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In chemical copulation, in metaphysical coitus, during Sahaja Maithuna, maximum erotic sensation is experienced in five minutes.

Dynamic magnetic flames surround the couple during sexual trance like an undulating sea of a purple red profoundly divine gas.

It is a tremendous moment in which the masculine currents attempt to unite with the feminine.

The harmonious, combined, sexual rhythms between a man and a woman are established with the magnetic creative pause.

Such a pause contains within itself two basic factors:

A.            A determined period of time intelligently and voluntarily established in between copulation.

B.            Prolonged joy of metaphysical coitus, without orgasm, spasm and without losing seminal liquid.

It is imperative that the most important centers of the body make harmonious and calm contact, so that the interchange of magnetic forces is profound, edifying and essentially dignified.

The clitoris, which is situated between the small lips of the vulva represents the most sensitive point of the feminine organism.

Any enlightened clairvoyant can detect the magnetic centrifugal forces that initiate their course from the clitoris.

It is then, the clitoris, the magnetic centrifugal point which provides a woman’s aura with suitable currents of energy.

However, we should study all of this not partially but completely; it would be absurd to assume that the clitoris, which is encountered in front of the vaginal entrance and is separated from it by the canal of the urethra, is the only bearer and generator of superior sexual sensation in the female sex.

We should think and understand also that the uterus and isolated interior parts of the vagina can be bearers and generators of maximum sexual sensation.

Obviously cavernous tissue and terminal corpuscles are encountered in the clitoris.

Without such tissues and corpuscles physiological feminine aptitude and the possibility of reaching the maximum sexual sensation would be ruled out.

During contact with the man, the clitoris, provided with cavernous bodies, commences to erect, in the same way as the male phallus, both becoming aroused together.

At the extraordinary moment in which cavernous bodies in the area of the lips of the vulva also swell, the vaginal entrance coats itself with a kind of spongy pad that marvelously envelops the male phallus.

The more the vaginal entrance is moistened by glandular secretion, the greater the possibility of taking the fine magnetic condensers located there, to an electrical affinity with the phallus, which in the organization of tension from the human body represents, so to speak, the primary transmitter of energy, in order to exchange an alternating physio psychic current.

The wise Waldemar says: “Let us not forget, our body will invariably be more complete, the more developed and under conscious control is the sympathetic nervous system.” “When a man and a woman make of sexual union a psychic union too, with the minimum possible movement, that is to say, with only those which are necessary to maintain and prolong the contact, only then is the opportunity brought about of electrically charging the cerebro-spinal ganglia. These are bound to the pineal gland, sovereign of the body, in addition to the solar plexus (Plexus-Coeliacus) with numerous radiating plexi to the liver, intestines, kidneys and spleen.”

Abominable sexual ejaculation is certainly a short circuit that occurs to terrifyingly discharge us and for that reason we should always avoid it.

The marvelous force of OD is specifically found in different organs and in diverse qualities; so, the best and most fertile creative magnetic interchange is based on the following revolutionary procedure: the left side, wherein lies a man’s heart, rests directly on the right side of a woman, uniting his left hand with her right and with his right foot making contact with her left.

The sexual organs can then devote themselves to the task from which they are frequently enough withdrawn; that is, to serve the physical principle of assimilation and purification of matter: Firstly through action on the plexus which is situated below the diaphragm (the ventral part of the sympathetic nervous system), which is essentially necessary as a base for the development of the most refined sensation.

Metaphysical copulation, with all its erotic refinement, places us in a privileged position, through which we have at our disposal the marvelous forces that allow us to reduce to cosmic dust each one of the sinister entities which personify our psychological defects.

Samael Aun Weor

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