Messenger for the New Age of Aquarius

Student- It is said that you are the Avatar of the New Age of Aquarius, we’d like to know, what does the term “Avatar” , “Kalki”, “Buddha”, “Maitreya”, symbolizes or “Buddhaa Maitreya Kalki Avatar of the New Age of Aquarius? It’s all over the books, however, a lot of us don’t really know what it means, so we beg you Venerable Master, can you please answer specifically.

Master- I will be happy to answer the question posed by our International Gnostic Missionary E.V.Q.

“Kalki Avatara is, in fact, the Avatar for the age of the Kali Yuga, in the Age of Aquarius. The Word “AVATAR” means “MESSENGER” .

Unquestionably, “Messenger” is understood as “he who delivers a message”; and since I have had the task of delivering such message, I am called “Messenger”, in Sanskrit: “Avatar”.

A Messenger or Avatar, in the most complete sense of the word is an “errand boy” the man who delivers a message, a servant, or servant of the Great Work of the Father. Let’s not allow this word to mislead us, as it is specified with complete clarity.

So I am a Servant or Messenger who is delivering a message. I said once, ” I am a Cosmic Postman since I am delivering the content of a Cosmic Letter”.

So, my dear brothers, the word “Avatar” should never lead us to pride, since it only means that, and nothing more than that: It is an Emissary, a Servant who delivers a message and that’s it.

As for the terms “BUDDHA MAITREYA”, well you have to analyze them a little bit, on order not to fall into error. The INTIMATE BUDDHA , in itself, is, let us say, the Real Inner Being of someone who has properly achieved its Intimate Self-Realization, it is declared “Buddha”.

The term “MAITREYA” is individual and collective. From the individual point of view, it would represent a Master called “Maitreya”, but from the point of view, let’s say, collective, it is understood by “Buddha Maitreya”, in the most complete sense of the word, any Initiate who has achieved, let’s say, Christify himself ., and that’s it. I said!

Student- Thank you, Venerable Master, now, turning to a derivation of the previous question, we want to ask you: What is this Message that you have come to deliver to humanity?

Master- It is certainly a specific Message for the New Age of Aquarius. IT IS A COMPLETELY REVOLUTIONARY MESSAGE, very different from anything that has been taught in past centuries, and nevertheless, indispensable for the New Age that is now beginning, amid the august thunder of thought. Unlike ancient Cycles, let’s say, Zodiacals, this Aquarius Cycle leads us to very deep reflections…

The Scriptures of all time have told us of a GREAT CATACLISM that is coming, and this is not ignored by those who have studied the Bible in depth. The “Genesis” of Moses quotes the “Universal Flood” and the “Apocalypse” of Saint John tells us about the “Burning Water of Fire and Sulfur” (which is the Second Death), that is, the Bible begins with water and conclude with

fire. Water and fire debate each other, humanity, because, when it does not perish through water, it perishes through fire.

We already know that the humanity of ancient times perished by water, with the Second Transalpalnian Catastrophe that totally changed the appearance of our terrestrial globe. The present humanity will perish by fire and earthquakes; so it is written. Anyone who has ever investigated the Secret Doctrine of Anahuac will be able to prove it. Many are the Prophets who have spoken to us about the same thing; let us remember Muhammad, let us remember the “Prophetic Sermon” of Jeshua Ben Pandirá (Jesus of Nazareth), the prophecies of the Mayans, etc., etc., etc.

The Final Cataclysm is not far away… We can assure you that we are at the gates, although this seems incredible … It also seemed incredible to the inhabitants of Atlantis, that they were on the verge of the submergence of that continent, when MANU VAIVASWATA (which is not other than the BIBLICAL NOAH), he spoke to them of the Great Catastrophe that was coming.


People laughed and said: “This man is crazy”; and on the eve of the Great Tragedy all “ate, drank, had fun, got married and were given in marriage”, as the Holy Scriptures say, and the next day they were corpses. So also in these times: People eat, sleep, have fun, degenerate more and more and more, and soon they will be corpses. There will be a fire that no one will be able to put out… The day of the Great Fire is near; a dreadful catastrophe is coming: Earthquakes intensify from moment to moment; keep in mind that the fire inside the Earth is in restlessness…

It happens that in the Atlantic, and especially in the Pacific, there are very deep cracks (in the Pacific the deepest are found), and the water is already in contact with the inner fire of the Earth through these cracks; then, it is clear, that vapors and pressures are being formed within the interior of the globe, and these pressures and vapors are what cause earthquakes. As such pressures and vapors increase, the earthquakes will intensify, and the day will come when no one will be able to live in peace, live in peace, and cities will fall like castles of cards made dust, made cisco. So, then, that is the harsh reality of the facts…

Just as in the days of Noah (which I already said, it is the same Manu Vaivaswata), there was a select people, that is, a WORLD SALVATION ARMY that listened to the teachings of that Manu Avatara, and that was saved from between the waters and He was able to leave the continent before it finally submerged, to enter the heart of Asia, likewise, now an army is being formed, and it is obvious that the greatest responsibility weighs on me…

In its moment and in its hour, and in its indicated day, there will be A NEW EXODUS; This people, this World Salvation Army of the Aryan Race, will be formed by the select, by the distinguished, by those who have wanted to hear the Message that we are delivering to humanity. And it is obvious that such a people, such an army, will be secretly saved; That is exactly the objective of my work, that is exactly the mission that has been entrusted to us… Listening to the Message and living it is, therefore, the most indicated for those who want to be saved.

Student- Venerable Master, that Message of yours, then, is said to be a real Body of Doctrine; it is logical that because it is such a complete Teaching, then, it contains in all its parts a Body of

Doctrine. Is this Body of Doctrine the same as Moses, the same as Jesus, or is there a difference? Could you explain to us, Master, what does this Body of Doctrine consist of?

Master- THE BASIC PRINCIPLES OF THE GREAT UNIVERSAL WISDOM ARE ALWAYS IDENTICAL. Both the Buddha, as Hermes Trismegistus, Quetzalcoatl or Jesus of Nazareth, the Great Kabir, etc., delivered a Message. Each of them contains, in itself, the Cosmic Principles of a completely impersonal and universal type.

