A lot of people may be surprised that the founding president of the Gnostic Movement now founds a political party.
It is necessary to understand that we are on Earth and not on Mars or Venus. A vehicle of action is needed for the ideas of the Social Christ.
A vehicle of action is needed to propagate everywhere the redeeming ideas of Latin American Christian Socialism.
There are authors who are not in favor of making formulations, we are in favor of making formulations because the human mind is in a state of decrepitude.
There are authors who believe that it is better to teach how to think and not what to think about.
We believe that the best way to think should be taught, but since the human mind is degenerate, we must tell you what to think about.
Our Latin American Christian Socialism teaches how to think and what to think about.
Our Latin American Christian Socialism makes formulations, because the human mind needs to have formulations made.
Our Latin American Christian Socialist Party is different from the European ones because studying man, it studies him in an integral way, not only in the economic, but also in the psychological, sociological, political and spiritual aspects.
From the relationship of the individual with other individuals, the society results, the type of individual relationships, determines the type of society.
Government is the result of society, society and government are the extension of the individual.
If the individual is cruel, selfish, greedy, envious, ambitious, perverse; the society will be that and the government will be that.
We are in a global crisis, we are currently experiencing the most difficult moment in history.
The individual has created this chaos, the individual is the world, if the individual does not change internally, the world will not change.
The Latin American Christian Socialist Party intends to teach the individual the path of the Social Christ.
It is necessary for the individual to change, and the Latin American Christian Socialist Party teaches the individual a doctrine, the result of which will be change.
Thinking, feeling and doing are vital in these moments of global crisis. Only the right thinking, right feeling, and right acting can provoke a radical change in the individual.
Men of good will should not have formulas, but since the human mind is in decrepitude it needs formulas to organize.
Men of good will do not need to belong to any political party, but the mind is degenerated and therefore a party is needed to transform the world.
There is confusion in these moments and we need to get loose from this confusion. We need to liberate ourselves from confusion to individually change.
We need leaders because we are still not capable of governing ourselves, the chaos of the present demands leaders of a new type because leaders of an old type are out of date.
If man had a spontaneous, ductile, elastic, creative, beautiful mind, he would not need defined formulas; but as the human mind is degenerate, he needs defined formulas to get his bearings.
We need to march side by side, we need to unite fraternally to make a better world.
Intellectuals have totally failed, we need to learn to think for ourselves independently, intellectuals have led the world to chaos and anarchy.
Man does not live by bread alone, we also live by psychological factors that properly understood can revolutionize our lives.
We need to understand in integral form all of the complexities that we carry within, if we really want to change completely.
There is no doubt that the world is involved in a great social catastrophe; we need a new revolutionary way of thinking, only this way will it be possible to enter the path of a new order.
The whole world is in a catastrophic state and we need to study all the problems deeply.
We need to consider man as a whole; psychologically, politically, spiritually, economically, etc.., etc., etc.
The Latin American Christian Socialist Party sees the whole picture and not only a part of it.
The economists’ error is to want to solve the problem of the world only with economic science; the politician’s error is to want to make everything about politics, and so on.
Our party studies all the problems in complete form; our party wisely tackles the worldwide problem as a whole and in every detail.
Our party teaches a new way of confronting things, a new way of feeling, a new way of doing things.
The Latin American Christian Socialist Party is the vehicle of social action of the Gnostic Movement.
The Latin American Christian Socialist Party will transform America and then transform the world.
All active members of the Universal Christian Gnostic Movement should follow the path of the Social Christ.
We must organize the party in all the countries of Latin America; we must take the word of the Social Christ to all unions, factories, labour federations, workshops, railroads, fields, etc.., etc., etc.
We must preach the word of the Social Christ and form new groups everywhere.
The party must be organized in every country of Latin America, men of good will must jump into the fight for the Social Christ.
The world is in crisis and men of good will are needed to bring the word of the Social Christ to the poor suffering humanity.
It is urgent that the Gnostic Movement stand up and fight for the Social Christ.
Samael Aun Weor