Image, Values and Identity

In Mental Dynamics we need to know something about how and why the mind functions.

In mental dynamics it is urgent to know something about the how and why of the different functionalisms of the mind.

A realistic system is needed if we truly want to know the potential of the human mind.

We need to improve the quality of values, identity and image of ourselves. I think that a change of values, image and identity is fundamental.

The intellectual animal, mistakenly called man, has educated himself to deny his authentic identity, values and image.

To accept the negative culture, subjectively installed in our mind, in our interior, following the path of least resistance, is absurd. We need an objective culture.

To accept just like that, following the line of least resistance, the subjective culture of this decadent era, is unquestionably absurd.

We need to undergo a total revolution and a definitive change in this matter of image, values and identity.

The exterior image of man, and the diverse circumstances that surround him, are the exact result of his exterior image and of his psychological processes.

Self-image is different, it is the inner KM., the Kosmic Man, the Kosmos Man, our divine prototype, the Real Being.

Image, values and identity, should be changed radically. This is Integral Revolution. We need the identity of the Being, values of the Being and image of the Being.

If we discover the reserves of intelligence contained in the mind, we can liberate it. The reserves of intelligence are the different parts of the Being which orient us in the work related with the disintegration of the ego and with the liberation of the mind. The reserves of intelligence, contained in the mind, orient us in the work related with the liberation of the mind. The values of the Being constitute the intelligence. The reserves of intelligence are the diverse parts of the Being that guide and orient us in the psychological work related to the annihilation of the ego and the liberation of the mind.

Let us always make a differentiation between mind and Being. When someone accepts that the mind is bottled up in the ego, it indicates that he has begun to mature.

In the matter of the dissolution of the ego, it is necessary to combine structural and transactional analysis.

Only the values of the intelligence can liberate the mind through the disintegration of the undesirable psychic elements.


We should be sincere with our own selves and dissect the ‘I’ with the tremendous scalpel of “self-criticism “. It is absurd to criticize the errors of others; what is fundamental is to discover our own errors and then disintegrate them on the basis of analysis and profound comprehension.

It is only possible to act collectively when each individual is capable of acting individually with full and absolute consciouness of what is being done.

The systems of the Revolution of the Dialectic will seem very lengthy to impatient people. However, another way does not exist. Those who want fast and immediate changes, in the psychological and social order, create rigid norms, dictatorships of the mind, they do not ‘aspire to others knowing how to think but rather dictate what has to be thought.

Every abrupt change defrauds its own objective and man becomes a victim once again of that which he struggled against. Within our own selves are all the causes of the failure of any organization.


This matter of identifying, imagining and valuing oneself correctly, should not be confused with the marvelous doctrine of non-identification.

Instead of retaining in our mind a senile and degenerated culture, we need to reeducate ourselves.

We need to have an exact concept about our own selves. Each person has a false concept about himself. It is undelayable to re-encounter our own selves, to auto-know, reeducate and reevaluate ourselves correctly.

The mind bottled up within the ego ignores the authentic values of the Being. How could the mind recognize what it has never known?

Mental freedom is only possible by liberating the mind.

The false concepts of bottle up the mind. The exterior is merely the reflection of the interior.

The image of a man gives origin to his exterior image. The exterior is the mirror where the interior is reflected. Any person is the result of his own mental processes.

Man should auto-explore his own mind if he wishes to identify value and self – imagine himself correctly.

Human thoughts are 99% negative and harmful.


In the interaction in society exists self-discovery, self-revelation.

Really, when the mind is in alert perception during interaction, the hidden defects flourish, leap forward, then we see them as they are in ourselves.

All of us human beings, deep within, are narcissists, in love with our own selves. Observe a singer on the theater stage: he is madly in love with himself, he adores, idolizes himself, and when applause pours on him, he reaches the climax of his self- adoration, for that is precisely what he wants, what he aspires to, what he awaits with infinite thirst.

Really, vanity is the living manifestation of self esteem. The ‘I’ adorns itself in order for others to adore it.

When the ego begins to control the personality of the child, spontaneous beauty disappears, then the over-estimation of the beloved e is initiated and the child dreams with dominating the world and becoming the most powerful person of the Earth.


The man who permits that which is called self-judgment or inner judgment to express itself in a spontaneous manner within him, will be guided by the voice of the conscience and he will march on the straight path.

Every man who is subjected to self-judgment, in fact, becomes by his own right, a good citizen, a good husband, a good missionary, a good parent, etc.

