Kundry, the marvelous Eve from the Hebrew Mythology, unconscious victim of the evil Magician, exclaims with infinite pain whilst in front of the Wagnerian Parsifal:
“Good I do never: for rest I am yearning.., I am yearning, ah, I am wretched, weary!” “Slumber! Oh, may I not be wakened!” Then, at that moment, she starts to experience in the distance the currents from the Magician’s suggestion. Thus, falling into a frightful trembling, she exclaims: “No! Not slumber! Terror seizes me!”
She utters a noiseless cry, all her body falls into a violent trembling as a leaf of a herb shaken by the tempest, until she is impotent against the spell. Then, leaving her arms and head to drop wearily and walking a few wavering steps, she sinks down hypnotized behind the bushes while lamenting:
“Vain to resist. The time has come.
Slumber… Slumber… I must… Slumber I must.”
The woman of antonomasia, the woman symbol, the original she-devil, the prototype of perdition and of downfall, whom not even Amfortas himself, the Everything invites to a nap; thus, you sleep, Eva, Kundry, Gundryggia, Herodias…
You sleep amidst your secret laments: You are an unconscious victim of a fatal sortilege…
But, oh God of mine…! What a terrifying idea pursues you in dreams? What is it that you do not want to do, yet you do?
Samael Aun Weor
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