It is written with characters of fire in the Book of Splendours that when Jesus—the gnostic Great Priest—exhaled his last breath, the philosophical earth, his very human person, trembled on understanding the difficult task that destiny had reserved for him, and the stones of the Path of the Razor’s Edge cracked and the Path became even more difficult (this is only understood integrally by those Masters who, after having died to themselves, are prepared for the Resurrection).

Mercury, as an astrological planet, is much more mysterious than even Venus is, and identical to the mazdean Mithra, the Buddha, the genie or god situated between the Sun and the Moon, the perpetual companion of the Son of Wisdom.
Pausanias, in his book V, shows him to us sharing an altar with Jupiter. He showed wings, to express his assistance to the Sun in its course, and was called the Nuncio and the Wolf of the Sun; Solaris Luminis Particeps.
“He was the Leader and the one who Evokes the Souls, the Arch-Magus and Hierophant”.
Virgil describes him taking his Caduceus or Hammer to call up again to life those unhappy Souls fallen in the Orco or Limbo. “Tum virgam capit, hac Animas ille evocat Orco”, with the sane purpose of making them join the celestial militia.
After these explanations the following verses become clear.
<< …and the earth shook, the rocks were split, the tombs also were opened, and many bodies of the Saints who had fallen asleep (and were in the Orcus or Limbo) were raised, and coming out of the tombs (after their esoteric Resurrection) after his resurrection, they went into the Holy City (the superior Jerusalem) and appeared to many 18. >>
Unquestionably many saints have wanted to self-realise intimately without the Holy Sacrament of the Church of Love (Sahaja Maithuna).
These unhappy souls always fall into the Orco or Limbo of ignorance, darkness and pain…
Only by dying in oneself, with the Death on the Cross—a symbol which is totally sexual—it the Resurrection then possible…
“If the germ does not die the plant is not born”. “The Path of Life is formed with the footprints of the hooves of the horse of Death.”
Mercury is the golden planet, the ineffable one, that which the Hierophants forbid naming, and it is symbolised in the Greek mythology by the famous guardian dogs of the celestial herd that drink from the pure fountains of the Occult Wisdom…
Mercury is also Hermes-Anubis, the good inspirer or Agathodaemon. As Bird of Argos, he keeps watch over the Earth, where he is wrongly mistaken by the Sun itself; they are the Hindu Sarama and Sarameya respectively.
The emperor Julian prayed every night to the Occult Sun for the intercession of Mercury, since, as Vossius says:
“Every theologian reassures us that Mercury and the Sun are one and the same… That is why Mercury used to be considered as the most eloquent and wise of the gods, which should not puzzle us, since Mercury is so very close to the Wisdom and the Word (or Logos), that he has been mistaken by both…”
Matthew 27:51,53.
Mercury is the Third Logos, Shiva, the Holy Ghost, the First Born of Creation, our authentic, particular, individual Monad…
Oh, Holy Gods! How sad would the fate of the saints be in Limbo if Mercury were to abandon them…
Mercury, Shiva, Great Hierophant, Nuncio and Wolf of the Intimate Christ, supreme hope of those that sleep inside the Holy Sepulchre…
I recognised the phallic signal of the Boat of Ra when going through the Eighth Venusian Initiation. Then I shouted in a loud voice, saying:
“When the first trumpet sounds I will resuscitate from amongst the dead”.
“Hail, oh Great Divinity, who navigates on your boat! Having been transported here, I appear before you!”
“Let me go up to the bridge and direct the manoeuvre of the boat, like your servants do, the Archons of the planets”.
Litelantes felt somewhat sad as she contemplated my Holy Sepulchre. “Do not be afraid—a Mahatma told her—, his physical body will not die”. These words totally calmed her.
In that far away time of my present existence I had not even died to myself, I continued with the Ego very much alive. The sepulchre was then merely symbolic, like the coffin of a Masonic lodge…
I did understand, though, in an integral manner, the sepulchral symbolism. I knew that I had to die in myself to have the right to the Resurrection of Hiram Abif, the Secret Master, inside my Heart-Temple…
That Initiation ended with precise instructions related to the mission that I am actually fulfilling in this world…
Samael Aun Weor
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