Absolute: Abstract space; that which is without attributes or limitations.
Ahankara: “The conception of ‘I,’ self-consciousness or self- identity; the ‘I,’ the egotistical and mayavic principle in man, due to our ignorance which seperates our ‘I’ from the Universal One-self Personality, egoism.” – FROM THE THEOSOPHICAL GLOSSARY. Ahamsara is then the dissolution of the ‘I’
Amrita: “The ambrosial drink or food of the Gods; the food which gives immortality. The elixir of life churned out of the ocean of milk in the Puranic allegory. An old vedic term applied to the sacred Soma juice in the Temple Mysteries.”
-FROM THE THEOSOPHICAL GLOSSARY. The transmutation of the sexual waters elaborates the extraordinary “pure waters of Amrita,” the mercury of secret philosophy.
Anahata sound: A high pitched note heard in moments of drowsiness or meditation.
Anti atom: “A title of Brahma, who is said to be an atom just as is the infinite universe.”
Bandha: Sankrit term for “bondage” or “to bind together.” Refers to postures in Hindu Yoga.
Brahmarandhra: “A spot on the crown of the head connected by Sushumna, a cord in the spinal column, with the heart.” – FROM THE THEOSOPHICAL GLOSSARY.
Celibacy: an unmarried state. Nowadays, this term is used incorrectly to refer to a state of renouncing sex.
Charity: Sacrifice for suffering humanity. Loving-kindness towards all beings.
Chastity: Alchemical transmutation of the sexual energy while renouncing animal desire and the orgasm. Absolute chastity is perfectly clean and virtuous, free of lust and animal desire.
Chaos: The primitive state of the universe. Often a reference to the semen, both in the microcosm and the macrocosm.
Dharana: Meditative concentration.
Dhyana: Active meditative contemplation on the nature of an object.
Dhyan-Choan: “Lord of the Light.” A Cosmocreator or Elohim.
Dhyani-pasa: “The rope of the Dhyanis or Spirits; the Pass- Not-Ring; the circle below which are all those who still labour under the delusion of seperateness.” – FROM THE
Elohim: From Hebrew; El is God, Eloah is Goddess, Elohim refers to Gods and Goddesses. A word with many applications; commonly used to refer to Cosmocreators or Dhyan-Choans.
Fohat: “The essence of cosmic electricity” – FROM THE THEOSOPHICAL
GLOSSARY. The universal fire of life, all- knowing and all-powerful.
Indriya: A reference to the energetic root of sensations.
Innermost: The Intimate; our own individual, interior Father.
Kundalini: “The power of life.”- FROM THE TEOSOPHICAL GLOSSARY. The
Sexual Fire that is at the base of all life.
Laya: “The point of matter where every differentiation has ceased.” – BLAVATSKY, THE SECRET DOCTRINE.
Linga Swayambhu: A phallic symbol that resides inside the Chakra Muladhara; a reference to Shiva.
Logos: The divine, multiple perfect unity. Logos means Verb or Word.
Maha-Choan: Sanskrit for “Chief Lord.” “The head of a spiritual Hierarchy.” – FROM THE TEOSOPHICAL GLOSSARY. Can be a reference to the Holy Spirit.
Mahakalpa: “The Great (maha) Age (kalpa).”
Mahamanvantara: “The Great Day.” A period of universal activity.
Mercavah: (or Mercabah) A chariot. A reference to the Soul that must be built in Alchemy.
Mudras: Literally “mystic seal.” A system of postures or positions.
Nadi: Nerve channel.
Prajapatis: “Progenitors. The givers of life to all on this Earth. They are seven and ten – corresponding to the seven and ten Kabbalistic Sephiroth; to the Mazdean Amesha Spentas, etc.” – FROM THE THEOSOPHICAL GLOSSARY.
Pranava: A sacred word.
Purusha: “Heavenly man.” The Inner Spirit, or Atman. A reference to the Innermost, the Being, Chesed.
Rajas: One of the three gunas, or qualities of nature. The quality of emotion, energy, craving, attachment, tension, or activity.
Samadhi: Ecstasy, satori. During the state of Samadhi the essence, the buddhata, escapes from the personality and experiences that which is beyond the mind and the affections.
Sanctity: sacredness or holiness. While we have anger, lust, envy, pride and all the other moral defects, we are not sanctified. To acheive sanctity we must eliminate our psychological defects.
Sattva: One of the three gunas, or qualities of nature. The quality of goodness, pleasure, clarity, serenity, illumination, detachment or purity. The “highest” of the three qualities.
Semen: The sexual energy of any creature or entity.
Seven Planetary Logos: Gabriel (Moon), Raphael (Mercury), Uriel (Venus), Michael (Sun), Samael (Mars), Zachariel (Jupiter), Orifiel (Saturn).
Shiva: The Hindu Creator and Destroyer. The Holy Spirit.
The Sexual Force. The Sephira Binah.
Tamas: One of the three gunas, or qualities of nature. The quality of darkness, foulness, ignorance, obscurity, heaviness or inertia. The “lowest” of the three qualities.
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