The event of Hercolubus is preceded by the entrance of our planet Earth into the rings of Alcyone. This is when we will comprehend that physical nature is not always the same.
If you believe that physical matter, the matter that compounds our world, existed always with the same mathematical formulae, then you are completely mistaken. Matter was distinct in the Polar, Hyperborean, Lemurian, and Atlantean epochs. Now, when we cross through the rings of Alcyone, the mathematical formulae will completely change.
Example: as a result of this radiation, the elements that today are working for medicine will become obsolete.
The formulae for animals will be out of order.
The knowledge of contemporaneous physics will be the laughing stock of all the world.
Everything that is being taught in modern chemistry will become useless, because chemistry will change its formulae within a few years, upon the entrance into the radiation of Alcyone.
Once again we will evidence the Law of the Pendulum.
We are starting the new cycle of transformations that was initiated on the 4th of February, 1962, between two and three in the afternoon, in spite of what the stubborn people might say. But we always refer to the facts.
There has never been a more grandiose concentration in heaven like the one on the 4th of February, 1962.
Let us then not be surprised that from one moment to the next our solar system will enter within the rings of Alcyone. We must prepare ourselves now.
Many will not resist the radiation and will die!
Physical matter will become more radioactive, more fluorescent, and this will in some way be helpful for our spiritual work.
It is clear that we must review our daily conduct. We must become more reflective, more careful with our critical judgements, and especially very careful with our negative emotions.
When we are in the very field of psychology, we find many disorders within people.
Everyone is being dragged down by negative emotions, and this is very grave.
There is nothing more harmful for profound internal development than negative emotions.
When you are assaulted by a negative emotion, you must express the best that is possible within you during that event. If a negative emotion has arrived, for instance, a negative emotion of envy that is eating you up, down to the very marrow of your bones, then try and display a very harmonious behavior, not in favor of envy, of course, but in favor of your neighbor’s good.
If an emotion of anger is shaking us up, then speak with an extraordinary sweetness, and instead of being upset with the one that has hurt us, speak well of this one who has offended us. Thus, we will not be hurt internally.
It is not an easy task to express good when one is feeling a negative emotion. But it is only this way that it must be.
If we have an emotion of resentment because someone has been bothering us, then let us speak with love and in favor of the one who has bothered us.
It is clear that we must not remain on the surface. We must eliminate those undesirable psychological elements that from moment to moment produce within us negative emotions of anger, envy, hatred, lust, pride, etc., etc. At the very least, we must eliminate the psychological aggregates that have produced these negative emotions. Thus, we will not be hurt.
Unquestionably, this physical world of forty-eight laws is in the momentum of entering into the rings of Alcyone. So, everyone is being shaken up by negative emotions and nothing could be more contagious than these emotions.
There exist bacteria and viruses, there is no doubt of this.
Bacteria originate many types of sicknesses. This has already been demonstrated in the test tubes of the laboratories.
In regard to pathogenic viruses, these are infinitely small and therefore more dangerous. Let us observe, for instance, the virus of cancer. Even though some might think that its isolation has still not been achieved, we have to inform you that in Israel the virus has already been isolated. We do not know with which name this virus was baptized.
We baptized this virus with the name “Cancro” and we have spoken about this extensively before. It is so tiny that a powerful electronic microscope is necessary in order to study it.
Regardless of the fact that these viruses are so tiny, they become more dangerous and more contagious.
Nonetheless, negative people, victims of negative emotions, become more contagious than viruses and bacteria.
Grouchy people, who are always filled with envy, who are always obnoxious at any given moment, people who are filled with morbid minds at any given time, people who suffer deliriums of persecution, who say they are bewitched, who say that are hated by everybody, are negative and infect the groups; they infect others.
In our work, we isolate such people. If they do not comprehend, if they feel upset and think that we do not love them, they are mistaken: we love them, and through this way we are insinuating that they must become positive, amicable, and magnetic. We offer them the opportunity to study our wisdom, but we isolate them in a certain way because they are dangerous for the groups.
A negative person can infect other negative people, and if this person dictates a lecture, then he infects thousands of people. They are more dangerous, thousand of times more dangerous, than viruses and bacteria.
There is the need to specify who the negative people are and which are the negative emotions.
It is not enough to say that such a fellow is negative or that the other fellow is not. There is the need to specify who are the negative people.
If a person is screaming, grouchy, and complaining all day, is this person positive or negative?
If a person is tremendously lustful and his life is processed by virtue of lust, if this person is full of frightful emotions and sees in each person of the opposite sex a sexual opportunity, what would we say about this person? If just a look from the opposite sex agitates him and that look is enough for him to be constantly with lust, what can we think of him? Obviously, he is a negative person, and of course this person comes to infect other people.
If a person goes everywhere from instant to instant with negative emotions, this person infects the whole world.
The angry ones who at any time are thundering and lightning infect other people with their anger.
It comes into my memory the case of a friend of mine who had the custom of placing his hands under the belt of his pants. So one day, a man approached him with a gun in his hand and asked him, “What’s the matter with you? Do you want to start something with me?”
Then my friend answered, “No!”
“So then why do you have your hands like that?”
My friend then answered, “It is a custom that I have, sir.”
The other person then said, “Ah well, excuse me, what happened is that I am enraged (with anger).”
Thus, this is an example of someone negative infecting the whole world.
People like this have to be isolated from groups; they do not understand or they do not comprehend that they are negative. They think that we do not love them, but we love them; what occurs is that they are infected people that interrupt the interior, profound development of the Being.
