Klingsor the Black Magician

Legends state that yonder, in the luxuriant corner of the warm valley, very close to the sacred land of the Moslems, Klingsor, the evil Magician, in a terrible solitude, made his dwelling…

“Certainly, I knew not” said the old Titurel “what sin he there committed; he sought atonement for it, yes, holy he would be!”

He was a mistakenly sincere one filled with good intentions, unable to kill the sinful, raging lust within him. An assassin’s dagger with his hand he held. Thus, he frightfully castrated, emasculated, mutilated himself.

The merciful hero Titurel, who knew Klingsor and his tenebrous arts very well, stated that then, the wretched evil penitent one outstretched his bloody supplicant hands to obtain the Grail for which he yearned. Yet, it is obvious that he with scorn was spurned   by its Guardian.

To feel himself scorned by the Knights of the Holy Grail? And after having mutilated himself with the ‘sane’ purpose of eliminating animal passions? What a horror! Oh, God of mine…!

Consequently, in the rage of his terrible, painful and shameful deed, impossible to describe with words, the desperate eunuch of darkness searched for a retaliation weapon. It is unquestionable that he found it.

Titurel, the voice of the past, states that then, this tenebrous one transformed his frustrated penitent wilderness into a bewitched garden of voluptuous sexual joys, where blossoming, exquisite, devilish, lovely women lived.

There in secrecy, in that mansion of delights, states the Elder Titurel, the evil Magician waited to lure the Grail’s Knights in order to subtly drag them into shameful, lustful joy and hell’s defilement…

“The one who allows himself to be seduced is then his victim” says the old Monarch. “Thus, he achieved making many of our own to fall onto a foul path of disaster.”

It comes into my memory, when reaching this part of our present chapter, that beautiful poem of Don Ramon del Valle Inclan:


The cat that hisses! The door that creaks Glup-glup-glup the dripping hose
At the door shrieks the aborted beast, when I was born, alone in the house!

In the night of October! They say that the moon with a strong wind and jumps of the sea:
under its stars, my fortune was rising.
So, strong winds watched me when I arrived, and also the sea.

That night of October! My death was announced! Night of mine, opened between ground and sun!

The magician revested with the stellar apparel, naked as a giant, blew the conch.

The beast at the door thrillingly yells, in its eyes remains the autumn night and yonder, that night of my life,
had its two ways. And I followed the one of evil!

Thy flesh called upon me, oh sinful rose!
Alone in the house, sleepless ego that night of October, the sea arose…
The dripping glup-glup-glup!

Samael Aun Weor

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