Mantras, Chakras & Meditation

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Chakra (Sanskrit) Literally, “wheel.” The chakras are subtle centers of energetic transformation. There are hundreds of chakras in our multi-dimensional physiology, but seven primary ones related to the awakening of Consciousness. 

The Chakra Muladhara

The Chakra Svadhishthana

The Chakra Manipura

The Chakra Anahata

The Chakra Vishuddha

The Chakra Ajna

The Chakra Sahasrara 

“The chakras are points of connection through which the divine energy circulates from one to another vehicle of the human being.” – Samael Aun Weor, Aztec Christic Magic

Chakra and Plexus 

The Chakra Muladhara: Plexus: Coccygeal

The Chakra Svadhishthana: Plexus: Prostatic or Uterine

The Chakra Manipura: Plexus: Solar or Pancreatic, Hepatic and Splenic

The Chakra Anahata: Plexus: Cardiac or Heart

The Chakra Vishuddha: Plexus: Larynx

The Chakra Ajna: Plexus: Front or pituitary (cavernous)

The Chakra Sahasrara: Plexus: Pineal 

The Vowels and the Faculties of the Chakras 

In ancient times, the seven vowels of Nature: I E O U A M S resounded within the human organism. But, when humanity came out of the “Jinn” lands, rhythm and harmony were lost.

Therefore, the human being must be aware of the urgent necessity for the seven vowels of Nature to vibrate once again within the organism; they must resound with intensity within the resonating internal chambers, as well as in each of the plexus or chakras of the Astral body.

Vowel I: Clairvoyance is developed

Vowel E: Clairaudience is awakened

Vowel O: The heart center that develops inspiration is developed

Vowel U: The solar plexus develops Telepathy.

Vowel A: The pulmonary chakra that allows us to remember past reincarnations is developed.

Vowel M: makes all of the internal centers vibrate.

Vowel  S: makes all of the internal centers vibrate.

These vowels combined with certain consonants integrate the mantras that facilitate the awakening of all the chakras. 

Subsequently, here is a series of these mantras:

First Series of Mantras: 

CHIS:  Clairvoyance: Ajna chakra

CHES:  Clairaudience: Vishuddha chakra

CHOS:  Intuition: heart, Anahata chakra

CHUS:  Telepathy: solar plexus, chakra Manipura

CHAS:  Memory of past lives: pulmonary chakra


This vocalization must be performed as follows: prolong the sound of each letter; the combination CH (letter Chet) is considerably abundant in Hebrew mantras; it has an immense magical power. 

The vocalization of each mantra makes the magnetic center, chakra or disc with which it is related, to vibrate. 

The S is intimately connected to fire and is vocalized by giving it a special type of intonation: this is an acute-hissing sound similar to the sound that compressed air brakes of any given machine make.

Second Series of Mantras: 

IN: Clairvoyance: frontal chakra

EN: Clairaudience: laryngeal chakra

ON: Intuition: heart chakra

UN: Telepathy: solar plexus

AN: Memory of past lives: pulmonary chakra


Prolong the sound of each vowel and give a strong sounding bell-like intonation to the letter N. 

Third Series of Mantras

INRI: Clairvoyance: Ajna chakra

ENRE: Clairaudience: Vishuddha chakra

ONRO: Intuition, inspiration: Anahata chakra

UNRU: Telepathy: solar plexus, Manipura chakra

ANRA: Memory of past lives: pulmonary chakra


Advanced student couples can vocalize these mantras during the practice of A.Z.F. ; prolong the sound of each of the letters that compose them, thus their respective chakras will awaken. The letter R is vocalized as it was explained in chapter 4.

Fourth Series of Mantras: 

SUIRA: Clairvoyance: frontal chakra

SUERA: Clairaudience: laryngeal chakra

SUORA: Intuition: heart chakra

SUURA: Telepathy: solar plexus

SUARA: Memory of past lives: pulmonary chakra


The student must focus on the accentuation of the vowels and the accentuation of the vowel A in each mantra which forms the fourth series of mantras. 

According to the Vedas, the silent Gandharva, the heavenly musician, is contained within the sublime SWARA. 

With this fourth series of mantras, the fire of the solar plexus is driven out towards each of the chakras of the Astral body. 