The Body of Doctrine that we are delivering now is revolutionary in the fullest sense of the word, but it contains the same Principles that the Buddha taught secretly to his disciples, or those that the Great Kabir secretly delivered to his disciples; it is the same Body of Doctrine, only it is presented in a revolutionary way and in accordance with the NEW AGE that is already coming.

When I say like this: “New Age that is already coming”, I am not referring, properly, to the Age of Aquarius that has already begun or has begun; When I speak of the “New Age, which is already coming”, I mean the future Golden Age, then, the World Salvation Army that we are preparing now has to receive the Teachings that will be given in the future Golden Age. That future Golden Age will come after the Great Cataclysm, and it will happen in this Age of the Water Bearer that is already beginning. Thus, whoever receives this type of Teachings, prepares, in fact, not only for the Age of the Water Bearer, but also for the future Golden Age. This Body of Doctrine, in itself, is clear, specific, concrete, it is based on THE THREE FACTORS OF THE REVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS: Being Born, Dying, Sacrificing ourselves for Humanity.

Is it properly understood?

It is clear that one must be BORN, that is to say, reach the Second Birth; DIE: It is necessary to eliminate all the Ego that we carry inside, so that the Essence, the Spirit, remains in us pure, perfect, immaculate; SACRIFY OURSELVES FOR HUMANITY: That is Love; in practice, always being ready to give even the last drop of blood for our fellow men. Thus, the Body of Doctrine, I repeat, is based on the Three Factors of the Revolution of Consciousness. We have been giving a series of clear and precise Teachings, duly arranged in a didactic and dialectical way for the New Age.

In principle we have taught Kindergarten which is made up of works such as: “The Perfect Matrimony”, “The Revolution of Bel”, “Igneous Rose”, “Gnostic Catechism”, “Christ Consciousness”, “Secret Notes of a Guru”, “Beyond Death”, “Looking at the Mystery”, etc., etc., etc. High School Books “are precisely those that are condensed in the” Christmas Messages “of each year; and there will be a Teaching of a very Superior, very high type, which will begin to be given in a few years… Thus, the whole Teaching is divided into three aspects: KINDERGARTEN, MIDDLE AND HIGHER. This corresponds to the Three Degrees of Occult Masonry: LEARNERS, COMPANIONS, AND TEACHERS. We also know that there are Adept Apprentices, Adept Companions, and Adept Adepts. They are always Three fundamental Degrees; The Mysteries have had them and we also have them in the way of imparting the Teaching.

In our studies, in our organization, we have Cameras for beginners, that is, FIRST CAMERA; we have a SECOND CHAMBER and we have a THIRD, as it says: Apprentices, Companions and Teachers. This in a symbolic way, because it is clear that I do not mean by this that the brothers who are in the Third Chamber are all Masters, or something like that, no; but in a symbolic way everything is organized according to that order.

Thus, my dear brothers, the Teaching that we are giving is developed in a complete and correct way, so that everyone can assimilate it. The objective, then, is that the brothers, our disciples, the Students, those who are treading the Path that leads to Final Liberation, who are forming the World Salvation Army, not only study our books, no, that is not enough; something more is needed: they need to meditate on them, to understand every word, every phrase, and lastly, they need to experience it, live, live; that can be Self-realized through the Body of Doctrine. And that is precisely what the Body of Doctrine is about: To serve as an instrument, to serve as an indication for Self-realization…

Student- Venerable Master, you were telling us now that…, or you gave us to understand, that you had to play the same role as Noah. However, in the religions they teach that Noah saved his people in a wooden Ark, that it took a year to build it and that he threw a couple of each species into the Ark, and that after 40 days he landed all that amount of animals and people … Could you tell us if this Ark is really made of wood, or is it symbolic, or if the religions have not explained it sufficiently?

Master- THE ARK OF THE COVENANT IS COMPLETELY SYMBOLIC! It would be absolutely absurd to suppose that there was a wooden Ark where the different species would have fit, a couple from each of the animal species that populate the world. Note also that at the time of Atlantis, there were gigantic flying reptiles, huge mammoths, large and gigantic dinosaurs, etc., etc., etc., that would not have fit, in any way, in a poor wooden Ark , built by old Noah.

It is obvious that with a single animal of those (very heavy) he would have had such an Ark, as if to go down. Also, keep in mind that according to legend, his whole family should have gone there too… In no modern ocean liner, equipped with the best machinery, etc., and technical instruments, could it have transported a couple of each one of the creatures that populate the face of the Earth. So, let’s be clear and understanding about all this. That Ark is completely symbolic and was in the Holy of Holies of the Temple of Solomon. You have to understand what we are talking about. The ARK OF SCIENCE, undoubtedly, is what the Bible wants to quote …

The Ark of Science was also, I repeat, represented in the form of a symbolic or allegorical miniature in the Sanctum Sanctorum of the Temple of Solomon: It is said that two cherubs stood on either side of the Ark, that they touched with the tips of their wings and found in the attitude of man and woman during intercourse… When the soldiers of King Nebuchadnezzar entered the Holy of Holies, they exclaimed: “This is the God that you Jews praised so much and of whose virtues you were proud?”

And, of course, what would the profane and profaners understand, then? Inside the Ark was the BOOK OF LAW (that is, the Tablets of the Law), the ROD OF AARON (which means the Phalus, the Virile, sexual, masculine Principle), the CUP or GOMOR, within which it was contained the seed or the Manna of the desert; there is Cup or Gomor, it is nothing but the Utherus, the Uterus, the feminine Yoni.

The Ark of the Covenant, then, or Noah’s Ark, is nothing but the Ark of Science. Undoubtedly, such an enigma could not be understood, if we did not know, properly, the ARCANUS AZF, the Great Arcanum… Obviously, the same, the said Arcanum, can only be understood by those who have ever studied TIBETAN BUDDHIST TANTRISM, SEX-YOGA , with all the Mysteries of the Lingam-Yoni; and that’s it. It is understood?

