initiate extraordinary powers over the flaming fire, the air, the waters, and the Earth.

“What do you mean by rock?” This reminds us of the Philosophical Stone of ancient Medieval alchemists. This reminds us of the doctrine of Peter. Petrous means stone, Peter, one of the twelve apostles of Christ whose birth we celebrate on this Christmas Eve.

The doctrine of Peter is the doctrine of sex, the science of Maithuna (Sexual Magic). The living stone is sex, the boulder, the rock upon which we must build the inner temple for the Inner Christ, our Lord.

Peter said,

“Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded. Unto you therefore which believe he is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner, and a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence.” – 1 Peter 2:6-8

Whosoever ignites a bonfire in the central mountain range (the dorsal spine) builds the temple (creates the Solar Bodies) and enters in harmony with the TAO (incarnates the Being).

Jesus Christ, whose nativity we celebrate on the eve of December 25, said,

“Therefore whosoever hears these sayings of mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man, which built his house on a rock (sex): And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat on that house; and it fell not: for it was founded on a rock (sex).

“And every one that hears these sayings of mine, and does them not, shall be likened to a foolish man, which built his house on the sand (all type of theories, all kinds of practices, with total exclusion of Maithuna or Sexual Magic).

“And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat on that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it (falling into the abyss).” – Matthew 7:24-27

Millions of people in the world build on the sand and hate Maithuna (Sexual Magic). They do not want to build on the rock, the stone (sex). They build on the sand of their theories, schools, etc., and believe that they are doing very well. Those wretched people are sincere and with very good intentions, but are mistaken, therefore they will fall into the abyss.

All Masters who are born in the superior worlds must reduce their ego to dust, in order to liberate themselves from their lunar bodies and thus exercise the entire priesthood power of high magic, because the Master (Chesed) who has not dissolved the pluralized “I,” the Master (Innermost) who has not eliminated the lunar bodies, still cannot exercise the priesthood power [of high magic], because he “has not yet succeeded in cleansing his heart of impurities and discarding (false) wisdom.” (Tzu Hsia)

Jesus said unto his disciples:

“Cease not to seek day and night and remit not yourselves until ye find the mysteries of the Light-kingdom, which will purify you and make you into refined light and lead you into the Light-kingdom.

“Say unto them: Renounce the whole world and the whole matter therein and all its cares and all its sins, in a word all its associations which are in it, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from all the chastisements which are in the judgments.

“Say unto them: Renounce murmuring, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the fire of the dog-faced [one].

“Say unto them: Renounce eavesdropping, that ye may [be worthy of the mysteries of the Light] and be saved from the judgments of the dog faced [one].

“Say unto them: Renounce litigiousness, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the chastisements of Ariel.

“Say unto them: Renounce false slander, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the fire-rivers of the dog-faced [one].

“Say unto them: Renounce false witness, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and that ye may escape and be saved from the fire rivers of the dog-faced [one].

“Say unto them: Renounce pride and haughtiness, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the fire-pits of Ariel.

“Say unto them: Renounce belly-love, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and saved from the judgments of Amente (mineral kingdom).

“Say unto them: Renounce babbling (spiritual intellectual gibberish), that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the Amente.

“Say unto them: Renounce craftiness that ye may be worth of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the chastisements which are in Amente.

“Say unto them: Renounce avarice, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the fire-rivers of the dog-faced [one].

“Say unto them: Renounce love of the world, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the pitch and fire-coats of the dog-faced [one].

“Say unto them: Renounce pillage, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the fire-rivers of Ariel.

“Say unto them: Renounce evil conversation, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the chastisements of the fire rivers…

“Say unto them: Renounce wickedness, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the fire-seas of Ariel.

“Say unto them: Renounce pitilessness, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the judgments of the dragon-faced [ones].

“Say unto them: Renounce wrath, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the fire-rivers of the dragon-faced [ones].

“Say unto them: Renounce cursing, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the fire-seas of the dragon-faced [ones].

“Say unto them: Renounce thieving, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the bubbling seas of the dragon-faced [ones.]

“Say unto them: Renounce robbery, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from Yaldabaoth.