Again, the first mantric syllables of the fourth series of mantras: SUI, SUE, SUO, SUU, SUA are vocalized with the intonation of a diphthong accentuated on the last vowel, which must be prolonged lengthily. 

Vocalize the syllable RA of each one of these mantras by giving the R the intonation already explained in chapter four. The vowel of this syllable RA must also be lengthily prolonged.

Insistence on a Few Details 

Students must vocalize for one hour daily in order to effectively awaken their chakras. Since every student has their own rhythm, their personal vibration, they will choose any of the four series of mantras mentioned. There will be some students who will feel more confident with the first series, others with the second series, etc. 

Dr. Krumm-Heller stated that one hour of daily vocalization was enough. One must vocalize during one’s whole life, this in order to keep the chakras in intense activity!

The coronary chakra engenders polyvoyance.

The frontal chakra, located between the eyebrows, engenders Clairvoyance.

The laryngeal chakra, clairaudience.

The heart chakra grants inspiration and intuition.

The solar plexus chakra, telepathy.

The pulmonary chakra allows us to remember past lives.

The prostatic/uterine chakra grants the power to consciously depart in the Astral body. Every student must possess such a power, if not, it is mandatory for such a student to awaken this chakra. 

With these four series of mantras, the student can become a practical theurgist. 

-Logos, Mantra, Theurgy, Samael Aun Weor

Chakra Muladhara

    Plexus: Coccygeal

    Church: Ephesus

    Number of petals: 4

    Color: Dirty red in the libertine, yellow-red in the Initiate and blue- purplish red in the mystical Initiate.

    Location: At the base of the spinal column, at the very root of the genitals, between the anus and genitals. Fourth vertebra.

    Governs: The spinal column

    Gland: Suprarenal

    Mantra S

The fundamental mantra for the development of the chakra Muladhara is the mantra S.

This mantra is pronounced like this:   


Chakra Svadhishthana

    Plexus: Prostatic or Uterine

    Church: Smyrna

    Number of petals: 6

    Color: Pure blood red

    Location: The kidneys, abdomen and major organs of the lower abdomen (lower bowel, bladder, reproductive system), including the legs.

    Governs: The taste

    Gland: Adrenal (Suprarenal)

    Mantra M

The disciple should submerge himself into profound meditation on the Prostate Chakra; imagine that Chakra as a Lotus Flower, or as a magnetic disc which spins from left to right; at the same time number of petals, vocalize the letter M, as in the beginning of a bull’s moo but it should be sustained, long and without decadence, with a deep inhalation of air to then provoke that sound while having the lips hermetically sealed, until the last particle of breath is exhaled, as follows:   


    -Logos, Mantram, Theurgy Chapter 7, Samael Aun Weor

Chakra Manipura 

    Plexus: Solar or Pancreatic, Hepatic and Splenic

    Church: Pergamon

    Number of petals: 10

    Color: Resplendent fire

    Location: Navel region (Labhi-Sthana). Eighth thoracic vertebra

Governs: The prana that that is absorbed and distributed by this chakra is responsible for all digestive functions, the activity of the liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, and all other glands and organs linked to nutrition and excretion; It is also linked to the menstrual flow in women and affects the sense of sight in both sexes.

    Gland: Pancreas

    Mantra U

    The Solar Plexus is the center of Telepathy.

    We have a true wireless station established in our organism.

    The Solar Plexus picks up the mental waves that travel through space and passes them on to our brain.

    This is how the thoughts of others arrive at our brain.

    This is called TELEPATHY.

    The Solar Plexus is developed with the vowel “U”.

– Manual of Practical Magic Chapter, 3 Samael Aun Weor 


 Liver chakra serves for astral projections. The Astral Body is connected to the liver. Anyone who awakens the chakra of the liver can enter and leave the physical body at will. The spleen and liver chakra and the solar plexus are developed with Egyptian mantra FE UIN DAGJ. It is sung to the note Mi, developing the three chakras and lungs.

    Note. The correct way to pronounce this mantra is:


   – Tarot and Kabbalah Chapter 62, Samael Aun Weor


The Solar Plexus is the center of Telepathy.

We have a true wireless station established in our organism.

The Solar Plexus picks up the mental waves that travel through space and passes them on to our brain.

