
Prometheus, the Greek God is the Maha-Asura, the Hindustani Lucifer who rebelled against Brahma the Lord, for which Shiva, the Third Logos, hurled him with indignation down into the inferior Patala.

The Florentine Dante, illustrious disciple of Virgil, the eminent crowned bard from Mantua, finds in the right moment Dis, Prometheus-Lucifer in the Ninth Sphere. This is obviously in the center of the earth, in the profound well of the universe, the place “where the souls were all covered underneath, transparent, as through glass Pellucid the frail stem.”

The Maha-Asura, fatally enchained to the severe rock of sex, cruelly passes through unutterable bitterness. The wild flames of lust frightfully torture him. The insatiable, useless vulture of reasoning gnaws at his entrails.

Prometheus-Lucifer is a mysterious fire detached from the Solar Logos and wisely fixed in the center of the earth by the force of gravity and the weight of the atmosphere.

It is written with golden words in the book of life:

“The superlative ingredient of the Anima Mundi is the luciferin phosphorus.”

As a sequence or corollary, it fits here to asseverate with much emphasis the following: The sterile work of Mime in his forge, the rotund failure of the creative powers comes when the fire is extinguished.

The ardent crepitation of the elemental fire of the wise under the Alchemist’s crucible is an axiom of Hermetic Philosophy.

INRI: Ignis, Natura, Renovatur, Integra; the fire renews all Nature incessantly. You know this…

Let Lucifer, the Maha-Asura be excluded from Sex-Yoga and observe then what happens… Let failure be contemplated.

In the resplendent dawn of the Mahamanvantara, when the human being and the terrestrial chain were going to appear, an Angel (the shadow of the Lord), filled with a desire for progression, was produced from the presence of the Logos like an enchantment. Thus, it is obvious that the Divine Architect of the universe granted to him the dominion of the Infernal Worlds.

Hence, it is unquestionable that the superior semblance of that vile worm who passes through the heart of the world is loan, Swan, Choan, John, the Verb, the Army of the Voice, the Logos.

Prometheus-Lucifer, descending to the bottom of the Averno in order to liberate the victims from their tortures, reminds us of Hercules, the Solar God, descending into Hades or the Cave of the Initiation in order to save the lost souls.

Lucifer is the active and centrifugal energy of the universe, fire, life, self- independence, psychological rebellion.

The inferno in its revolutionary impetus is the vital expansion of the nebula in order to convert itself into new planetary units.

Prometheus-Lucifer courageously plunders the divine fire in order to assist us in the path of spiritual insurrection.

Lucifer is the Guardian of the Door, who alone is entrusted with the keys of the Sanctuary, where no one enters therein, save the anointed ones who have the terrific secret of Hermes.

The resplendent Lord of the seven glorious mansions, known with the sacred names of Lucifer-Prometheus, Maha-Asura, etc., is certainly the splendid Minister of the Solar Logos.

The Seven Lords of Time (the seven Chronides) know very well that Lucifer-Sabaoth is the one who bears the sword and the scale of Cosmic Justice, because to him is undoubtedly committed the norm of the weight, measure and number. He is Horus, Brahma, the Ahura Mazda etc., etc., etc.

Prometheus-Lucifer, placing his Verb (word) in the mouth of the wounded Titan, when speaking of the wretched mortals, exclaims with all of the strength of his soul:

“I rescued men from shattering destruction that would have carried them to Hades’ house; and therefore, I am tortured on this rock, a bitterness to suffer, and a pain to pitiful eyes. I gave to mortal man a precedence over myself in pity…”

Chorus observes very pertinently:

“That was a mighty boon you gave to men.”

Lucifer-Prometheus answers:

“Yes, besides this, I gave them fire.”


“And do creatures of a day now possess the flame- bright fire?”


“Yes, and with it they shall master many crafts.”

However, it is easy to comprehend that with the arts which exalt and dignify man, the granted Luciferic fire has turned itself into the worst damnation.

The animal element and the consciousness in its possession have changed the periodical instinct into animalism and chronic sensuality.

This is what is menacing humanity like a heavy funerary mantle. This is how the responsibility of free will surges; the titanic passions that represent humanity in its more somber aspect.

Hence, since we have already talked about the tenebrous aspects of the Luciferic fire in our past Christmas Messages, now we only have to say that such a fire is neither good nor evil. All depends on how we use it. Precisely, sin and redemption are established upon this, in unison.

Ah…! If Amfortas, the King of the Grail, eminent successor of the Elder Titurel, would have taken advantage of that royal moment, the terrible moment of sexual passion, if in those moments of supreme voluptuousness, he would have grasped the sacred Lance with firmness, then the evil Magician would not have snatched from him the sacred Shaft.

However, that noble Sir, in spite of knowing the secret of the Elohim, the mystery of the Creative Fire, he fell defeated upon the arms of Kundry, Herodias…

Samael Aun Weor

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