Hatha Yoga Pradipika

The Hatha-Yoga-Pradipika of the Great Hindustani Initiates emphasizes the transcendental idea that a coitus, which is performed with a consecrated woman, is a true panacea for the attaining of the most elevated mystical states.

The sexual act is the legitimate enjoyment of human beings. It is the consubstantiation of love in the psycho-physical realism of our nature.

A certain great Sage (whose name I do not mention), when commenting something about Hindustani Tantrism, stated:

Presently, a sect of Shiva in Bombay India performs the sacred nuptials in accordance with the rules of Vatsyayana, the author of Kamasutra.

A selected Shakti is placed naked upon an altar, the High Priest accomplishes in her his offering by means of the coitus.

The gigantic image of the God Shiva, illuminated by numerous oil lamps, contemplates the carnal coupling from the heights.

With a determined sign from the High Priest, a general cohabitation must be verified, in which each couple must represent Shiva and his Shakti (Spouse).

The adepts of this sect believe that with their sexual offering they glorify the universe, which is maintained only by the eternal spontaneous procreation of Divinity. Thus, they precisely reach through this act the rhythmic consonance of eternity.

Previously, weeks before the beginning of these ‘sacred nuptials’, the participant was earnestly instructed by the priests: Woe to the one who during this act allows the activity of the most meaningless profane thoughts, or rather, looks for the satisfaction of his own senses, for the wrath of the Divinity will pitilessly throw itself upon him.

When in the temples of Assyria, Egypt, Persia, India, Greece, etc., etc., Priests and Priestesses were united in the sexual act in front of the attendants, or rather, when in the temples of Shiva, hundreds of couples at the same time were copulating during determined festivities of this God. In the depth of this apparently major license, there was still a most occult and profound sense.

Through the Sahaja Maithuna, the sexual act of prodigies, a fluidic essence, an extraordinary, marvelous and omnipotent magnetism is liberated, that when discharged suddenly, in the very moment actually converts itself into the ‘Genius Lucis’  of  all magical enchantments.

An ancient Japanese proverb states: “By means of veneration, one can make a dog’s tooth to shine.”

“Your teeth are whiter than the pearls which grow from within the seas,” said the great Kabir Jesus when addressing a cadaver of a dog in decay.

It is evident by all means and with complete meridian clarity that this is the Traditional Magic, the famous oriental Gupta Vidya, that mysterious science with which we can definitively attain the Final Liberation.

It is unquestionable that Parsifal, the mystic hero, by courageously refraining the sexual impulse, by intrepidly withdrawing himself from that impetuous blond woman whom they called Herodias, without spilling Hermes’ cup (the Ens Seminis), as a fact, is grasping in his omnipotent and terribly divine dexterous hand the Lance of Longinus, the extraordinary emblem of the ‘Genius Lucis’, the Odic or magnetic force with which in a gesture he swings in the sign of the Cross, in order to convert the animal ego into cosmic dust.

In this new era of the zodiacal sign of Aquarius, the collective copulation in the manner of those forgone times becomes out of orbit, extemporaneous, antiquated and retarded. This is the sidereal instant in which all of us must walk on the amorous path of the perfect matrimony.

To grasp with vigor the venerated Lance in the Laboratorium-Oratorium of the Third Logos is without any doubt something radical, if indeed, what we want is to reduce into ashes the left-handed and tenebrous castle of Klingsor or secret Mephistopheles, which each one of us carries inside.

Comprehension and elimination are basic, decisive and fundamental factors. It is unquestionable that every psychological defect must be previously comprehended in an integral way before its elimination.

A didactic is necessary, this is obvious. Fortunately we have it, and indeed, this is very simple and powerful.

To pray while in the bridal chamber of the garden of delights, in the nuptial bed of erotic marvels; to beseech in the moment of enjoyments, in the unforgettable instant of the coitus; to ask to our Divine Mother Kundalini to splendidly grasp the Magical Lance in those moments of kisses and tenderness, in order to eliminate that defect that we have previously comprehended in all the departments of the mind; and subsequently, to withdraw from the act, without spilling the sacred Wine (the Ens Seminis) signifies  death, joy, inebriation, delight, enjoyment…

On its own, comprehension is not enough; radical and absolute elimination is urgent, unavoidable and indispensable…

Any rational homunculi could clearly comprehend the abominable defect of anger and, nonetheless, continue with it even if he devours its entrails.

This wretched intellectual animal mind certainly cannot fundamentally alter anything.  We need the aid of a superior power, of a living potency capable of eliminating or totally discarding the sinister entity that psychologically personifies the error which we have comprehended. Such an authority is, without any doubt, our divine and adorable Mother Kundalini, the sub lime spouse of the Holy Spirit, the fiery serpent of our magical powers, the solar electronic fire that in a splendid form unfolds and develops in the dorsal spine of the ascetic.

It is a vain thing to be conceited with the animal and lunar mind… By itself, it can only lead us to error…

The intellect can give to itself the luxury of hiding defects or repudiating them, condemning them, justifying them, labeling them with diverse names, dissimulating them, hiding them from the sight of the neighbor, passing them from one department into another, etc. Yet, it can never eliminate them.

The Esoteric-Christic Lance of the Holy Grail and the pagan Lance of Pacts displayed by Wotan, is the same and unique Lance, Shaft or Holy Pike, kept as sacred in all populaces from the most remote antiquity.

Indeed, it is unquestionable that only with the weapon of Eros, grasped by the Divine Mother Kundalini during the sacred coitus, can we radically eliminate one by one all of those tenebrous entities that personify our psychological defects and that in their conjunction characterize the animal ego.

Samael Aun Weor

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