Mystic Levitations

Undoubtedly, the fourth co-ordinate is the same as the hyperspace of hyper-geometry, through which it is possible to do supernatural experiments such as disappearance or appearance of a body  in Euclidean three-dimensional space, or the  projection of any object from the interior of a hermetically sealed box.

It has been positively demonstrated that when an electron and a positron collide, they liberate energy as two grains of light, or, more accurately said, two gamma rays  appear. The experiments related to this phenomenon demonstrate the existence of the fourth dimension.

Unquestionably, the various phenomena of authentic levitation have always been possible because of the extraordinary element of the fourth vertical.

A mystic levitation is an unusual raising of the physical body over the ground.

Because many people do not even know the basics of the matter, we will cite  various  anchorites that levitated in  front of various audiences. We begin with Saint Stephen, king of Hungary, a distinguished medieval lord who died in 1038. He floated in the air one night while praying in his tent.

Then there is Saint Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury, a notable man of God, who precisely on Ascension Day, May 17, 988, rose up to the majestic vault of the cathedral.

The following are some remarkable cenobites and renowned ladies of recognized sanctity.

Saint Ladislaus of Hungary (1041 – 1095), a renowned anchorite, on a memorable night floated above the ground while praying in the famous monastery of Warasdin.

Saint Christina The Astonishing (1150  – 1224) the illustrious mystic, who was assumed to be dead, soared delightfully to the vault of the church in the middle of her funeral rite.

Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, a distinguished  matron; Saint  Edmund;  Saint  Lutgardis, a famous religious woman; the Blessed Giles  of  Santarem;  the  mysterious  Margaret  of Hungary; the spiritual Saint Dulceline; the noteworthy and famous lord of wisdom, Saint Thomas Aquinas; Saint Agnes of Bohemia, and many others, immersed within the fourth dimension, floated during their ecstasies.

St Thomas Aquinas

These are all  extraordinary elevations, magic flights, vertical  ascensions, transportations, and ethereal rides at great heights, ecstasies, jubilation and entrancement.

Legend says — and human and divine beings know this well — that when our brother Francis of Assisi (1186 – 1226) reached the sunset of his life, his ecstasies in Mount Alvernia intensified. His beloved disciple, Brother Leo,  who  joyfully  brought him food, usually found him  in  entrancement  outside  his  cave,  at  considerable heights from the hallowed ground. Sometimes  he reached the beech trees and disappeared from sight. He left for the fourth dimension.

It is also worth mentioning — continuing with this mystical scientific debate — that Saint Catherine dei Ricci  (1522-1589),  the  celebrated  stigmatic  prioress  of  Prato,  when entering ecstasy, stayed suspended in place

Many other penitents and cenobites, such as Saint Francis of Paola, Saint Peter of Alcántara, Saint Thomas of Villanova, Saint Francis Xavier, and others, lifted off the ground in their ecstasies and stayed in the air in front of amazed onlookers.

Some famous and extraordinary cases, because of  their  peculiarity  and  uniqueness,  were  those of the mystic Teresa of Avila (1515 – 1582). She, herself, described  them in minute  detail.  She  methodically  explains how  the ineffable, magical  power immersed her within the unknown dimension while she prayed. She then floated before the amazed nuns.

One  day  the  saint  was so high above the ground that no one could administer the host to  her.

The double levitation of Saint Teresa  of  Avila  and  Saint  John  of  the  Cross  in  Mount Carmel of Avila  caused  astonishment  and  great  amazement.  Then  the  two  mystics  could  be seen in a state of ecstasy in space.

It is said that a pious monk whose name was  Joseph  of  Cupertino  rose  up  in  the  air  seventy times. This magical feat, which took place around 1650, allowed  him  to  be canonised.

Every time the cited hermit with a sweet face left the hard  ground,  he let  out  a shrill  cry. Asked by the  Cardinal Lauria about that  mysterious  and  strange  cry  in  the  precise moment of his flight, the saint answered in  an  esoteric  way:

 “The  gun  powder,  when triggered in the harquibus explodes with a great sound; in  the  same  way  the  heart  is embraced by divine love. Amen!”

Studying old manuscripts, like  clergymen  in  a  cell,  we  have  found  in  the  sacred  land  of  the Vedas, the following phrase:

“He who meditates on the centre of the heart, will  attain control over the Vayu tattwa  (ethereal  principle  of  air).  He  will  also  get  the  siddhis, (powers of the holy men) Bushari, Kechari, Kaya  and  50 on (the  ability  to float  in the  air and put one ‘s own spirit in someone’s  body,  and so forth).  He will reach  cosmic  love and  all the tattwic divine qualities.”

When dealing with the apprenticeship of  Jinns  science  or  doctrine  of  levitation,  the substantial development of the peaceful heart is undeferrable; it cannot be postponed.

It would be incongruous  and  unrelated  to  the  Tertium  Organum  or third  canon  of thought, to  try  proficiency  in  Jinns  without  having  previously  secured  and   strengthened   the mystical faculties of the peaceful heart of the saints.

We do not want, however, to  hinder the  esoteric practices  of  magical  levitation.  We neither have the intention of  dissuading  or  upsetting  esoteric  practices.  We  only  propose  the sacrificium intellectus — the sacrifice of the intellect — if we really long for the harmonious development of the fires of the heart.

The theoretical and speculative mind expands, extends and develops at the expense of the subtle energies of the heart. This is lamentable.

The intellectual and mechanical  cerebration  sucks  and  bleeds  mercilessly  the  vital  powers  of the heart.

Throughout many years  of  constant  observations,  studies  and  experiments,  we  have verified that pseudo-esotericist and pseudo-occultist subjects seclude themselves in their confined  intellectual  world,  and thus  become  true  failures  in  the  practical   field   of levitation.

It is useful to imitate the prayers and ecstasies of Joseph of Cupertino, so that our heart, inflamed by divine love, develops harmoniously. This will enable us to penetrate consciously with our physical body into the fourth vertical, beyond  Euclidean  three- dimensional space.

Unquestionably, those sixty Aztec elders, who in the Coatepec hill performed their magical circles and operations in order to immerse themselves into the fourth co-ordinate, had each previously developed the marvelous fires of the heart.

Coatepec hill

The tale of that mysterious voyage throughout the unknown dimension is unusual and uncommon.

Undoubtedly, in the parallel universe of the fourth dimension, any metamorphosis is possible.

The Nahua Lucifer, commanded by those conjurations,  transformed  Moctezuma’s  sixty   elders into birds, ferocious beasts, lions, tigers, jackals, and terrifying cats.

The report delivered to us by Father Diego Durán, in his remarkable  history  of Mexico,  is  not, therefore, a trick or a joke.

When we investigate the entire history of Jinns, we find in Oriental  Tibet,  Milarepa,  a  venerable and xorable [sic] master, eminent tahar [sic] who, like any of the sixty elders of Moctezuma, could levitate in the fourth dimension.

A perfect adept with magical faculties, he had the gift  of  visiting  and  being  in  countless  sacred paradises and heavens  of the  Buddhas  of compassion.  There,  because  of the  virtue of his all absorbing deeds  and  extraordinary  devotion,  the  gods  who  rule  those  joyful  places favored him and allowed him to speak about dharma.

Jesus the great  kabir  immersed  within  the  fourth  vertical  with  his  physical  body,  and walked upon the seawaters. Divine and human beings know this.

Unquestionably, Philip, the apostle of the divine rabbi of  Galilee,  is  the  blessed  patron  of Jinns states.

Samael Aun Weor

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