Introduction to Universal Charity

We do not intend to climb higher positions, nor do we want to do demagoguery. All that we want is to serve. That’s it. This is not a book of scholars but of CONSCIOUS CHARITY. There will be many wise men in the world, but unfortunately, in these times Charity has grown cold. We want to be charitable, we want to widely cultivate CONSCIOUS CHARITY.

The Universal Christian Gnostic Movement, the South American Liberation Action and the Sivananda Aryavarta Ashram, have come together to initiate a New Era amid the august thunder of thought.

Millions of people from all religious schools, orders and sects have responded to the call of the Three United Movements. We are in a position to give the world a total and definitive change. Refusing to collaborate with the triangle, A.L.A.S., GNOSIS, SIVANANDA, means in fact ISOLATING YOURSELF from your fellow men and therefore will be condemned by the great sages before the solemn verdict of the public Consciousness. (They will not have the right to sit at the Table of the Martyrs who sacrificed themselves for the New Age). It is necessary to realize the SOCIAL CHRIST among suffering humanity; it is urgent to sacrifice OURSELVES for humanity and promote a new highly scientific, philosophical and deeply mystical order.

This is the moment when we must organize the world salvation army. WHOEVER IS NOT WITH US, IS AGAINST US. The bell of the new Aquarian age has rung and whoever takes a step back is lost.

GNOSIS is wisdom. GNOSIS is love. GNOSIS is self-sacrifice. Whoever is not capable of sacrificing himself for his fellow men is unworthy of living. Whoever is unable to cooperate for the good of others will fall into the abyss of perdition. It is urgent to end EGOCENTRISM and CULTIVATE CHRISTOCENTRISM. The hour of the SOCIAL CHRIST has arrived.

There goes our book, to the battlefield. Many will laugh at him, many will insult him, many will throw him furiously, it does not matter. This book goes there like a war clarion calling the brave.

Gnostics, forward … Gnostics, to the fight … For the Christ and for the New Era, forward.

Samael Aun Weor

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