Student- Yes, Venerable Master. Another thing that it would be good for you to clarify is something that floats over the belief of all religious people, which they hope for the future, and it is that part in which the Master Jesus says, or someone says in the Holy Scriptures, “that The Son of Man will come on the clouds ”. Many people believe that he comes flying and that he lands somewhere and says: “I am the Christ” and he takes the one he wants, and he leaves the ones he doesn’t like, right? We would like a very specific explanation about, how is it that “the Son of Man will come on the clouds”?

Master- Everything must be understood from the Esoteric, concrete, clear and definitive point of view. It is already known that, in Esotericism, THE CLOUDS REPRESENT, precisely, THE MYSTERY, the curtain that was always in front of the Holy of Holies to cover that Ark, in which it is said that Noah was saved with all his family. It is clear that whoever accepts the Great Arcanum works in the Great Work, is secretly saved from these cataclysms, as the select people were saved in ancient Atlantis before the submergence.


Thus, that the SON OF MAN comes behind the Curtains of Esotericism, it is true. And truly I tell you, my dear brothers, that the Son of Man draws near… The Son of Man is not something, as many believe, exclusively our Venerable Grand Master Jeshuá Ben Pandirá (this is a way of anthropomorphizing or dogmatizing what should not be done, that is, anthropomorphizing the Esoteric Teaching). TO KNOW WHAT IS THE SON OF MAN, ONE NEEDS TO KNOW KABBALAH HEBRAIC. If we open the Hebraic Kabbalah, the Zohar, we must immediately look for the TREE OF LIFE. One, through that scheme of the Tree of Life, can orient oneself and know what the Son of Man is.

In the Tree of Life we see the TEN SEPHIROTES. Kether, the Ancient of Days, is at the top, then he appears to Chokmah, that is, the Second Logos, the Christ, Vishnu; then Binah, the Holy Spirit, Third Logos, Lord Shiva. Then there is an abyss and after that abyss appears Chesed; that Chesed is nothing but the Intimate, Atman the Ineffable (speaking in language, strictly Sanskrit); next follows the Spiritual Soul, which is feminine, the Buddhi, the Geburah, the Rigor, the Law, then Tiphereth, the Human Soul.

Continuing we will find Netzach, the Mind, and Hod (it is written H, O, D, Hod), the Astral Body and Jesod, the Fundamental Principle of Sex, the Vital Fund of the human organism, the Linga Sharira of the Theosophists, and then Malkuth, the Physical World. Behold the Ten Sephirotes.

The FIRST TRIANGLE IS LOGOIC: Kether, Chokmah and Binah. THE SECOND TRIANGLE IS ETHICAL: Chesed, Geburah, Tiphereth. The THIRD TRIANGLE IS MAGIC: Netzach, Hod, and Jesod. Malkuth, the Physical World, is a fallen Sephiroth.

Well, if the First Triangle is Logoic, it has a basic center in the Manifestation, it is specified precisely in Kether, the First Logos. As for the Second Logos, it has its living representation, or center of gravitation, in the Second Triangle, which is precisely Tiphereth, the Human Soul, the Son of Man. And finally, the Third Logos, has its center of gravitation, in the Third Triangle, in Jesod.

So, my dear brothers, all those who understand this, do not forget that the Son of Man is the Tiphereth of the Hebraic Kabbalah (living representative, let us say, of the Logos), and the Human Soul itself, called, let us say, to integrate the totality of our Being (as it would be said in Kabbalah: The totality of the Ten Sephiroths of the Kabbala).

The Son of Man is the one who has to establish full balance within ourselves, here and now; the important thing is precisely to prepare the Temple for the Son of Man; when that inner, intimate, particular Temple of each one of us is ready, then he enters us, he comes between the Clouds of Esotericism, or “on the Clouds of Esotericism”, as it has been said … The Clouds of Esotericism, because he entered the Mysteries, the Practical and Transcendental Magic.

It is understood?

Student- Yes Master. Since we purposely touch on this point of people, also derived from religions, and that is because everyone confuses the Cosmic Christ with the Master Jesus. Do you want to explain to us, what is the difference between the Cosmic Christ and the Master Jesus?

Master- It is clear that THE COSMIC CHRIST IS IMPERSONAL, Universal, and is beyond the Personality, the Individuality and the Self; it is a Cosmic Force that EXPRESSES HIMSELF THROUGH ANY MAN WHO IS PROPERLY PREPARED: One day he expressed himself through the Master Jeshuá Ben Pandirá (Jesus of Nazareth); another day it is expressed through a Hermes Trismegistus, or through the Buddha Gautama Sakyamuni …

In any case, the Cosmic Chrestos is Universal and can be expressed through any Avatara, through any Man who is properly prepared, in the most complete sense of the word.

Student- Master, you once wrote that for the woman to be able to Fully Self-Realize, she would have to change her body for a male body. But now you tell us that women have the same physical and spiritual rights to inherit, then, Wisdom and Immortality, exactly the same as man. We would like you to clarify this aspect Master…

Master- Certainly, in the past, we thought that for the woman to be able to Self-Realize she would have to take on a Male Body. We were based on the fact that Jesus of Nazareth was not a woman, and neither was Gautama Sakyamuni Buddha, nor was Hermes Trismegistus, nor Quetzalcoatl.

Then, when we are now among the most select group of humanity (I mean the Secret Group, or the Rectors of this world, made up of better said), it is clear that WE HAVE CHANGED OUR OPINION. And it is not simply an opinion, in the sense of what is understood by the emission of a concept with respect to whether another may be the true one, no, I have personally dealt with a very select group, I have been in direct contact with the brothers of the Superior Order, I have been among that group (people of flesh and blood like us, but Immortals), there I found several ADEPT LADIES, whose bodies date back thousands or millions of years…

One of them surprised me with her youth and her extraordinary beauty. It is of an indecipherable age… It is about Resurrected Ladies The bodies of these Immortals do not know how old they are; In any case, they are Masters of Perfection who rose from the dead, who have the Elixir of Long Life and who possess Universal Medicine, who know how to transmute lead into gold and who govern the whole of Nature; They are the Rectors of this world, and I repeat, among them I found several Adept, Resurrected and Immortal Ladies.

For this reason, I had to see myself in the need of having to rectify: WOMEN ALSO REACH IMMORTALITY; THEY HAVE THE SAME RIGHTS AS MAN, they can rise from the dead, Christify themselves in an absolute way, etc. That is clear.

