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Bounded by intellectual walls, fed up with so many complicated and difficult theories, I made up my mind to travel towards the tropical coast of the Caribbean sea…

Over there, far away, seated under the sparse shadow of a lonely tree like a hermit of times past, I decided to bury all this difficult retinue of useless rationalism…

With a blank mind, starting from radical zero, sunk in deep meditation, I searched inside myself for the Secret Master….

Without hesitation, I shall confess with sincerity that I took very seriously that sentence from the Gospel of Ancient Wisdom that says, to the letter:

“Before the  false dawn appeared over the Earth, those that survived the hurricane and the storm praised the Intimate, and the heralds of the Dawn arose in front of them”.

Obviously I was searching for the Intimate, I adored it in the secret of the meditation, worshipping him…

I knew that I would find it inside myself, in the unknown depths of my soul. And I did not have to wait long for the results…

Later on, I had to leave that sandy beach to take refuge in other countries, other places…

However, no matter where I was I continued my practices of meditation. Lying in bed or on the hard floor, I arranged myself in the shape of a burning star—legs and arms open at right and left—with the body totally relaxed…

I closed my eyes so that nothing in the world could distract me. Then I became intoxicated with the wine of meditation in the glass of perfect concentration.

Unquestionably, as I intensified my practices, I felt that I had really got nearer to the Intimate…

The vanities of the world did not interest me, knowing full well that everything in this valley of tears is transitory…

The Intimate and its secret, instantaneous answers were the only things that really concerned me…

There are extraordinary cosmic festivals that can never be forgotten, this is well known by the divines and the humans…

At this moment when I am writing these lines the pleasant dawn of a happy day comes to my memory…

From the interior garden of my home, outside the planetary body, kneeling humbly down, crying out with a great voice, I called the Intimate…

The Blessed One crossed over the threshold of my mansion. I saw him come to me in triumphal progress…

Dressed in precious zephyr and a white ineffable tunic, the Adorable came to me; I contemplated him happily…

The  crown  of  the  Hierophants  glittered  splendidly  in  his  heavenly  head,     his body was made out of happiness…

The  crown  of  the  Hierophants  glittered  splendidly  in  his  heavenly  head

Those valuable jewels mentioned in The Apocalypse of St John shone beautifully in his right hand…

The Lord gripped strongly the Wand of Mercury, the sceptre of the kings, the baton of the patriarchs…

The Lord of Perfections took me then to the planet Venus, very far from the bitterness of this world…

In this way I approached the Intimate by the secret path of internal deep meditation. Now I speak because…

Samael Aun Weor

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