
Love is the summit of wisdom. Wisdom has to be transmuted into love; love is transmuted into happiness.

The germs of wisdom are transmuted into the flowers of love. The intellect cannot give happiness.

Authors contradict themselves in their works. The poor reader has to drink from the bitter cup of doubts.

Doubt engenders confusion and craziness.

Faust, after his hair had gone grey in his library’s dust, exclaims, “I studied everything with intense yearning, I studied everything with mad craving, and today, poor fool of miserable brains, what do I know? The same that I knew – I could only learn that I know nothing”.

Intellectualism brings about neurasthenia and diseases affecting the cerebrospinal nervous system.

The man who has exhausted all his life amongst the dust of libraries falls into the confusion of doubts and the only thing he can get to know is that he does not know anything.

Doubt destroys occult powers.

Students of spiritual matters suffer Tantalus’ supplice.

It is very sad to live eating theories. The best is to transmute wisdom into love. To love is the best. Happiness is transmuted love.

We have to awake the consciousness with with the blessed flame of love. We have to love, so as to reach happpiness.

Happiness is nothing else than transmuted love. The intellect just freezes thought in the brain.

Whoever may want to become ENLIGHTENED must reconquer lost childhood.

The battling between antitheses destroys occult powers. This battling of reasonings damages the mind’s powers.

Whoever may want to have occult powers must put an end to the battling of reasonings. Whoever may want to be a magician must have a child’s mind.

It is better to exchange wisdom for love. Love is the only thing that can turn us into Gods.

Samael Aun Weor

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