If we read Genesis carefully, we will find the word “ELOHIM” (but I mean the primitive Hebraic Bible, not these Bibles of today that are adulterated and arranged according to the interests of certain sects, no), let’s look at the Original, primitive Hebraic Bible, God is quoted with the word “Elohim” (now, “Elohim” is a word that is written with an intermediate “H”, “Elohim”, and is pronounced “Elohim” because the “H” sounds like “J”), and means: “Goddesses and Gods” …

If Goddesses are taken from a religion, then such a religion has been placed in the middle of atheism; a religion without Goddesses is half atheistic, because if we take half from God, only half remains. If God is Goddesses too, and we take away the feminine part, only half remains, the masculine part. Then that religion (such a religion) has, in fact, placed itself in the middle of materialistic atheism.

“Elohim” means: “Goddesses and Gods”; refers to the Army of the Voice. It is a feminine word with a masculine plural. That is the Word of which Saint John speaks to us. Thus, God is male and God is female at the same time. For this reason, women have the same rights as men; and if men rise from the dead (as they are and I know, because I have seen, heard, touched and felt), women also have the same right to the Resurrection …

The time has come for women to understand that they can reach total Perfection if they want to. What happens is that in the past many men always underestimated women, they always wanted to take away their rights, humiliate them; But the time has come for women to rise up against these false concepts and occupy, in fact, in the world and in society, the position that really corresponds to them. That’s it.

Student- Well, Venerable Master, we as disciples of the Divine Gnosis, it is logical that we accept without a doubt, each and every one of the parts of the Body of Doctrine that you have taught us, because we have already experienced it and we know that it was There is nothing

there. But outsiders, religious and non-religious people, and all those restless who are looking for something outside of their beliefs, and who have doubts and so on, it is a bit difficult for them to accept this, like that, for the first time. I ask you, Master, what are you based on or what reasons or motives do you have to assure these things that you say, and why does humanity have to believe you, precisely what you teach?

Master- Well, I will be happy to answer all that. What I am saying IS BASED ON DIRECT EXPERIENCE, since this Body of Doctrine is not purely theoretical, it is something practical, something that anyone can experience for himself, that anyone can verify precisely. And it is clear that whoever wants to experience what we are saying, MUST, above all, AWAKEN CONSCIOUSNESS. Many might object by saying that they are awake. That’s the serious thing! Because when you think you are awake you don’t make an effort to wake up…

Believe it or not, the same MAGICAL PHENOMENA of ancient times continue to take place around us. Whoever has read “The Thousand and One Nights” will not be able to stop understanding me. This book (apparently fantastic, but deep down, tremendously true), talks about Magical Phenomena that existed in Lemuria, in Atlantis, in the Hyperborean and Polar epochs. Generally, people are inclined to believe that these Magical Phenomena belong to a remote past, but that now none of that exists.

It is logical that the ignorant enlightened and people of all kinds, in general, sleep soundly, but they do not know that they sleep. If those people were awake, they could see the Magical Phenomena of old. These exist now, and are of the Physical and Psychic type at the same time.

If someone could wake up, they would realize that such phenomena are most natural, that they are being processed from moment to moment around us, right here in this Physical, material World. It is obvious that if someone were to surprise such phenomena, to see them, and were not properly prepared, they could even lose their life, because certain Elemental Forces of Nature take care of such things… However, it is necessary to wake up, and not to lose your life as anyone might be inclined to believe after hearing these phrases, no, but to, precisely, be able to tread the Path that will lead you to THE TRUTH and with mathematical accuracy. Because Truth is not a matter of believing or not believing. Truth has nothing to do with the ideas one may have about it.

Truth has nothing to do with our concepts or opinions; One can afford to believe what one wants, experimenting is different, my dear brothers: We can put a million theories about fire, but we only come to know that it burns, when we put our finger in the flame. This is the Truth…

There are many who think they are in the Truth because they have a dogma stuck in their heads; but that is not the truth. There are many who believe that they are in the Truth because they have put this or that holy book from cover to cover; but that is not the truth. I repeat: Truth is not a question of hypothesis, nor of what one believes or does not believe; it’s about experimenting…

“He who comes to know the Truth, will become free.” So said Jesus, the Great Teacher and so it is.

But knowing the Truth does not mean accepting the reasoning of this or that author, or of this or that preacher, or of this or that thesis supported by this or another book, no; “Knowing the Truth” means: “Putting your finger in the flame and burning yourself”, that is, experiencing it in itself, directly, as it is, and not as the reason says it is. It is understood?

Student- Yes, Venerable Master.

Master- So, it is not about people believing or not believing what I am saying, no; IT’S ABOUT THAT YOU EXPERIENCE WHAT I’M SAYING, and that’s different…

In some way you have to experience the doctor. If we want to see microbes we must use the microscope and if we want to see the stars, a telescope. So too, whoever wants to experience Truth will need an instrument, something to experiment with. Fortunately, the Essence, the Consciousness is in us.

Well, we have to unpack it in some way, remove it from among the inhuman elements in which it is embedded, because once free it then allows us to experience the Real; see, hear, touch and feel, what we have written in our books. But it must be removed from the Ego, from the I, from the “myself”, from the “self”…this I, which many consider divine, is really a capsule, a bottle: The bottle that where the LITTLE GENIE is engrossed, the Ego; The Little Genie that is inside, stuck there between that bottle, is nothing else but the SOUL, the ESSENCE; we have to get it out of the Ego, so that that Essence, free, can experience the Truth; I can see, hear, touch and feel what I have written in each of my works.

So the Ego must be destroyed. If the Ego is not destroyed, how can the Soul, the Essence, be liberated? “Disintegrate the Ego”, many will find this annoying; And even more, those who worship the Ego do not want to disintegrate it, right? There are many “smart” in the world, mistaken people who are believing that the Ego is God within them; Poor people are on the path of error!… If those people took the trouble to self-explore themselves, they would discover what the Ego is.

There is no doubt that such an Ego is nothing more than a set of inhuman psychic aggregates: Anger, greed, lust, laziness, envy, lies, gluttony, pride, etc., etc., etc. What is there to SELF- EXPLORE ourselves? It is true. And when you discover an error, a defect, you have to disintegrate it, but first you have to understand it, before burning it. Only through an INNER MEDITATION, deep and ruthless on oneself, on one’s own error that one wants to reduce to dust, can it give us UNDERSTANDING.

