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We continue now with the study of this topic that has revolutionized public opinion in social networks, and we Gnostics can not ignore it.

In several active pages on the Internet, we find articles, informative flyers, videos, etc., which pose the unusual fact that masturbation is a healthy habit for the physical and mental health of the practitioner, whether male or female.

Nothing could be further from reality, because if you know something about human nature, it is known that by the spermatic cords defined as:

“The spermatic cord or testicular cord, refers to a structure of the male genital apparatus that connects the inguinal canal of the abdomen to the testicle. It has a cylindrical shape and is formed by a vas deferens, nerve fibers, lymph nodes and blood vessels intended to feed the testicle.”

liquid material must circulate trough them for the regeneration of the body, not the air as it happens with the peristaltic movement consequent to the orgasm that occurs in self-gratification.

When investigating this problem of masturbation directly, we discover with astonishment that the practitioner goes to this fatal vice by voluntary or involuntary induction.

Voluntarily when informed by others of the possibility of performing this act as a relief to loneliness, frustration, boredom, etc., etc.

Involuntary when it is the result of the excessive use of the intellectual and emotional brains (us humans possess three brains) that have reached the total excitement and the mind does not coordinate the motor functions anymore.

In the first case, the stimulating information is provided by Internet sources, such as: blogs, pornographic videos, medical articles, modern music, selfie photographs, humorous jokes, among others. School teachers, friends and family misinformed, soap operas, movies etc, .etc. they also inform the ego of the person who launches into the practice of that terrible vice without consulting different sources of information, because the bad seed was already planted in his weak mind, devoid of experience, young people are being easy prey to this type of sexual predators.

Young people who get carried away by those types of influences and masturbate lose millions of atoms, and degenerative and creative cells that could originate a wise man, a great scientist or a renowned artist … Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, etc. they did not masturbate.

Young people today have a great job, and that is through their creativity can rescue the superior values of this humanity that involutes… with Art, Philosophy, Science and Mystic we can reeducate the three brains.

When the intellectual and emotional brains of the person are exhausted by excessive study and by inferior emotions, then the sexual energy that is not used in physical activities is expelled, taken out, thrown out of the body by the “Wet Dreams” or the famous ones nocturnal pollutions that are another form of AUTO-GRATIFICATION.

The society of today, is programmed in itself for the misfortune… if in our homes self-respect, conscious love, and natural sexual duality are not taught then the result will be a town full of vices, violence, hatreds, taboos , ignorance and consequently pain.

The full integration of the three brains and the elimination of the vice of masturbation can lead to a really happier life.

This page, and general gnostic knowledge openly manifest against the vice of MASTURBATION, its bases and consequences and through workshops, conferences, blogs, videos, etc., we inform of the existence of a new and healthy way of living sexually full and happy.

Sexual energy is the most precious product in the human body. We have been told that large amounts of minerals, including silver and gold, exist in sexual secretions, if it is spilled it is like if gold is thrown away.

We need to END the vice of masturbation and start to recycle, save, revalue and transmute the semen into energy so we can transform ourselves into conscious and responsible beings towards society.

Ramón T Juárez

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