
Goethe the great German initiate says in his Faust: “First of all you should study metaphysics.”

Karl Marx did not know metaphysics, the information he had about metaphysics was completely medieval, insufficient, too elementary.

Marx believes, in his ignorance, that metaphysics considers nature as a chance conglomeration of objects and phenomena detached and isolated from each other and without any relationship of dependence on each other.

The Marxist concept of metaphysics indicates with complete accuracy absolute ignorance.

Scholars in theosophy, hermeticism, yogism, Buddhism, Rosicrucianism, etc., they know very well that the authentic metaphysics, ignored by Marx, excludes the possibility of being able to understand a phenomenon when it is studied in isolation.

The authentic metaphysics of the great esoteric schools of Orient and Occident states emphatically that every phenomenon of nature is intimately connected with all the phenomena that surround it. No phenomenon can be isolated and when studied in isolation it can seem to be absurd.

The law of cause and effect is the secret gear of the mechanics of nature. Every phenomenon of nature is movement in a superior space.

the law of karma

In a space inferior in relation to ours, the mechanical movements translate into phenomena.

In the superior space the mechanical motions are simply properties of the apparently immobile solids.

The motion observed by the two-dimensional creatures is for us a property of the solids in motionless aspect.

The phenomena of life are birth, growth, reproduction and death of living beings, the ordered chain of all these phenomena is motion of solids in a superior space.

The mechanical motions of the three-dimensional world like light, heat, sound, biochemical, physico-chemical, catalytic phenomena, etc., they are simple manifestations of certain four- dimensional processes perceptible only with the well-developed spatial sense.

Within every three-dimensional body there are four-dimensional processes. The vital seat of every organism is four-dimensional.

Three-dimensional geometry is Marx’s bottle; really Marx could not escape from that bottle.

Marx made the mistake of which he accuses the metaphysicians, which is to study the phenomena in isolation without taking into account at all the multidimensionality of space, this is similar to the scientific fool who does not know anything about the mechanism of the cinematograph, nor about the projector that is behind him, or on the transparent tape of the film, wanting to investigate the cinematographer analyzing the figures on the screen, laying out theories, taking notes, observing order and constructing hypotheses.

Such a fool scientist would deceive himself miserably and would not really reach any logical conclusion, unless he turned his back to the screen to seriously study the causa causorum that originates the fleeting figures that appear upon it.

Nature is a big screen and the projector is the cosmic psyche.

The positivist philosophy commits the error of studying only the figures on the screen.

The positivist science knows nothing about the laws of cosmic causation that regulate the figures on the screen. Where do those figures come from? Where do they go? What is the object of their existence? Why are they organized in this form and not another? Why they move instead of remaining quiet and still in the same place? Life is really an indecipherable enigma for positivist philosophy.

The materialists deceive themselves miserably supposing themselves to be on the path of truth. The materialists are bottled up in Euclidean geometry.

Behind the screen of nature is our own Consciousness, this is the light. The figures are our own impressions. The light of our Consciousness projects upon the screen those impressions, those images that we call life.

We receive the impressions of that very screen, we create them, we see them, and at the same time we receive everything from them.

The authentic metaphysics that Karl Marx never studied, never said that the figures on the screen of nature were still.

Metaphysics has always said that everything is subject to change, that nothing is quiescent, that everything is born, develops and dies.

The path of life is formed by the traces of the hooves of the horse of death.

Marx was regrettably wrong thinking that metaphysics considers nature as something still and immobile, stagnant and immutable.

We invite the Marxist-Leninist gentlemen to study “The Secret Doctrine” of H.P. Blavatsky in order to prove for themselves the tremendous error of Marx which is to assert that metaphysics considers nature, still, immobile, stagnant and immutable.

It would be good for the fanatics of Marxism-Leninism to study all oriental yoga, Vedanta, Esoteric Buddhism, etc, etc., etc., in order to convince themselves that Marx never studied metaphysics.

Marx’s attacks on metaphysics have no value because elementary logic says:

“The opinion of a critic has no value if he does not have full knowledge of the case.”

Samael Aun Weor

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