When it is already understood, there remains a little more: KNOW HOW TO PLEASE. We all have a COSMIC MOTHER, a Universal Igneous Principle, a Fohat, that is to say, the Igneous Serpent of our magical powers, of which the Hindustans speak, if we beg her, it is obvious that with her Flaming Fire, She will DESINTEGRATE THE ERROR that we have understood. A didactics is needed; I have given it in my books… Let everyone study “The Mystery of the Golden Blossom”.

As we finish with our mistakes, the Consciousness will be released. A Free Consciousness will be able to experience what I have written in my books. It is not, then, that they believe me or that they do not believe me, what is necessary is that each one can experience for himself. We differ,

therefore, from how many sect, school or religion that exist out there, in the fact that we give practices that are aimed at demonstration, but at didactic demonstration … We do not want to be “guinea pigs”, nor are we going to serve as “laboratory guinea pigs” to anyone. Let each one experiment on his own skin; that each one is, by himself, capable of investigating and experiencing directly. In our books there are enough techniques for research, for experimentation…

We cultivate the SCIENCE OF RELIGION, that is GNOSIS. We are not against any religion; clarify. We are not attacking anyone; clarify. We only study the Science of Religion and this does not harm anyone. So whoever manages to free his Consciousness, well, with it he can study what we have written in our works. And that’s it.

Student- Master, since you have told us, then, of your Message, and of the Body of Doctrine, and that you are the Avatar, and so on, well, we, logically, have never doubted you (we do not doubt it in the beginning, less now), however, there are many other people from other sects who supposedly have their Avatar; there are some who say that they are the Avatar of Aquarius. For example, we met over there in Venezuela, a sect of a Mr. Laferriere who said that he was the Avatar (I think he, well, disincarnated). How could you explain to us, then, that there are people who affirm something without having the exact way to verify it, Master?

Master- “The day of the burning smoke will be seen.” Remember that many prophets also appeared at the time of Jesus, and they all called themselves “Avatars of Pisces”. But only one triumphed: That was JESUS OF NAZARETH, the Christ.

There were many prophets, many messiahs, in those times of Atlantis, who considered themselves Avatars and made themselves adored as such. But only one emerged triumphant from the waters of the Universal Flood: That, the only one, was the MANU VAIVASWATA, who carried his people to the Central Plateau through the earthquake and floods.

Likewise, my dear brothers, many in these times, may say: “I am the Avatar”, but the facts will speak for themselves and it will be known who the Avatara is. On the day of the Great Fire, the one who is capable of taking his people out of the fire and flames, at the crucial and definitive moment of the end of the Aryan Race, that is the Avatar; the facts will speak, I repeat, they will be the facts …, the tree is known by its fruits: Such a tree, such a fruit …

In any case, here we are delivering the Message… I am the Avatar, although not many believe it; and let our Grand Army prepare. That’s it; with that I say everything …

Student- Master, another question that we find very interesting, and most of all, important; It is the fact that the Bible is a single book, with a single Teaching, with a single Body of Doctrine, and yet it has given scope for a number of religions and sects to emerge from the same Bible, so that they are all different and yet they rely on the same Bible; In other words, each one interprets it, then, in their own way and as they wish. What do you think about this aspect? Or what can you teach humanity in relation to the Bible, Master?

Master– Well, the BIBLE is the Body of Doctrine; the TALMUD is the Soul of Doctrine (where the Jewish National Soul is); But the Spirit of Doctrine is in the ZOHAR, THE JEWISH KABALA. These three books, in general, complement each other. The Bible itself is written in code and could only be understood with the Spirit of Doctrine, which is in the Jewish Kabbalah. It is, then, in the Jewish Kabbalah where the keys to interpreting the Bible are found. WITHOUT THE JEWISH KABALA, IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO INTERPRET THE BIBLE CORRECTLY.

However, there are empirical people who want to interpret the Bible with the Bible itself; and they do it simply out of ignorance, because they ignore that the Bible is written in code. There are those who combine verse with verse, to give interpretations, chapter by chapter, etc., etc., but all these are forms of ignorance, that is absurd empiricism …

The Bible, itself, is sacred. But you have to know the keys that allow their interpretation, and such keys, I repeat, are in the Jewish Kabbalah. Those, then, are the three books that the Jews have made known, and all, in themselves, make up the Doctrine: the Bible, the Talmud and the Jewish Kabbalah (which is the Zohar). But, proof that people do not understand the Doctrine, is that there are thousands of sects based on the Bible. Many times a sect comes out of a single verse; and the sects are multiplying so much that the day will come when there will be as many sects as there are verses in the New Testament.

The very fact that the sects do not agree, that each interprets differently, that they do not reach the same conclusions, is indicating that they are all confused. For if they weren’t confused there would be only one sect, one religion. When there are many opinions, there is confusion; and it is obvious that each sect has its opinion, so, everyone is confused … It is necessary to know the keys to be able to interpret it. If the keys are studied, if those who research the Bible studied Jewish Kabbalah, everyone would agree; then there would be only one Great Religion, based on the Christic Teachings. There is no doubt that the Bible is allegorical, symbolic, that it cannot be interpreted dead letter. It is understood?

Student- Yes, Venerable Master… Master, all Pseudo-Occultists and Pseudo-Rosicrucians, Pseudo-Theosophists, etc., defend, tooth and nail, Evolution. You, however, say no; that outside of Evolution there is its opposite which is Involution, and Revolution, how is it that you face all that number of gentlemen, very illustrious, who have spoken so many wonders of Evolution?

Master- Well, THAT EVERYONE THINK AS THEY WISH; People are free to think and any organization of the Pseudo-Esoteric or Pseudo-Occultist type can have an opinion as they wish. In any case, I speak based on concrete, clear and definitive facts.

