
When the magician immerses himself in Meditation, he is looking for information. Meditation is a Scientific system to receive  inner information.

Meditation entails four phases:

1st: ASANA (posture of the Physical body). The body has to remain in a completely comfortable position.

2nd: DHARANA (Concentration). We must turn the mind away from all kind of earthly thoughts. Earthly thoughts must fall dead before the doors of the temple. We have to concentrate the mind only inwards… on our INTIMATE one.

3rd: DYANA (Meditation). In those instants the student must meditate on the INTIMATE one. The INTIMATE one is the SPIRIT.

“Remember that your bodies are the temple of God alive, and that the Almighty dwells in you”. 

The disciple must deeply drowse trying to converse with his INTIMATE one.

4th: SHAMADI (Ecstasy). If the disciple has managed to drowse meditating on his INTIMATE one, then he goes into the state of Shamadi and can see and hear ineffable things, and chat with the angels. This is how the consciousness awakes from its millenary lethargy.

This is how we can acquire true divine Wisdom without damaging the mind’s powers with the battling of reasoning powers or with  vain intellectualism.

“Meditation is the Bread of the Wise”

Samael Aun Weor

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