Life Insurance

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Any in-depth analysis of the life and death of man leads us to the logical conclusion that social insurance is a vital necessity.

Every man and every woman is always exposed to illness and death.

In the world there are three types of acts: 1. Acts born of destiny. 2. Acts born of conscious will. 3. Acts related with the law of accidents.

In the relative state of understanding in which the human being currently lives, social insurance is a necessity because very few are those that can determine circumstances born of conscious will.

The Intellectual Animal known as the tri-brained biped, is really falsely called man. The tri-centered biped is really not able to do anything ; he is only a victim of circumstances, he is subject to two laws: 1. The Law of Destiny. 2. The Law of Accidents.

People blame everything on the law of destiny when, in fact, the unconscious, crazy tri-brained machines are very much subject to the law of accidents.

Humanity as a whole is an organ of nature, this organ collects certain types of cosmic waves, which it then unconsciously transforms and adapts to the vital needs of the planetary organism.

Each human biped is an organic cell of the cosmic wave-transforming organ.

The fate that would arrive for the planet earth if humanity ceased to exist would be the same as a man whose heart or liver was removed.

Any cosmic catastrophe, any planetary event affects the biped machines, throwing them into war. The most serious thing is that the human bipeds believe that they do, when in reality they are not able to do anything; everything happens to them.

It is impossible to predict the future of a crazy machine subject to the law of accidents, and therefore we believe that social insurance is essential.

Every worker needs social insurance, really social insurance should not be the privilege of a lucky few. Life insurance is needed by the ploughman and the bureaucrat, the newspaper vendor and the humble shop-counter employee, the soldier and the waiter, the beggar and the President of the Republic, we all need life insurance.

The tri-centred biped is a all too weak a being even though he believes himself to be very strong, and since he is a victim of forces that he does not know about, it is better for him to have life insurance.

Every worker can lose an arm, a foot, etc., during work. Every human being is subject to disease and death.

It is Just that the widow of a worker has money to support herself and to feed and educate her children, it is Just that every elderly person enjoys insurance at the age when he can no longer work, it is Just that every accident at work is paid by the insurance.

Currently, social insurance companies know how much a leg, an arm, a finger, etc. are worth., in all kinds of accidents of work.

Sadly, often the laws remain written and are not kept.

We can not deny that the doctrine of insurance is very noble, but the human ego constantly sabotages the most beautiful intentions.

Many are the people who have been cheated by insurance.

It is necessary that the insurance is truly safe and that it does not fail.

We believe that it is necessary to perfect the insurance system so that it does not fail, and serves the needs of all human beings without distinction of race, sex, caste, nationality or color.

We need to dissolve the ego, the my-self, to arrive at Being . Only the Being does not need insurance because it is not a victim of circumstances.

Only Being can do. Only the Being has passed beyond the law of accidents. When man has Conscious Will, he can really determine circumstances.

The state in which the human bipeds are currently in is painful.

The Intellectual Animal falsely called Man, is subject to the law of accidents, and therefore needs life insurance.

Samael Aun Weor

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