Who does not know how to govern himself, cannot govern the people. The present-day politicians do not know how to govern themselves; They are full of cunning, selfishness, hatred, greed, lust, jealousy, envy, gluttony, drunkenness, etc., etc., etc.
It is absurd to vote for a candidate who does not know how to govern himself, it is stupid to elect a ruler who does not know how to govern himself. Who does not know how to govern himself, much less can he govern others.

The people have been victims of the rulers, they have been deceived miserably, and we can blame nobody but ourselves.
If the individual is reflective, if he studies the candidate’s conduct and sees that he is a drunk, gluttonous, greedy, a liar, a fornicator, lustful, an adulterer, etc., etc., and he does not vote for him, he will make a tremendous contribution to saving the world.
The tree is known by it’s fruits, such a fruit, such a tree, good fruits, good tree, bad fruits, bad tree.
The time for great reflections has come because we are doing very badly. The world is full of pain and we should not continue to increase the pain by choosing bad rulers.
The people have been and continue to be deceived by clever politicians who only want pleasure, power and money, that’s all.
We should not be fooled by the beautiful promises and the beautiful speeches of the sly fox politicians.
The perverts of politics tend to have brilliant intellects and hidden moral corruption.
The candidates for high authority enjoy lying, promise wonders and never fulfil what they promise.
Public officials of this era such as mayors, municipal presidents, police commanders, judges, governors, etc.., they are forced to steal to keep their superiors happy, they are sold and what is worse they are forced to sell themselves so as not to lose their job, that is the tragic situation of human justice in this day and age.
The judge or the police commander, etc., that does not yield good fruits to his superiors is expelled without any consideration .
In these times all judges, with very rare exceptions, are purchasable, there is no authority in these times does not allow itself to be bribed, to the straight and honest official, if they do not chase him from work, they grade him disparagingly, they give him a nickname and blight him so he does not get in the way.
Unfortunately we CANNOT COMPLAIN, or better said we should not complain, we ourselves elected our leaders, each of us made the mistake of electing the bad rulers.
We need deep comprehension and force of will to not be fooled anymore by those politicians who are greedy, cunning, lustful, jealous, drunk, etc.., etc., we must observe, study, analyse the personal conduct of those who want our popular vote.
The politician who has not dissolved the ego, who does not have self-awareness, is a blind man and an imbecile, and as the sacred scriptures say: “Blind guides leading blind people all go to the abyss.”
We must elect the self-aware politician, the man of right conduct, the man of right thinking, of right feeling, and of right work.
We must choose the man who is really travelling the path of perfection, I repeat : “You will know them by their fruits.”
It is stupid, terribly stupid, to choose intellectual demons so that, sitting in the chair of power, they can have the luxury of governing us.
It is the height of absurdity to give someone the knife to cut our throat; and that, precisely that, is what we are doing.
Unfortunately we have been really stupid to have been taken in by the beautiful speeches and the pretty promises of the deceptive and cunning politicians.
We ourselves have raised our bad governments, each individual is guilty of electing the tyrants.
The day will come when governments will no longer be needed, but now they are needed because we still do not know how to govern ourselves individually. When each individual is a government, when each one of us knows how to govern himself, we will no longer need anyone to govern us, then we will be free.
Once the ‘I’ is dissolved, we no longer need governments, we only need wise counselors qualified in their respective specialties, but we are far from reaching such heights.
Wherever there is violence, authority is needed, we are full of violence and therefore we need authority.
It is urgent to finish with violence, dissolving the ‘I’ is necessary, we require that which is called comprehension.
We need to be sincere with ourselves, we need to discover our own errors and this is only possible in living together, really living together is a mirror where the individual can see his whole body, just as he is.
In living together, in society, there is self-discovery, self-revelation, when the mind is in a state of alert perception . Really in living together hidden defects emerge, jump out, and then we see them as they are in themselves.
Let’s analyze the defects discovered, let’s meditate deeply upon them, and thus we will discover them in their origin and in their depths, the mind has many depths.
When a defect has been discovered in all the levels of the mind, then it is clear that it disintegrates, it is reduced to dust, thus we are dying from moment to moment, that is how the ‘I’ dissolves.
The hour has arrived when we should think better. The ruler who has not dissolved the ‘I’, is in fact a perverse demon even when he is very intellectual and elected is, I repeat: a stupidity.
The cunning Politicians always say: “My private life is one thing and my public life is another, nobody can intervene in my private life”, this is the evasion with which they always seek to justify their own crimes.
If the candidates for the highest judgeship, or for governor, etc., don’t like people to get involved in their private life, then the best that they can do is not to get involved in politics.
Nobody really should be concerned about the lives of others, but there are other people’s lives that we must inevitably examine, it would be absurd not to examine the private lives of candidates for Government.
The Candidate who deals with the wife and children of his house with sticks, with the people will be an executioner, and if he is a drunkard in his house he will increase the vice in the people, and if he steals from his friends he will rob the people, and if he is lustful he will sell the fatherland to please any woman, etc, etc.
The candidate who does not know how to govern his house, who does not know how to govern himself, who does not know how to govern his children and his servants, cannot govern a country.
It is manifestly absurd to vote for a candidate of whom we are ignorant, for a candidate imposed by the political cabals based on propaganda.
The spineless men, the flatterers, the selfish hypocrites who surround their candidates, only think selfishly of their own personal benefits without caring at all about the morality of the candidate they impose based on propaganda.
This is how the people moan under the heel of the tyrants, this is how the peoples have become victims of the perverse.
The time for great reflections has arrived. Each individual must have the courage to not be taken in by propaganda, the mass is a sum of individuals and if the individual does not give his vote, the masses will not give their votes.
First of all the individual must have the courage not to vote for a candidate whose private life is unknown, we should not as individuals think that if others vote we will be isolated, we must be individuals, and think as individuals, and have the courage not to vote for candidates whose morality is not known, regardless of the way of thinking of others, because each individual is each individual.
Each town, each village, each farm, labor union and city, must choose through the system of popular vote, men of recognized and irreproachable morals, to carefully investigate the private life of the candidate to president, governor, judge, etc., etc., etc.
The peoples should only give their vote for men of recognized morality, thus we avoid the misfortune of giving power to the wicked.
Remember men and peoples, that in the world there are men of brilliant intellectualism and convincing words, but thieves, cunning, greedy, murderers, etc., etc., etc.
It is absurd to give the power to the perverse for the mere factor of speaking beautifully and making magnificent promises.
Usually the candidates for the high authority are surrounded by salaried gunmen, and have no objection to secretly kill anyone who casts a shadow over them.
It is completely proven that the candidates for the highest authority are not really candidates of the people.
Normally the cabals of the powerful choose the candidates and they impose them on the basis of a lot of propaganda.
The money invested in this propaganda comes out, naturally as always, from the purses of the suffering classes.
The most curious thing is the way in which the puppets of the secret powerful cliques are imposed.
Everywhere effigies of the candidates appear with flashy phrases and sentences that say, so-and- so: “the candidate of the people”.
Really the poor people, suffering and exploited miserably, do not even know the candidate, and if he votes for him, he does it under pressure and with the purpose of not losing his job. Everyone has to defend their employment and naturally they must vote for the candidate imposed based on propaganda.
In almost all the countries of the western world the heads of state are puppets, puppets controlled by certain groups of cunning and greedy millionaires.
Almost always those great heads of state, both in Europe and in America, are in the habit of secretly assassinating all those who cast a shadow over them.
With infinite pain we know that some of those leaders, being big murderers, have won the Nobel Peace Prize.
Samael Aun Weor
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