The Eternal Lady, the Soul-Spirit (Buddhi) always requires from her Gentleman, the Human Soul (superior Manas), every kind of outrageous sacrifice and prodigy of bravery…

She, the perfect Divine Wife, is Guinevere, the queen of Jinn, the one that poured the wine for Lancelot…

Delicious wine of the transcendent spirituality in the initiatory cups of Sukra and Manti…

Cups which are nothing, in fact, but the Holy Grail in its meaning of chalice of the supreme beverage or initiatory nectar of the Holy Gods…

Happy is the Knight who after the hard struggle celebrates his wedding with the Queen of Jinn!

It is written in golden letters in the Book of Life that “inside the Buddhi (Spiritual Soul), like a vase of alabaster, delicate and transparent, burns the Flame of Prajna” (the Being).

I experienced the happiness of finding my loved one in the secret place of the Second Mountain

During one night of indisputable delights I experienced the happiness of finding my loved one in the secret place of the Second Mountain.

The carriage of my betrothed advanced slowly along the lonely road…

It is said in the legend of the centuries that the marquise of Beaupré used to travel in a carriage of singular beauty, made of pure porcelain; but the triumphal carriage of my adorable Walkyrie resembled that other carriage that in times of the rococo was used by the wife of the duke of Clermont, splendid carriage with a team of six horses that wore silver horseshoes and wheels rims made of that same metal…

The triumphal carriage of my beloved stops before a palace of shining porphyry, where the riches and splendours of the orient brighten the walls and panels…

The splendid vehicle stops before the doors of shining brass, which frighten with their majesty…

Soon a friendly choir surrounded the carriage: distinguished gentlemen, princes and nobles, beautiful ladies and delicate infants…

Somebody gives a signal and I obey, I move towards the carriage of Love, and see through the crystal panes of happiness my Walkyrie (Buddhi).

Dressed in the wedding dress, the Wedding Dress of the Soul, my betrothed has arrived in her shining carriage for the wedding…

To get married before the Holy Altar with my Twin Soul, the theosophical Buddhi… My God, what happiness! However, I was told that I had to wait for a short time…

The virile provider of the force from above had delayed me, and I suffered in an indescribable way…

Around that time I had to immerse myself deeply in the Sacred Mysteries of Minna, the frightening lunar darkness of a love that is a twin brother of death itself…

I worked intensively in the super-darkness of silence and the august secret of the wise men…

I had to wait for a time… However, I sighed for Guinevere, the Queen of Jinn (my spiritual soul).

A certain night, the stars shining in the infinite space seemed to have a new aspect…

Far from the worldly noise I was in ecstasy, the door of my room was hermetically sealed…

It was certainly then, at that time, when I celebrated the Wedding with my adored one (Buddhi); she entered me and I got lost in her…

At those instants of happiness the Sun of Midnight (the Solar Logos) shone intensively.

I felt transformed in an integral manner. The famous chakra Sahasrara, the Lotus of the Thousand Petals, the Crown of the Saints, shone victorious in my pineal gland and I went into the state known by the hindustani with the Sanskrit term paramananda (supreme spiritual happiness).

It was then that I felt the need to become an authentic and legitimate Bhamavidvarishta.

The thousand Yogic nadis of the Sahasrara conferred to me, in fact, power over certain subtle forces of Nature…

Buddhi, my Guinevere, my Spiritual Soul, besides taking the Shiva-Shakti-Tattwa to the maximum of vibratory activity, had put the Coronary Padma in a certain state of intensified mystical functioning…

Then I saw myself become the Messenger of the New Aquarian Age, teaching humanity a Doctrine so new and revolutionary…and however so ancient…

When I opened the door of my room, the Diamond Eye (the pineal gland) let me see many enemies. It is obvious that the diffusion of Gnosis, in its revolutionary form, will increase progressively the number of my adversaries.

It is not too much to say that after this great cosmic event, a certain nuptial rite had to take place in the Temple. Many people attended this festival of Love…

Unquestionably in the Fifth Initiation of Fire I had incarnated my Human Soul (the superior Manas of Theosophy).

However now, oh, Gods! With this alchemical and kabbalist wedding I incarnated also my Spiritual Soul (the Buddhi).

In fact, inside the Spiritual Soul always burns in an unalterable manner the Flame of Prajna (the Intimate).

Samael Aun Weor

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