Labor Unions

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In the newspaper of a certain occidental country, of which I do not mention the name to avoid problems and complaints, I found an article which says, exactly to the letter:

“Waitresses and ill-fated cooks. The foreigners exploit them with the support of many labor unions.

“Over fifteen thousand waitresses, cooks, kitchen assistants and other employees that work at restaurants and coffeehouses of the city, have been victims of iniquitous exploitation for many years.

“These workers have not only been exploited, as traditionally, by the proprietors of that type of establishment, in the main foreigners, but by the leaders that have created over time more than sixty five labor unions of gastronomy, which in fact are not more than letterhead organizations.

“Those authentically honorable labor unions’ leaders have found their modus vivendi and they exploit even the workers, making them sign contracts of work that do at all favor waitresses, cooks and the employees of restaurants in general a great deal in cohabitation with the owners of those negotiations, and the employees of restaurants in general, but only and exclusively benefit the same nefarious and venal leaders as well as the owners of the establishments referred to.

“Hundreds of complaints have come to this newspaper, highlighting the thousands of arbitrary acts committed against the long-suffering guild of waitresses, of the vexations of which they are victim and the lack of protection on the part of the authorities and the work.

“Nevertheless, it should be mentioned that these arbitrary acts and vexations suffered are promoted by leaders who have founded unions that, instead of being organizations for the defense of the workers, constitute a means to obtain ill-gotten wealth.”

The author of this article is in truth a very intelligent and brave man, we cannot ignore the great danger which he faced in writing said article. If this book reaches your hands, remember that we sincerely congratulate you.

An in-depth analysis of this article demonstrates to us that the simple labor union organization with all it’s leaders and regulations proves to be unproductive, if the individual does not finish with greed, selfishness and betrayal.

The very causes of the failure of a labor union or of any organization are within the individual. If the individual does not comprehend these causes and he goes on with his selfishness, greed, ambition, etc., the organization will fail even when it has been founded with very good intentions.

The tyrannical leader is an extension of each one of the individuals that constitute an organization. The organization creates the leader. Each individual of the organization creates the leader.

The fact that workers hand over their weapons to the powerful is lamentable. The labor union is the workers’ weapon, before labor unions were the workers’ means of defense, now labor unions are means of defense of the powerful, in a lot of countries workers are victims of their own invention, in a lot of countries the labor unions’ leaders are the workers’ executioners.

The powerful enslave the laborers by means of the treacherous leaders and the labor unions that these represent.

We need to change something within ourselves. We need a change inside our own mind if it is that really we want to alter the adverse circumstances that put an end to the labor union, which is marvelous when it really serves the purposes for which it was created. The gravest error of the workers of a lot of countries was to have relinquished the labor union to the powerful.

Fortunately this disaster has not yet touched all the countries of the western world; It is better to prevent than to cure.

We need each individual to be sincere with himself; Let’s not look for the causes of the failure outside of ourselves. All the causes of the failure of any organization are within ourselves.

If selfishness exists inside the individual, then they will not cooperate and the failure of the union is inevitable. If anger exists inside the individual, he will create enmities and disorder inside the labor union. 

If greed exists inside the individual, he will exploit his comrades in the labor union, if gossip exists inside the individual, he will fill the labor union with gossiping and bitterness.

Samael Aun Weor

The leader that gets rich off of his comrades, he comes into being by each one of his comrades, he is a result of the errors that exist inside each one of them.

The gravest error is to believe that the cause of the failure is in the fellow man.. The labor union’s all comrades blame it’s failure on the other ones, and no one wants to recognize that the cause of the failure is inside himself.

We should learn how to more be sincere, we should strive to change for benefit the other ones internally We should learn how to be more sincere, we should strive to change internally for the benefit of the others.. All our fellow men benefit when each one of us changes internally.

We need to stop being lukewarm, we should finish with anger, greed, lust, pride, laziness, gluttony and envy. Each one of these monstrous defects, produces bitterness and ruin in all social organizations.

It is urgent to understand that the ego totally sabotages the good intentions of the labor-unions. We need to dissolve the ego to make a better world.

It is an error to become victims of our own invention. The workers became victims of their own invention when they relinquished the labor union to the capitalists.

The most horrible crime is TREASON. The treacherous leaders, those that hand over their comrades, those that sell themselves, are really worthy of contempt, they deserve to be expelled from the labor union.

The leaders that get rich with the money of all the comrades of the labor union are thieves and should be expelled from the labor union.

It is just that workers collaborate with their dues for to their labor unions, but is not fair that leaders get rich with the union dues.

Really it is impossible for a labor union to work well if we do not finish with greed. All of a labor union’s best intentions are reduced to dust when greed exists.

Samael Aun Weor

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