In order to know our inner contradictions it is necessary to auto-discover ourselves. The one who discovers himself can work with success in the dissolution of the pluralized ‘I’.

Inner contradictions are based on the plurality of the ‘I’; the tremendous contradictions that we carry within make our lives painfully bitter. We are laborers, and we want to be potentates; soldiers, and we want to be generals. We think of acquiring our own house and once we have obtained it, we sell it because it tires us and we want another one.

We are content with nothing; we seek happiness in ideas and they, too, march in file and pass. We seek happiness in interaction, with friends, who are with us today and against us tomorrow. We see therefore, that everything is illusory.

Nothing in life can give us happiness. With so many contradictions we are wretched persons.

It is necessary to put an end to the pluralized ‘I’; it is only in this manner that we can put an end to the secret origin of all of our contradictions and bitterness.

Those who have already dissolved the ‘I’, in fact, possess the PCC.

In the world there exist many schools and systems and many people who live like butterflies, flitting from school to school, always full of inner contradictions, always dissatisfied, always seeking the path and they do not find it, even when it is very close to their eyes. The pluralized ‘I’ does not let them see the path of truth and life. The worst enemy of illumination is the ‘I’.

A Master was asked: “What is the way?

“What a magnificent mountain!”, he said about the mountain where he had his retreat.

“I do not ask you about the mountain, but rather about the way.”

“As long as you cannot go beyond the mountain, you will not be able to find the way,” replied the Master.

The ‘I’ can also do good deeds and gain many merits which improve its psychological character but it will never be able to reach illumination.

We should seek illumination, for everything else shall be added on to us. It is impossible to reach illumination without having the PCC.

It is impossible to have a Permanent Center of Consciousness without having dissolved the pluralized ‘I’.


Intellectual information and others’ ideas is not experience. Erudition is not experimentation. The exclusively three-dimensional rehearsal, test or demonstration is not unitotal.

Opinions, concepts, theories and hypotheses do not mean verification, experimentation, full consciousness about this or that phenomenon.

There must exist a faculty that is superior than the mind, one that is independent of the intellect, that is capable of giving us direct experience and knowledge about any phenomenon.

It is only by liberating ourselves from the mind that we can truly experience that which is real, that which exists in a potential state behind any phenomenon.

The world is nothing more but an illusory mental form which will inevitably dissolve at the end of the Great Cosmic Day.

I, myself, your body, my friends, things, my family, etc. are in the end that which the Hindus call “maya”, illusion, vain mental forms which will be reduced to cosmic dust sooner or later.

My affections, the most beloved beings which surround me, etc. are simple forms of the cosmic mind; they do not have real existence.

Intellectual dualism, such as pleasure and pain, praises and insults, victory and defeat, wealth and misery, constitute the painful mechanism of the mind.

Auto-idea and true happiness cannot exist within us as long as we are slaves of the mind.

Nobody can develop the auto-idea and true happiness as long as he is a slave of the mind.

That which is Real is not a matter of textual assumptions or other people’s ideas, but rather of direct experience.

Whoever frees himself from the intellect can experience and feel an element which transforms radically.

When we free ourselves of the mind, the latter then becomes a ductile, elastic, useful vehicle, by means of which we express ourselves.

Superior logic invites us to think that to emancipate oneself from the mind is in fact equivalent to awakening consciousness, to putting an end to automatism. But let us get down to brass tacks: Who or what is it that should get away from others’ mortifying ideas? It is obvious to answer these questions by saying: The conscience, that which is part of the soul in us, is what can and should liberate itself.

Others’ ideas of pseudo-literature only serve to make our existence bitter. Authentic happiness is only possible when we emancipate ourselves from the intellect.

However, we should recognize that a major inconvenience for that aspired liberation of consciousness exists; I want to refer to the tremendous battle of the antithesis.

The Essence or Conscience, unfortunately lives bottled up within the exaggerated intellective dualism of the opposites: yes and no, good and evil, tall and short, mine and yours, pleasure and displeasure, pleasure and pain, etc.

It is clearly brilliant to comprehend in depth that when the tempest of borrowed ideas in the ocean of the mind ceases and the struggle of the opposites ends, the Essence escapes, submerges itself in That which is Real and emanates the auto-idea, the seed- idea with all its splendor.

Samael Aun Weor – The Revolution Of The Dialectic – Chapter II

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