EVOLUTION and its twin sister INVOLUTION, are two laws that work in a harmonious and coordinated way in all Nature. Evolution and Involution constitute the mechanical axis of Great Nature. There is Evolution in the grain that germinates and in the plant that develops and bears fruit. There is Involution in the plant that enters the period of expiration, degeneration and death. There is Evolution in the creature that is gestated within the womb, in the child that develops, in the strong young man. Involution exists in the decrepit old man who then falls into the arms of death. There is Evolution in every planet that comes to life, in every new Cosmic Unit, in every Sun. There is Involution in every world that degenerates and dies, until it becomes a Moon…

This of the Intimate Self-Realization of the Being, is something different: We must get on the WAY OF THE REVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS. That is the “narrow and narrow Path that leads to the Light and that very few are those who find it.” That is why the Great Kabir Jesus said: “Narrow is the door and narrow is the path that leads to the Light and very few are those who find it.” This is the Path of the Revolution of Consciousness … As long as one is stuck inside that Wheel of Samsara, he has not entered the Path that will lead him to Final Liberation; Such Wheel is Arcanum 10 of the Tarot: Evolving Anubis will always rise to the right and involutional Tiphon will always descend to the left; Above the Wheel is the Sphinx (representing the Great Mysteries of Sex). Such a Sphinx is crowned with the crown of nine steel points that represents the Ninth Sphere, the Sex.

Those who truly want to enter the Path of the Revolution of Consciousness, the Path that leads to the Light, must turn away from the Wheel, get out of that Involutive and Evolutionary Mechanics of Nature. The Intimate Revolution of the Being is not achieved through mechanisms of any kind, but at the cost of conscious work and voluntary suffering. Evolution and Involution are completely natural phenomena, something mechanical, something that cannot lead anyone to Final Liberation …

What do you think, perhaps? Do you think that the giants those monstrous, of antediluvian times disappeared? Do you think that the famous Plesiosaurs, Dinosaurs and all those great flying reptiles that once ravaged the world, have ceased to exist? No, they are wrong; they regressed and today they are simple germs that float in Nature; But if those germs suddenly found a favorable environment, similar to the one in which they evolved and developed, they would get back into the process of growth and evolution until they once again became what they were: Huge and gigantic monsters.

A day will come when laboratories will be able to play with Evolutionary and Involutive Mechanics; then they will be able to grow, evolve, inside any special vat, some of those antediluvian monsters, which are now in a microbe state. They can develop it, and then make it regress intentionally, until it becomes a germ again … The same can be applied to plants, and to worlds …

You have to get out of that, of such dogmas at once; become more aware; resolve to enter, really, through that “narrow door” that Jesus of Nazareth taught. Resolve, truly, to walk along that “narrow path” of which Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, spoke to us and which leads us to Final Liberation. That’s it, that’s my concept on the matter.

Student- Master, before finishing this recording, we do not want, in any way, to waste the moment to ask you a question that we have always had, with some concern. Karl Marx, denied, in a certain way, in his Dialectic and his Materialist Doctrine … He denied the existence of God, the existence of Spirit, the existence of Soul, and that when man dies, well, it is over and it did not appear anywhere . However, the Physicists are demonstrating through the art of photography, since they have photographed the Aura of a person, and have even photographed Egos, or what they call “souls” walking around, and they are penetrating the Ultraphysical World. What explanation can you give us about this aspect, Master?

Master– Well, CARLOS MARX WAS A JEW; and since he loved his religion extremely, even fanaticism, and considered himself a member of God’s chosen people (according to him), he INVENTED a “weapon” to destroy all the world’s religions, through skepticism. That “weapon” was THE MATERIALIST DIALECTIC.

To make this “dish”, this farce, he took away from Hegel’s Dialectic its Metaphysical Principles, and thus he was able to elaborate his sophism, or rather, all that series of sophisms that constitute his Materialist Dialectic. Obviously, with her it destroyed many sects, however, it is only in the beginning; THE OBJECTIVE of Karl Marx goes much further: IT IS TO END WITH ALL RELIGIONS. The principles of this thesis that I am presenting can be read by you in a work entitled: “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” There they exclaim, the followers of the Jewish Religion: “It does not matter that we have to fill the world with Materialism and repugnant Atheism; on the day we triumph, we will teach the religion of Moses, duly codified and dialectically, and we will not allow any other religion in the world.

Karl Marx did not, really, but comply with “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”; but he was not a Materialist; the first enemy of Dialectical Materialism was Karl Marx. We still remember the First International, when, standing before the workers, he said:

  • “Gentlemen, I am not a Marxist.” Amazed, they all told him:
  • “But how is it possible? If you are our teacher, how can you not be a Marxist? ” And three times he answered:
  • “I am not a Marxist, I am not a Marxist, I am not a Marxist” …

Because of this, came the division of the worker leaders; Since then Bolshevikism, Anarchism, Anarcho-syndicalism, etc., etc., etc. were born, that is, it was divided into multiple political sects…

When CARLOS MARX died, GRAN RABINO religious funeral honors were rendered to him, because this man WAS NEVER A MATERIALIST, HE WAS A PRIEST OR A PRIEST, to be clear, of a Jewish type…

I am not attacking the Jewish Religion, nor the Jews. Let us not be confused, because we are not Hitler’s henchmen, to attack the Semites, I am only clarifying religious questions …

They have the idea that the Jewish Religion is the only one and that it is called to impose itself worldwide, and that all other religion is unnecessary. There they, everyone is free to think as they want. What if it is not right, is that they had invented a farce to combat other religions.

It is very curious that in the Soviet Union all religions are persecuted, except one: the Jewish; that works freely. Inside the Synagogues the devotees of the Religion of Moses gather, to study the Zohar, the Talmud, the Bible and etc., etc., but outside their religion (they themselves, being mystic and sincere), they make him swallow the People the Materialist Dialectic, because they

say: “Gentiles have no right to have any religion; they are beasts of burden that God has placed for our service ”.

So, then, I do not want with this, I repeat, to attack the Jews; in terms of religions there are many fanaticisms, and one more fanaticism or one less religious fanaticism, that is very common in the world. I am only clarifying religious questions. Nor am I saying that the Jews are evil or anything like that; there are millions of men and women who work and earn their living off the sweat of their brow, children and the elderly who deserve our consideration. We would never be advisers, nor Hiltler supporters; we would never fall into the Hitler error of persecuting the peoples. But there are thousands of fanatics in the religious field, and that is not the fault of the Jewish people.