This is how the thoughts of others arrive at our brain.

This is called TELEPATHY.

The Solar Plexus is developed with the vowel “U”.

The mantram “CHUS” is very powerful to develop the Solar Plexus chakra.

This mantram is pronounced like this: CHUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSSS

Great Golden Cross

Another very interesting exercise to awaken the Telepathic Plexus is the following:

The disciple should sit in a comfortable chair, with his sight towards the east.

The disciple should imagine that in the orient there is a great golden CROSS, that radiates blue and golden rays.

The disciple should imagine those rays entering through his Solar Plexus, to awaken him and give him life. This exercise is practiced ten minutes daily.

This exercise is always practiced in the first hours of the morning, in other words, at dawn.

The chakra of the Solar Plexus picks up solar rays and nourishes and develops the other chakras of our Astral organism with them.

He who develops this chakra acquires the great power of Telepathy.

The syllable “UN,” prolonging the sound over the letters “U” and “N,” can be

vocalized during the exercise of the golden Cross, at dawn.

The Solar Plexus is our receptor antenna, and our Pineal gland is our transmitting center.

This Chakra has ten irradiations. 

Lungs’ Chakras and Remembering Past Lives

    Plexus: Pulmonary

    Color: Blue

    Location: One in each lung

    Governs: The lungs 

Mantra AN

     The vowel A makes the lung chakras vibrate. It is vocalized like this:


    (“a” is pronounced like the “a” in the word “father”) 

    Do you understand? If you want to add an N, even better, because you give the vowel a bell sound. In this case it will be vocalized like this:


    -The Fifth Gospel, Conference: In the Beginning was the Verb, Samael Aun Weor 

 Retrospective Exercise of our Past Lives 

    The key to remembering our past lives is in the retrospective exercise.

    The disciple submerged in profound meditation should carry out a retrospective recapitulation of all the events that have occurred in his lives, from the present to the past.

    The disciple should try to remember all transpired events in a reverse order, beginning with the last ones until going back to the first events of his infancy.

    We can remember all memories of our infancy by practicing the retrospective exercise during those instants of dozing off.

    In those instants we can exert ourselves to recall the last experiences of our past reincarnation. So, in a retrospective order, we can review our entire past and past reincarnations. 

    The important thing is to practice this retrospective exercise during instants of dozing.

    Like this, in visions in our sleep, we shall remember all our past lives.   

    -Manual of Practical Magic Chapter 3, Samael Aun Weor 

Chakra Anahata 

    Plexus: Cardiac

    Plexus: Heart

    Church: Thyatira

    Number of petals: 12

    Color: Vivid red

    Location: At the height of the heart. Eighth cervical vertebra.

    Governs: The sense of touch, the circulatory system, the loco-motor system and respiratory system

    Gland: Thymus

    Mantra O 

    The Intimate resides in the heart. God is in the heart.

    He who awakens the chakra of the heart acquires INTUITION.

    He who awakens the chakra of the heart acquires the power to conjure the wind and hurricanes.

    He who awakens the chakra of the heart learns to study all things with the heart and becomes wise.

    This chakra awakens with the vowel “O.” (“o” pronounced as in “so”)   

    Manual of Practical Magic, Samael Aun Weor

    Mantra TOM DOM 

    Vocalize it in this way, imitating the sound of church bells:




    Now continue:


    Trying to imitate the sound that the breeze blowing thorough the foliage of trees.

    The mantra TOM DOM, should be done as clearly as possible, in order to make the Heart Chakra vibrate.

-The Fifth Gospel, Conference “Mantric Didactics”, Samael Aun Weor 

Exercise of Imagination with the Goddess Kakini

The student should concentrate on his heart, imagining that is his heart there is thunder and lightning, floating clouds that get lost in the twilight driven by strong hurricanes. The gnostic will imagine many eagles flying between this infinite space inside, deep inside his heart. Imagine the profound forests of Nature, full of sunshine and life; the song of birds and the sweet and gentle sound of forest crickets. The disciple should fall asleep imagining all of this. Now imagine that in the forest there is a golden throne where the Goddess Kakini sits, a very divine woman. The disciple should fall asleep imagining all of this.

