Gnosticism: A Journey into the Self

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Gnosticism, an ancient philosophical and religious movement, emerged as a path of self-discovery and esoteric wisdom. It flourished during the first centuries of the Christian era, challenging established religious norms and offering a unique perspective on the nature of reality and the search for salvation through the merits of each individual, as opposed to the common religious position that establishes believing in Jesus as the only requirement to achieve salvation.

At the heart of Gnosticism is gnosis, an intuitive and transcendental knowledge that enables individuals to overcome the limitations of the material world and attain a deeper understanding of their own divinity and achieve self-realization.

With a compendium of mystical practices and rites, the Gnostics managed to incarnate the Pneuma, the Divine Being, that is, GOD.

Glorious Origin

Gnosticism did not come out of the void. It was the result of a rich interaction of various religious and philosophical traditions and of course of divine intervention , which has always sought to reconnect the essential principles of man with the universe. The Hebrews, with their deep mystical tradition and their study of the Kabbalah, influenced Gnosticism with their ideas about the nature of God, the universe, the tree of life and the human soul.

The Essenes left a legacy of mystery and wisdom that continues to fascinate scholars and spiritual seekers. Their emphasis on secret knowledge, male-female dualism and spiritual purification makes them a key piece to understanding the context in which Gnosticism arose. If we add to this that Jesus of Nazareth studied with the Essenes, then they are even more mysterious…

The Valentinians , one of the most influential Gnostic schools, took elements of Christianity and reinterpreted them through a Gnostic lens. They believed in a transcendent supreme God and a series of divine emanations, known as aeons , that created the material world.

Gnosticism existed even before early Christianity , giving rise to a variety of Gnostic groups that offered alternative interpretations of Jesus’ teachings. These institutions often emphasized the importance of secret knowledge and direct, personal experience over Gnostic faith and doctrine.

Daath: The Hidden Sephirot

In Hebrew Kabbalah, Daath  is the hidden sephirot, often translated as “knowledge.” It represents a level of understanding and wisdom that goes beyond the intellect and is reached through the mystical experience of a self-realized man. Daath is considered a bridge between the divine world and the material world, and is explained by gnosis and the mysterious AZF arcana.


Master Samael Aun Weor tells us:

“The Hebrew Kabbalists speak to us of the Mysterious Daath that appears on the Tree of Life, to which no Divine name or Angelic Host of any kind is ever assigned and which also has no worldly sign, planet or element.

DAATH, the Sephiroth of the Hebrew Mystery is produced by the esoteric conjunction of SHIVA-SHAKTI, OSIRIS-ISIS, which are perpetually united in Jesod, the Foundation (the Ninth Sephiroth, the Ninth Sphere, Sex), but hidden by the Mystery of Daath that has the Tantric Knowledge, which is processed with the Sahaja Maithuna or Sexual Magic, which properly used allows the INTIMATE SELF-REALIZATION OF THE BEING.

Tarot and Kabbalah / Chapter 67

Gnosticism and the Search for Wisdom

Gnosticism shares with the Hebrew tradition the idea that direct esoteric knowledge is essential for salvation. Gnostics sought gnosis through the study of sacred texts, meditation, and the practice of rituals. They firmly believed that gnosis would allow them to transcend the material world and achieve union with the divine.

A Lasting Legacy

Despite persecution and suppression by orthodox religious authorities, Gnosticism survived and continued to influence Western thought. Its ideas about dualism, the nature of the soul, and the quest for gnosis resurfaced in various forms throughout history, from medieval Catharism to modern mysticism.

Today, Gnosticism remains a source of fascination and inspiration for those seeking a more direct spiritual path apart from the beliefs and dogmas of centuries past. Its ancient texts, such as the Gnostic Gospels  discovered in Nag Hammadi, Egypt, in 1945, offer unique insight into ancient spirituality and continue to challenge our assumptions about religion and our reality.

The literary works of Samael Aun Weor reveal mysteries to us and confront us with the dilemma of being or not being. The practice of the Arcanum and psychological death open doors to greater paths and bring us objectively closer to GOD.

Contemporary Gnosticism invites us to question, explore and seek our own inner knowledge. It reminds us that truth is not a dogma imposed from outside, but rather a personal journey of self-discovery and hidden wisdom. A journey that culminates in the sublime incarnation of the Platonic LOGOS in human nature itself.

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