That Karl Marx was a priest, it is true; the weapon that invented, made it, invented it with a single purpose: to end other religions. Thus, then, that the Materialist Dialectic can only fool the fools, the naive, those who really do not KNOW THE SCIENCE OF RELIGIONS, WHICH IS GNOSIS. And that’s it.

The Science of Religion goes very far; We have research methods and systems that allow us to verify, for themselves, the Great Mysteries of Life and Death.

Many experiments have been made in the field of Metaphysics: Photographs have been taken, for example, of ghosts; there are thousands of documents on psychic questions, for example, in the Society for Psychical Research in London there are many documents, of evidence on metaphysical events, on realities that are beyond the Three-Dimensional World of Euclid.

It is already achieved, for example, with very fine devices based on Infrared Rays, photographing events or murders, after these have happened; In Brazil there are already lenses with which the Aura can be photographed. Such lenses, with a little more perfection, will be able to photograph, therefore, the creatures that live in the Ultrasensitive World, the Astral and Mental Bodies, etc.,

Optics is actually drilling the Fourth Coordinate… Wonderful acoustic devices will amaze the world more and more every day; and the day will come when lenses and acoustic devices strong enough to allow the living to communicate with the dead can be invented. Then, the people who live in the Ultra, who live in the Fourth, the Fifth, and the Sixth Dimension, will be able, through special lenses, to make themselves visible and tangible here in the Physical World, their voices will be able to be heard by the people of the Three-Dimensional World, Dense or Physical World. When that is (when Optics and Acoustics advance a little more), it will be easy to establish an intercommunication between the Worlds: The living and the dead will be able to talk with each other.

And this does not take long, because the Fourth Dimension is already being pierced with very special lenses. Acoustics is also being perfected. And if one day it is true, you will be able to hear, perfectly, the sound of the microbes, and even discover their way of communication between them, it is also true that you will be able to hear the sounds of the Ultra, those voices that come from the disembodied.

Lastly, ultrasensitive lenses and special hearing aids, also hypersensitive, can be perfectly combined to talk with people from other Worlds. That is the harsh reality of the facts. Then it will be seen that the Universe, everything, is formed by different Natural Dimensions that penetrate and interpenetrate, mutually, without being confused.

Euclid’s Three-Dimensional World is not everything. Beyond this Three-Dimensional World there is the Fourth Coordinate, which is Time; and far beyond this Fourth Coordinate, there is a Fifth Coordinate, formed by the Molecular World, and a Sixth, formed by something that is beyond, let us say, the World of Time and Eternity; and finally, the Zero, Unknown Dimension… Thus, we already know the Three-Dimensional World of Euclid: Length, width and height. The Fourth Vertical is Time; the Fifth, Eternity; the Sixth is beyond Eternity and Time and the Seventh is the Unknown Zero Dimension, which is that of the Pure Spirit…

That they exist, that fine lenses can be invented capable of perceiving life in other Dimensions of Nature, is not impossible. Much has already been discovered with the K-MESON. This one behaves outside the Laws of Mating. It is perfectly seen that it is, let us say, interfered with by the Laws of a Parallel Universe. And it is true, the existence of Parallel Universes is proven. In the Fourth Vertical there is a Parallel Universe, and in the Fifth another, and in the Sixth another, and in the Seventh another, etc., etc., etc…

We are entering a field of transcendental scientific experiments: Optics advances, Acoustics advances, and communication between people of different Dimensions will be a concrete fact in a very short time. Then it will be unmasked, publicly, Karl Marx and the ignorant fanatics of the religion of God-Matter, will be ashamed before the solemn verdict of the public conscience…

We still remember those words written by Karl Marx in a Paris magazine, during his time. Such words, where it is demonstrated and declared completely mystical and also religious, because, in parentheses, he was a great Rabbi, religious… He says textually: “Through the triumph of the world proletariat we will create the Universal Soviet Socialist Republic, with capital in Jerusalem and we we will take possession of all the wealth of the nations, so that the prophecies of our Holy Prophets of the Talmud may be fulfilled ”.

As you can see, those words cannot be from any materialistic atheist, but from a religious priest, from a Rabbi, from a fanatic, from someone who wants his religion to be imposed worldwide and for all other religions to end.

Thus, foolish and foolish is he who allows himself to be deceived by the farce of the Materialist Dialectic of Karl Marx; farce in which its author, who was Karl Marx, never believed.

Student- Master, through this dissertation or this explanation of yours, well, it occurs to me to ask you a new question that is very relevant, with regard to Materialism, Atheism and all that stuff. The Religious and the Pastors, Priests, etc., talk a lot about the “Antichrist”, but, really, they have never given us an exact explanation about what the “Antichrist” is. If you could explain to us, Master, what does the “Antichrist” consist of, or what is it in itself? Deep down, what is the “Antichrist”?

Master- With the greatest pleasure I will give an answer… Nostradamus says: “Long awaited and will never return in Europe, from Asia it will arrive, from the League of Hermes it must be and the Kings of the East will command.” A certain author said verbatim: “It is necessary to decompose this prediction into three bodies: first,” long awaited and will never return. ” It is an apocalyptic message. Humanity has been desperately waiting for the Antichrist, since with him, after him, will come Parosia, the return of Christ to Earth ”.

That same author continues by saying: “Perhaps these words mean that the Forces of Evil will disappear and a new era will open for humanity without the evil presence. Furthermore, this verse is, curiously, traced from chapter 17: 8 of Revelation, where it says: “And the beast that I see was and is not ..”

The author continues by saying: “« It must be from the Hermes League ». If the Antichrist is a satanic incarnation, he must be a man of immense power, since the Apocalypse shows that he will be divinized, that is, that he will have almost divine powers, because, although he has in his hands the possibilities of Satan, the Antichrist will be a man with all his limitations ”.

