The disciple lies down horizontally on his bed. Relax the body so that no muscle puts pressure on the ASTRAL body. Fall asleep saying the Mantram Rusti like this:
This Mantram is pronounced mentally. The disciple must become in those moments a “spy of his own dream.”
When the disciple is already in a state of drowsiness or sleepiness that precedes the dream, get up from the bed and leave the room, the student must not worry about his physical body at these moments; get out of bed and get out of your room.
How? In what sense?
Almost all the students suppose that it is a practice of magnetism or auto-suggestion, etc., but they are sadly mistaken, because here it is not about practicing autosuggestion or hypnotism, simply get out of bed, nature will do the rest, nature will know how it is going to separate the ASTRAL body from the physical body. The disciple can only get up and leave the room, that nature will do the rest. Already outside his room, the disciple will take a small jump with the intention of floating in space.
(Zodiac Course. Samael Aun Weor)
1.- What is astral projection?
A.- Do you really ignore what astral projection is? I understand very well miss, that your question is sincere. The astral splitting is extremely simple and straightforward; it is a natural phenomenon like eating, drinking, etc., etc.
It is clear that when the physical body goes to sleep, the soul gets out of it and travels everywhere; When the soul returns, when it enters the body again, it often remembers the places where it was, the people it spoke to, etc. and this is called dreams; such is really the astral unfolding.
2.- Can this only be done in dreams or also at will?
A.- In any case, it takes sleepiness to be able to unfold even if it is at will.
3.- Is the splitting not dangerous?
It seems to me that becoming aware of your own natural phenomena can never be dangerous; one must become aware of the food one eats, what he drinks, the state of his health, and also the process of unfolding that occurs in every living creature.
4.- Explain to me the technique to be able to unfold, I would you like to go to Paris at will.
A.- What you always do involuntarily, unconsciously, learn to do it voluntarily and consciously. You have always been unfolding; in moments when sleeping, every soul unfortunately leaves the body unconsciously; do that yourself, but in a voluntary and conscious way, I repeat; when you sit in a state of sleepiness or lassitude, when you begin to doze, imagine yourself as a subtle, vaporous ghost; think that it is going to come out of your body; understand that you are not the body; understand that you are a soul (ego); Feel yourself as a soul and rise from your bed gently, delicately, as souls rise.
What I am saying translate it into concrete facts; It is not about thinking, but doing; when you get up, then jump in your own bedroom with the firm intention of floating in space; thus, it is clear that if it floats it is because it is already outside the physical body; then you can get out of your bedroom and float in space; you can go to Paris to London or anywhere you want; but if it does not float it is because you have risen from your bed with a physical body, then get back into your bed and repeat the experiment.
5.- When the physical body floats, does it remain in the bed?
R.- I want you to understand me; it is clear that if you float in the surrounding environment it is because you are outside the physical body; In this specific case you must understand that your body has been tucked inside the bed and that you are outside the body and away from the bed.
6.- When you feel floating you should think that you are traveling to a certain place?
A.- Distinguished lady, I want you to understand that it is not about thinking, but doing, that it is different. For example, I am seeing you sitting in that chair, but if you think that you are going to get up from that chair and go to the street and do not act, it is clear that you will remain sitting in the chair there; Action is what is needed, have you understood me?
“Beyond Death” Samael Aun Weor
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