It is ostensible that in the past, Parsifal, the innocent chaste one had also wounded with his arrow the swan of immaculate whiteness, the miraculous Hamsa…
He keeps silent to all the diverse questions that, with much emphasis, are asked of him. It is obvious that he ignores everything, he has eliminated the ‘I’, he does not even remember the name of his terrestrial progenitor, he has re-conquered the Edenic innocence…
He only knows his mother, her name, which is Herzeleide, and that in the most profound forest they made their home.
Fatherless did his poor, heartbroken, sweet mother bear him, for his father (Gamuret was his name) was gloriously slain amidst the armies and bucklers in the battlefield.
This adorable mother, in order to protect her child against the premature sign of the heroes, far from arms and in the middle of the crassest ignorance, she raised him with infinite tenderness in a wilderness.
Nonetheless… one given day, this young man of heroic lineage saw human flames within the forest…
The glittering array of those Knights of sparkling vestures (the Grail Knights), who successfully passed through the edge of those solitary wooded spots, was so intense that the young man, impelled by his heroic instinct, resolved to pursue them through the mountains.
Protected with the weapons of Vulcan, such a young boy fought the beast of the abyss, vile representations of his ancient errors. Thus, he reduced them into cosmic dust. This is how that fearless boy advanced until the domain of the Grail (this is how we must advance).
Kundry, Herodias, informs him that his adorable mother is dead, cruel news which gives him an infinite bitterness that is impossible to describe with words…
Frightful moment is this: Parsifal springs furiously at Kundry, then he faints and falls. She at once hastens to a spring and brings the refreshing water to help him…
Afterwards, the tremendous hour comes: Gundryggia says terrible things; everything that exists has its day and its hour.
It is now important to remember that beautiful poem of Don Ramon del Valle Inclan, entitled:
It is the hour for the enigmas, when in the evening of a summer,
a goshawk sent one from the clouds upon the benign doves
It is the hour for the enigmas!
It is the hour of the dove: pursuing the flights is the sight of a girt. Pink evening light,
divine and musical comma of love.
It is the hour of the dove! It is the hour of the serpent:
from himself a white hair the devil yanks off from the tree the apple breaks off
and the crystal of a dream did rent, It is the hour of the serpent!
It is the hour of the hen:
the cemetery has lights,
before the crucifixes, the devotees in heights make the sign of the cross, the wind agonizes.
It is the hour of the hen! It is the hour of the maiden:
tears, letters and songs,
the air filled with orange blossoms the blue evening, only one star
It is the hour of the maiden!
It is the hour of the screeching owl:
by he, the aged one, the scriptures are deciphered suddenly, the mirror is shattered
she, the aged one leaves with the oil bowl It is the hour of the screeching owl!
It is the hour of the coquette: Serenaded by a guitar is the street she, the aged one a young lad treats to a ring with a rosette.
It is the hour of the coquette! It is the hour of a soul in grief: In the crossroads, a soothsayer with the excommunicated prayer
unto the dead asks for his necklace in brief It is the hour of a soul in grief!
It is the hour of the vespertine: lurking, the little owl is in the pine, the bandit in his way receives a fine
and Satan in the brothel is a swine.
It is the hour of the vespertine!
Samael Aun Weor
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