“Say unto them: Renounce slandering, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the fire-rivers of the lion-faced [one].

“Say unto them: Renounce fighting and strife, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the seething rivers of Yaldabaoth.

“Say unto them: Renounce all unknowing, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the servitors of Yaldabaoth and the fire-seas.

“Say unto them: Renounce evil doing, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from all the demons of Yaldabaoth and all his judgments.

“Say unto them: Renounce sloth, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the seething pitch-seas of Yaldabaoth.

“Say unto them: Renounce adultery, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light-kingdom and be saved from the sulphur and pitch-seas of the lion-faced [one].

“Say unto them: Renounce murder, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the crocodile-faced ruler, — this one who is in the cold, is the first chamber of the outer darkness.

“Say unto them: Renounce pitilessness and impiety, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the rulers of the outer darkness.

“Say unto them: Renounce atheism, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the howling and grinding of teeth.

“Say unto them: Renounce [magic] potions, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the great cold and hail of the outer darkness.

“Say unto them: Renounce blasphemy, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the great dragon of the outer darkness.

“Say unto them: Renounce the doctrines of error, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from all the chastisements of the great dragon of the outer darkness.

“Say unto those who teach the doctrines of error and to every one who is instructed by them: Woe unto you, for, if ye do not repent and abandon your error, ye will go into the chastisements of the great dragon and of the outer darkness, which is exceedingly evil, and never will ye be cast [up] into the world, but will be non-existent until the end (you will enter into the Earth of No-return, the infernal worlds).

“Say unto those who abandon the doctrines of truth of the First Mystery: Woe unto you, for your chastisement is sad compared with [that of] all men. For ye will abide in the great cold and ice and hail in the midst of the dragon and of the outer darkness, and ye will never from this hour on be cast [up] into the world, but ye shall be frozen up in that region and at the dissolution of the universe ye will perish and become non-existent eternally (until they are reduced to dust within the infernal worlds of the mineral kingdom).

“Say rather to the men of the world: Be calm, that ye may receive the mysteries of the Light and go on high into the Light-kingdom.

“Say unto them: Be ye loving-unto-men, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and go on high into the Light-kingdom.

“Say unto them: Be ye gentle, that ye may receive the mysteries of the Light and go on high into the Light-kingdom.

“Say unto them: Be ye peaceful, that ye may receive the mysteries of the Light and go on high into the Light-kingdom.

“Say unto them: Be ye merciful, that ye may receive the mysteries of the Light and go on high into the Light-kingdom.

“Say unto them: Give ye alms, that ye may receive the mysteries of the Light and go on high into the Light-kingdom.

“Say unto them: Minister unto the poor and the sick and distressed, that ye may receive the mysteries of the Light and go on high into the Light-kingdom.

“Say unto them: Be ye loving-unto-God, that ye may receive the mysteries of the Light and go on high into the Light-kingdom.

“Say unto them: Be ye righteous, that ye may receive the mysteries [of the Light] and go on high into the Light-kingdom.

“Say unto them: Be good, that ye may receive the mysteries [of the Light] and go on high into the Light-kingdom.

“Say unto them: Renounce all, that ye may receive the mysteries of the Light and go on high into the Light-kingdom.

‘These are all the boundaries of the ways for those who are worthy of the mysteries of the Light.

“Unto, such, therefore, who have renounced in this renunciation, give the mysteries of the Light and hide them not from them at all, even though they are sinners and they have been in all the sins and all the iniquities of the world, all of which I have recounted unto you, in order that they may turn and repent and be in the submission which I have just recounted unto you. Give unto them the mysteries of the Light-kingdom and hide them not from them at all; for it is because of the sinfulness that I have brought the mysteries into the world that I may forgive all their sins which they have committed from the beginning on.

“For this cause have I said unto you aforetime: ‘I am not come to call the righteous.’ Now, therefore, I have brought the mysteries that [their] sins may be forgiven for every one and they be received into the Light-kingdom. For the mysteries are the gift of the First Mystery, that he may wipe out the sins.”

– Pistis Sophia

Samael Aun Weor

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