Hymn of the Grail

From such a delectable and pleasant bath, the litter of the King is shown passing by towards the castle of Monsalvat.

The venerable Elder Gurnemanz joins the escort, kindly inviting the young man to the sacred feast.

It is necessary for the boy to also receive the benefits of the Grail…

“I scarcely stir; yet, I sense that all things move apace.” says Parsifal.

The Elder, grown white in wisdom, answers with great assertion: “You see my son, here time is one with space…”

Time in itself is the fourth dimension. This is ostensible…

The fourth coordinate is summarized in two totally defined aspects: The temporal and the spatial.

It is unquestionable that the chronometrical aspect of the fourth dimension is just the surface…

It is indubitable that the spatial aspect of the fourth vertical is the depth…

A fourth vertical always exists within the three-dimens ional world in which we live. This in itself is time.

Time does not exist within Eternity.

It is clear that Eternity becomes the fifth dimension. You know this… In Eternity, everything is processed within an eternal now…

Have you ever heard about that which is beyond time and Eternity? It is clear that the sixth dimension exists…

But, what will we say about the unknowable zero dimension? Pure Spirit? Yes! Yes! Yes…!

The Elder Gurnemanz, with that wisdom whitened by time, understands everything. Thus, wisely, he leads the son of Herzeleide to the Holy Grail…

Gradually, while the old Master and his young disciple advance, the scene changes more perceptibly.

Down below, the solitary forest disappears, while Gurnemanz and Parsifal patie ntly climb the monstrous granite bulk.

Little by little, each time better, the gentle reveille of the trombones and the august sounding of the temple bells are heard…

Finally, Master and disciple arrive at a precious pillared hail, whose majestic vaulted dome is lost in the height…

Parsifal, standing in ecstasy, is speechless while in front  of such a divine magnificence that is impossible to describe with words…

On both sides, at the far end, two doors full of glory are opened. The Knights of the Grail enter through them…

In order, the Cavaliers of the Light place themselves before two long, cloth covered tables, which are parallel to each other and which leave an empty space between them.

Chalices or cups are upon such joyful tables; yet, delightful dishes are missing.

From another side appears the King Amfortas borne in on a litter by valiant Squires and serving Brothers, and before the King are some pure children, who are like angels with rosy faces…

These creatures bear a shrine covered with a purpure cloth, within which the mysteries of sex are hidden.

The sublime escort places the King Amfortas on a raised couch to the center upstage, under a canopy, upon a marble table that is in front of the sacred shrine…

From the diverse places of the temple, this Congregation of Light intones joyfully the hymn of the Grail, that says:

O Feast of love undying, from day to day renewed, draw near, as for the last time,

to taste this sacred food. Who revels in good deeds this holy Feast still feeds: he dares approach the shrine to share this gift divine.

For sins of the world with thousand sorrows His sacred blood He offered; to the world’s Redeemer with joyful heart, oh, how gladly my blood I proffer: He died, for sin atoning thus, He lives, by death He lives in us!

In faith and love, behold the dove, the Savior’s shining token: take ye the wine,

His blood divine, and bread of life here broken!

Samael Aun Weor

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