“What is known about him? That he was born and that he will come with his immense power to assume the role of maximum destroyer. Where were you born? In Asia; probably in Central Asia. What will you do until the age of 18 when you start your public life? Nostradamus tells us: “He will be in a Hermetic Center perfecting his innate power.” “Hermeticism”, says Nostradamus, “League of the Great Hermes.” This is Hermes Trismegistus, the Hermes of the Egyptian Mysteries, creator, according to tradition, of the Secret Science. Esoteric theories consider that Hermes Trismegistus was the human being who came closest to the Divinity and was only surpassed by Christ, who achieved the full step, because although he was a man, he was a Divine person ”.

“The School of Hermes is logically Spiritual, which would not be compatible with the work of the Antichrist. But if Nostradamus assures that the Antichrist will be born from the League of the Great Hermes, that is, from the Great Hermetics, he must have had a powerful reason to say so ”.

The author of the aforementioned paragraph continues saying: “In effect, each Magician tries to try the maximum test (that of the absolute approach of God), logically all fail, but some achieve surprising results”. If Hermeticism is of a Spiritual character and the Denial of the Spirit resides in the Antichrist, how can the idea of Nostradamus be understood?

“The French researchers, France Ives and others, tell us in their respective works that after a cataclysm that swept away a very advanced civilization Atlantis, where the secret of Immortality existed for the Supreme Initiates, the Defenders of Knowledge settled in a immense cave system under the Himalayas, and from there, these Children of Intelligence…… divided and took opposite paths ”.

“Today Spiritualists direct the world from a point called” Agartha “or” Agarthi “, while Satanists do so from another called” Chambará. “

“The former would have spiritually created Great Initiates such as Mahatma Gandhi. And the latter lead the elements and the human masses in the cult of violence and power ”.

“There has been talk at various times in the last 30 years, of the” Unknown Superiors “, who would be the Rectors on their two fronts: Of everything sublime and everything perverse that has happened to humanity.”

“« From Asia he will appear in Europe and will reign over all the Kings of the East », must be understood in an inverted way, that is, that he will dominate first in the East where he was born, before undertaking his war against the West, that is, among his 18 and his 32 years, more or less ”.

“Let’s say, to finish this point, that Nostradamus gives us through different centuries, all the chronological antecedents, with always astrological dates, of the arrival of the Antichrist and that they are:” 1963, April 1, Birth of the Beast in the Central Asia; 1972, begins its warlike action Arabia; 1981, the Beast begins his public life; 1996, the Beast invades the world; 1999, death of the Beast and triumph of Christianity. This last year, with the reign of the Sun, a Golden Age for the Earth will come ”.

Yes… some of these dates in Centuries 10-72 (one of the most enigmatic), says Nostradamus:« A thousand, nine, nine, nine, seven months later, a great King of horror will come down from heaven and the King will resurrect. Angolmois, and then a war will make the world better. Seventh month, seven months after this year of 1999? And who will come? A great king of horror, but also a king who will come down from heaven to resurrect, not the dead, but the righteous. Those, which the Apocalypse indicates as: “Having not worshiped the Beast and have lost their lives for having borne witness to Jesus.” And as we have already seen, King Henry the Great is for Nostradamus, a symbol of the best Christian attitude of all time. This Great King could be Christ, whom Nostradamus does not dare to name… That is the key to the date and these deductions can be made ”.

Thus, my dear brothers and sisters, the author of these paragraphs continues to make the most diverse comments on the end times and on the Antichrist. Let us now conceptualize …

Obviously, we have to go to clarify this question, to the Sacred Books. In the Bible, in First John, chapter 2: 18-23, we find something about the Antichrist, it says: “Little children, it is the last time: And according to you heard that the Antichrist is coming, so now many Antichrists have arisen ; by this we will know that it is the last time ”.

“They came from us, but they were not from us; because if they had been from us, they would have remained with us; but they came out, to show that not all of them are from us ”.

“But you have the Anointing of the Holy One and you know all things.”

“I have not written to you as if you ignore the Truth, but because you know it, and because no lie comes from the Truth.”

Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is Antichrist: He who denies the Father and the Son ”.

“Anyone who denies the Son does not have the Father either. He who confesses the Son also has the Father”.

Thus, then, we have seen in the Holy Scriptures what the Antichrist is; but we need to clarify: Who is the liar, if not the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is Antichrist: He who denies the Father and the Son ”. But then, “Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father”, say the Holy Scriptures. Then, whoever denies the Son of Man does not have the Father either. That is the Antichrist.

But what is the Son? The Bible cannot explain it, because it is in code. And where is the key to understanding these paragraphs? In the ZOHAR, in the Jewish Kabbalah. What does the Kabbalah say? Let us see the TREE OF LIFE: THE SON OF MAN IS TIPHERETH, in the Great Tree. And what is Tiphereth? The Spirit of Man, the Human Soul. And who denies the Human Soul, who denies the Spirit of Man? Materialistic Science, right? Atheists, enemies of the Eternal, is it true? The God-Matter fanatics… So, THE ANTICHRIST IS THE FALSE MATERIALIST SCIENCE of our time.

And there is not one Antichrist, but many Antichrists. That is why it is written: “Little children, it is the last time: And according to you have heard the Antichrist is coming, thus now many Antichrists have arisen.” Yes, there are millions of Antichrists: All materialistic atheists, enemies of the Eternal Being. Millions and millions like the sands of the sea.

Why does Nostradamus say that the League of Hermes must be? Simply because Hermes works with the Mind, and they, in some way, manage, shall we say, the Mind; the antithesis of the resplendent part of Mind, the antithesis of True Science, the antithesis of Real Science.

Every tree has its shadow, who could deny it? Under the Sun every tree has a shadow.

So, too, under the Sun of Truth, Mind has its Shadow. Even the Great Wisdom of Hermes his. What is the Hermetic Wisdom? It is obvious, the Materialistic Science, the Atheist Skepticism of this age. That is the Antichrist, that is the False Prophet, who together with the Great Beast and together with the Great Whore, with human bestiality, will be cast into the Burning Lake of fire and brimstone, which is the Second Death.

So, understand thoroughly, that is the Antichrist, the False Prophet who performs miracles and deceptive wonders: Atomic bombs, remote-controlled rockets that reach the Moon, wonders in Physics, in Chemistry, etc., etc., etc. . Many have knelt before the Antichrist, but we Gnostics will never kneel before the False Prophet. That’s it.

Samael Aun Weor

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