Behold, this is the grave part of this matter. Therefore, from a psychological point of view, it is necessary that we do not allow ourselves to be pulled in by negative emotions.
kabbalah-the-tree-of-lifeWe have the longing of visiting or entering within the Sephirothic regions of space. One thing is to grasp a Sephira and another thing is to penetrate within it. Obviously, the Sephiroth are atomic and we, the Gnostics, must penetrate within the Tree of Life.
We must know that there are many Sephirothic regions within space; to penetrate within them is marvelous.
How are we going to penetrate into the Kabbalistic region of Hod if we do not have a psychological body? There exist psychological projections (Astral projections). The diverse psychological aggregates can, at any given moment, integrate themselves in order to penetrate within the Sephira Hod (Astral World, or First Heaven). But this would only be a subjective entrance; this would not have objectivity as when the second body (Astral Body) has been created. This body has to be created in order to handle the emotions of this region. What type of emotions am I referring to? I am referring to superior emotions. The inferior emotions are an obstacle for experiencing what is Reality (God), and for the psychological development of the Being.
If we want to be born again, to create a second body, in order to penetrate into the Sephirotic region of Hod (the kingdom of heaven), then it is obvious that we should not torpidly waste our energies by letting ourselves be pulled in by negative emotions, such as violence, hatred, jealousy, pride, etc.
If the energies are wasted by inferior emotions, then with what energy are we going to create a psychological body? How is this going to be achieved if we are wasting the energies?
In order to create a psychological body (to be born again) it is necessary to save our energies.
In order to explore the regions of Hod (according to what has been taught, these immense regions are governed by ineffable beings, by solar beings, example: the Beni-Elohim or the Children of God who dwell within those profound regions) only the one who saves energies can penetrate into the profundities of Hod.
It would be impossible to penetrate or to have access to the mysteries of life and death without the Kabbalistic body of Hod. This is obvious.
Therefore, let us begin to save our energies. When a negative emotion is shaking us up, then it is worth knowing which psychological aggregate produced it. After having observed this aggregate (sin) in action, we must submit it to the technique of meditation, in order to comprehend and disintegrate it. Otherwise, how else are we going to do it?
What is most terrible is that negative emotions transform the human being into a liar. The liar produces a mistaken connection, because the energy of the Elder of Days (our Father who is in heaven, the Truth) flows harmoniously and perfectly throughout the ten Sephiroth of the Hebraic Kabbalah until reaching Malkuth (or the Kingdom), the physical person, or psycho-physical person. The liar connects himself in a wrong way; he intentionally, with his negative emotions, produces a dislocation of his mind, and consequently, a lie emerges, which is a mistaken connection.
One can be a liar due to a negative emotion that transforms us into slanderers and liars, or one can be consciously and by will a liar. In any case, these are negative connections of the mind with the superior centers of the Being. A dislocation of the mind with the superior centers of the Being is produced (therefore, we do not perceive things in their true sense).
We have to say the truth always, at any cost, and no matter what. To say the truth and nothing else but the truth is the crude fact of this matter.
So, negative emotions transform people into liars.
The karma of liars is monstrosity: children who are born with two heads, deformed children, are like that because they have been connected in the wrong way with the superior centers of the Being. These souls were intentionally and continuously lying in their past life. Therefore, they come into their new existence with a deformed body. Behold here what a lie is.
We must pay much attention to this matter.
When one has created a second psychological body, which permits us to enter within the Sephirothic regions of Hod, one can evidence by oneself what a lie is, falseness.
Michael is the one who is the regent of such a Sephirah, and it is obvious that He marvelously shines within this region.
So, how are we going to explore those regions if we are liars, if we are victims of negative emotions? It is obvious that we cannot.
How are we going to explore the regions of Netzach if we do not correctly connect ourselves with the superior centers of the Being?
It is necessary to create a psychological Mental Body in order to explore the regions of Netzach (Mental World), otherwise it is impossible.
No one can create a psychological Mental Body if they allow themselves to be pulled in by negative emotions. There will not be enough energies in order to create this individual mind, which would permit us to explore the psychological regions of the universal mind.
So, in order to explore the regions of Hod and Netzach, it is necessary to utter the truth and nothing but the truth, and no person can say the truth if they are being pulled by negative emotions.
We need to obey the Father who is in heaven, and those who let themselves be pulled by negative emotions are not obeying the Father. The Father is the Truth and nothing but the Truth. So, in order to obey the Father who is in heaven, the psychological connections must be perfect. One must harmoniously and correctly learn to connect oneself with the Father who is in heaven.
The one who has also has created a body of Conscious Will has done so by having learned to obey the Father.
All of us have the Elder of Days within our depths, mentions the great Kabbalist Schimeon Ben Jochai, but few are those who know how to obey the Elder of Days.
One cannot obey the Elder of Days if one does not do the will of the Father. One does not do the will of the Father who is in heaven when one lies. The will of God the Father is not fulfilled when one allows oneself to be pulled by negative emotions.
Therefore, beloved readers, it is necessary to learn to live wisely. It is necessary to self-explore, to observe ourselves better.
So, we are now going to enter into an extraordinary epoch. The great selection has begun. Not all of this humanity who populate the face of the Earth will serve as a seed bed for the coming sixth Root Race, which will populate the future world.
Once this planet Earth is within the rings of Alcyone, then all we the workers of the Great Work have been stating will become evident.
The Tree of Life is the spinal medulla. This Tree of Wisdom is also the ten Sephiroth, the twenty-two creative Major Arcana, letters, sounds, and numbers, with which the Logos (God) created the universe.
Samael Aun Weor
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