    Practice for one hour daily, and if you practice for two or three or four hours a day it is even better. The practice can be done sitting in comfortable chair or lying down on the floor, or on the bed, with his legs and his right and left arm open in the form of a five-pointed star.

    Sleep should be combined with meditation. Much patience is required. It is with infinite patience that these wonderful powers of the heart can be obtained.

    It is better that the impatient, who want everything straight away, who do not know how to persevere their whole life should leave, because they are of no use. Powers are not obtained by playing around; everything costs. Nothing is given to us as a gift.   

   -The Perfect Matrimony Chapter 23, Samael Aun Weor


The Inner Self resides in the heart.

God is in the heart.

He who awakens the chakra of the heart acquires INTUITION.

He who awakens the chakra of the heart acquires the power to conjure the wind and the hurricanes.

He who awakens the chakra of the heart learns to study all things with the heart and he becomes wise.

This chakra awakens with the vowel “O.”

The syllable “ON” is used to awaken the chakra of the heart.

This syllable is vocalized in this manner: OOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNN

The mantram “CHOS” also serves to awaken the chakra of the heart.

This mantram is vocalized in this manner: CHOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSSS


The prayer of the OUR FATHER is the most grandiose magical power to awaken the chakra of the heart.

To pray is to converse with God.

The OUR FATHER serves to converse with GOD.

The disciple will lie down on his bed comfortably. He will put aside from his mind all types of earthly thoughts and then very slowly, he will meditate during whole hours on each of the words and phrases of the OUR FATHER, as if trying to converse with the FATHER who is in the heavens.

During this exercise the disciple should become profoundly sleepy.

In visions of dreams, the FATHER who is in the heavens will appear to the student, and the disciple will be able to converse with him in a familiar manner.

The FATHER will be able to make the disciple see certain visions that the disciple should learn to interpret with the heart. In this way all disciples can converse with GOD.

The cardiac chakra has 12 radiations and luminous undulations.

The mantram OMNIS JAUM INTIMO serves to communicate with the INNERSELF.

This mantram shall be vocalized mentally.

The disciple will lull himself to sleep adoring the INNER-SELF and mentally pronouncing the mantram OMNIS JAUM INTIMO.

The disciple will be able to converse with his INNER-SELF.

The INNER-SELF will appear to the disciple in visions during sleep.

The mantram to awaken INTUITION is “OM MANI PADME JUM”.

This mantram is vocalized like this:


The vocalization is letter by letter, like this:




Its meaning is: “Oh, my God in me!”

This mantram is vocalized adoring the INNER-SELF, rendering homage to the


The INNER-SELF is the Most High in us.

The INNER-SELF is our individual Spirit.

Ancient humanity was instinctive…

-Manual of Practical Magic Samael Aun Weor

Chakra Vishuddha 

    Plexus: Larynx

    Church: Sardis

    Number of petals: 16

    Color: Blue

    Location: The base of the larynx (the base of the throat, at the junction of the spine and medulla, the thyroid gland). Third cervical vertebra.

    Governs: Mouth, throat, vocal tract and metabolism

    Gland: Thyroid

Mantra E

Clairaudience awakens with the vowel “E” ( “e” is pronounced like the “a” in the word “date”)

This vowel is combined with different letters to awaken occult hearing.

Manual of Practical Magic Chapter 3 , Samael Aun Weor


Clairaudience is the occult hearing and is developed with the following mantras:



The sound should be prolonged in the above repeated sounds.

Submerged in profound meditation, the student will vocalize trying to lull himself to sleep.

Once he has managed to lull himself to sleep, he will exert himself to listen to the voice of his friends who are far away: this is how the internal hearing awakens.

-Logos, Mantra, Theurgy, Chapter 9 Samael Aun Weor


Clairaudience is the power to hear in the internal worlds.

Clairaudience is the magical ear.

Clairaudience awakens with the vowel “E”.

This vowel is combined with different letters to awaken the occult ear.

The syllable “EN” serves to develop the magical ear.


The mantram “CHES” is very powerful to awaken the magical ear.

This mantram is vocalized like this: CHEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS…..

There are some very powerful mantrams to awaken the magical ear.

These mantrams are: AUM CHIVATUM Eeeeeeeee…

AUM is pronounced opening the mouth wide with the vowel A, rounding it out with the U, and closing it with the M.

The other syllables are pronounced prolonging the sound over each vowel.

The laryngeal chakra is located in the throat and it has 16 radiations. Its colors are

marvellous. It looks like a lotus flower emerging from the Thyroid gland.

Chakra Ajna 

    Plexus: Front or pituitary (cavernous)

    Church: Philadelphia

    Number of petals: 2 fundamental composed of 96 basic petals

    Color: Pure white

    Location: Between the eyebrows. First cervical vertebra.

    Governs: Lower brain, ears, nose and left eye

    Gland: Hypophysis or pituitary

Mantra I

Frontal Chakra. It is developed with the intonation of the vowel “I”. Like this: IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (“i” is pronounced like the “ee” in the word “see”)

Faculty: Clairvoyance

-The Three Mountains Chapter 5, Samael Aun Weor

 Meditation with Mantra PROWEOA

This exercise enables us to perceive what exists in the Internal Worlds, in any Plane: Physical, Astral, Mental, etc.

When the student needs to urgently perceive something clairvoyantly, he will go into profound, internal mediation, while vocalizing this Mantra: PROWEOA

The vocalization will be done by prolonging the sound of each vowel.

-Logos, Mantra, Theurgy, Samael Aun Weor

Meditation on the birth and death of a plant

The best exercise in order to attain Imaginative Knowledge is the following:

While seated in front of a plant, we concentrate on it until we forget everything that is not related with it. Then, by closing the eyes, we become drowsy and keep in our imagination the form, figure, structure, perfume and color of the plant.

The disciple must provoke drowsiness during these practices.

The disciple, while in drowsiness, will profoundly meditate on the internal constitution of the plant.

The disciple will imagine the living cells of the plant. Each cell possesses protoplasm, membrane and nucleus. The protoplasm is a viscose, elastic, and transparent substance, similar to the egg white (album-inoid matter). The disciple, while in drowsiness, must reflect upon the four fundamental elements in the protoplasm of the cell of the plant. These four elements are carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen. 

The membrane is a marvellous substance without color, a substance within which the water becomes totally insoluble. This substance is the well-known cellulose. 

The disciple, while concentrated, will imagine the nucleus of the cell as a small corpuscle where the great universal life palpitates. The nuclear filament is within the nucleus, as well as the nuclear juice and the nucleolus which are all covered by the nuclear membrane. The nucleoli are infinitesimal corpuscles filled with brightness and beauty. These are residual products of the incessant reactions of the plant organism. 

The disciple, while well-concentrated, must imagine with complete logical precision all of those mineral substances and organic combinations that are harmoniously unfolding within the cellular protoplasm of the plant. Let us think on the grains of starch and on the portentous chlorophyll, without which it is impossible to reach the perfect organic synthesis. The chlorophyll is presented in granulated form (chloro-leucite) as a very beautiful yellow color (xanthophyll) that becomes that precious green color of the plant while under the solar rays. 

Every plant is a perfect cellular community with incalculable perfections. The student must meditate on the perfection of the plant and on all of its scientific processes. He must be filled with a mystic attitude and enchanted with so much beauty.

The mystic is in rapture when remembering all of the phenomena of nutrition, relation, and reproduction of each cell of the plant. 

Let us see the chalice of the flower. Here are its sexual organs; here is the pollen, the masculine reproductive element; here is the pistil or gynoecium, a very precious feminine organ with its ovary, stylus, and stigma.

The ovary is a sack full of marvelous ovums. The stamen can occupy different positions in relation with the pistil, for instance, insertion beneath the ovary, insertion around the ovary, or above it. 

Fecundation is verified with the function of the feminine germs and masculine gametes. After exiting the anther, the pollen, the masculine gamete, reaches the ovary of the plant where the ovum, the feminine gamete, is waiting with anxiety.

The seed is the precious and enchanted ovum that after being fecundated is transformed and grows. 

Now the student should remember the step on which he is meditating. A sprout will emerge as a delicate bud; imagine it growing slowly, until seeing it with your imagination spreading branches, leaves, and flowers. Remember that everything that is born must die. Imagine the plant’s process of dying. Its flowers wither; its leaves dry and the wind blows them away. Finally, only a few twigs remain. 

This process of birth and death is marvelous. By meditating on the whole process of the birth and death of a plant, by meditating on its marvelous life, if the concentration is perfect and a profound level of drowsiness is achieved, then the chakras of the Astral Body will spin, develop, and unfold.

Meditation must be done correctly. The mind must be exact. Logical thought and exact concept is needed for the purpose of developing the internal senses absolutely perfectly.

Every incoherence, every lack of logical and moral equilibrium obstructs and damages the evolution and progress of the chakras, disks, or lotus flowers of the Astral Body. 

The student needs a lot of patience, because any act of impatience takes him into failure.

The student needs a lot of patience, willpower, tenacity, and absolutely conscious faith.

On any given day, within dreams or while in Meditation, a distant picture, a landscape of nature, a feature, etc. emerges. This is a sign that the student is progressing.

The student elevates himself little by little into Imaginative Knowledge. The student is unveiling the veil of Isis little by little.

On any given day, the plant on which he was meditating disappears. Then, a beautiful child who replaces the plant is seen. That child is the elemental of the plant, the soul of the plant. 

Later, during a dream, he awakens his consciousness, then he can say, “I am in my Astral Body.” The Consciousness awakens little by little. In this way, the moment in which the disciple will acquire continuous Consciousness arrives.

When the student enjoys continuous consciousness, he no longer dreams; he can no longer dream, because his Consciousness is awakened. Then, even when the physical body is sleeping, he moves himself consciously in the superior worlds. 

Exact Meditation awakens the internal senses and performs a complete transformation of the internal bodies.

Whosoever awakens Consciousness has reached Imaginative Knowledge. This one moves in the world of symbolic images.

The symbols that the student saw while he was dreaming he now sees without dreaming, as before he was seeing them with a sleeping consciousness. Now he moves himself among them with an awakened Consciousness even when his physical body is profoundly asleep.

When the student reaches Imaginative Knowledge, he sees the symbols but he does not understand them. He comprehends that all of nature is a living scripture that he does not know. The student needs to elevate himself into Inspired Knowledge in order to interpret the sacred symbols of Great Nature.

-Fundamental Notions of Endocrinology and Criminology, Samael Aun Weor


“In the beginning was the Verb, and the Verb was with God, and the Verb God”.

The disciple should vocalize one hour daily, to awaken his occult powers.

The mantram “CHIS” serves to awaken the power of clairvoyance; this mantram is


The syllable “IN” also serves to awaken the power of clairvoyance; that syllable is


The mantram “RIS” is also used for clairvoyance. That mantram is vocalized like this:


The mantram “ISIS” is also a great mantram to awaken clairvoyance; that mantram is


One hour daily of vocalization, is better that reading one million books of Theosophism, Spiritism, etc.

Clairvoyance is the same imagination. For the sage, to imagine is to see. Whoever wants to become clairvoyant, has to reconquer his lost infancy. Whoever wants to be claivoyant must put an end to reasoning and accustom himself to see all things with the imagination.

The most powerful mantrams for clairvoyance, are the first syllables that the child begins to syllabicate during his first years. These syllables are:


On pronouncing the first syllable MA, this syllable will be vocalize in a very high and acute manner.

On vocalizing the second syllable MA, it will be vocalized in a very low manner. The same shall be done with the syllable PA, PA. One’s voice is raised with the first syllable of each of the words, and then be repeated many times, lowering the note.

The pythonesses of Delphi received help from the God APOLLO and our disciples can invoke APOLLO during their exercises to awaken their clairvoyance. The pythonesses of Delphi awakened clairvoyance looking fixedly at the water for entire hours, and our disciples can do the same. In the atoms of infancy we have the power of clairvoyance. Those atoms are in our inner universe, and we can make them come to th surface through the syllables: MA MA, PA PA. The frontal chakra has 96 radiations and shines between our eyebrows like a lotus flower. This lotus flower has the Pituitary gland as its base.

-Manual of Practical Magic, Samael Aun Weor

Chakra Sahasrara

    Plexus: Pineal

    Church: Laodisea

    Number of petals: 97201000

    Color: Golden in the Masters, in other people it has a violet color with a yellow center part

    Location: Crown (at the top of the head)

    Governs: Upper brain and right eye. Progress, evolution, and development of the sexual organs

    Gland: Pineal

Samael Aun Weor

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