
My friends, today we will talk a little about the Nahuals. This is very interesting because it belongs to the old traditions of our Mexican people…

I want you to listen to me with infinite patience, yearning to understand deeply all and each one of my words.

There come to my memory, at these instants, multiple extraordinary cases that it is worthwhile to study.

Oaxaca has always been a town of mystic legends devoted to occultism that many esotericists should know.

When a boy is born in that region he is properly related to the famous Nahuals.

No matter if the creature is born at night or by day, the relatives in any event will construct a circle with ashes around the house.

We have been told that at dawn prints will be observed in the ash, that have been left by the animals of the place.

It is unquestionable that if such prints correspond, for example, to a vixen of the mountains this would be the Nahual of the child, but if the rakes were of another animal, it undoubtedly would be this Elemental, the Nahual of the newly born.

Let us pass now to the considerations of the Vegetable Nahuals. From ancient times, the navel of the newly born is buried together with the sprout of a tree. Obviously, that tree remains correlated with the creature that growths at the same time as this Vegetable Elemental. The people of the place know very well that the Elemental of such tree could help the creature related to it in many aspects of his life.

Old aborigines from America always worked with the marvelous Elementals of the plants; they carried out with them infinite magic phenomenon, healings at a distance, conjurations of tempests, etc., etc., etc.

It is good to remember now that the Nature Elementals are the Angelic Creatures that enliven all that is, all that has been and all that will be. Each mineral atom is the physical body of an Inferior Elemental; each plant is the physical body of an Intelligent Vegetable Elemental; each animal creature is the material vehicle of an Elemental of that Kingdom. In ancient times, before we begin the cycle of human existence, it is obvious that we were Elementals; now you will understand why we are related with these or those plants or with these or those stones or animals.

You can already see that in Oaxaca these millennial traditions have not got lost, and there is no doubt that many native people are properly protected by those Elementals with which they are related at birth. The Nahuals are, therefore, ideal Elementals when we really love them.

A very extraordinary Nahual is undoubtedly the black cat. I am going to relate next an experiment that I performed with such Elemental.

At home we had a small black kitten; I proposed to win his affection and it is clear that I achieved it.

One night I wanted to make a Transcendental Metaphysical Experiment; when in my bed, I placed the innocent animal at my side.

I relaxed my body in the correct manner and then concentrated deeply in the mentioned feline, requesting that he take me out of my physical body.

I admit in plain language that such concentration was long and very deep, possibly was prolonged for the space of an hour.

I grew slightly drowsy by means of the intensive concentration, but I certainly experienced then an extraordinary surprise.

That creature seemed to increase of size and then became a giant of enormous proportions stretched out at the side of my bed.

I touched him with my right hand, and I found that he appeared to be made of steel; he irradiated electricity and his face was black like the night.

There is not doubt that everything is his body was of the same color, but he had left the animal form, assuming the human figure instead, with exception of the face that, although gigantic, continued being that of a cat.

This was something unusual that I didn’t expect, I was terribly surprised and, a little frightened, I conjured him with the Conjuration of the Seven of the Wise Solomon.

The result was that that spell ceased; instants later, next to me, the innocent creature was again in the form of a kitten.

Very concerned I walked the other day by the streets of the city; I had believed that fear had been eliminated from my nature, and here it is, now, this Nahual had given me a tremendous fright.

However, in no way I was resigned to lose the battle and I gave myself courage, awaiting anxious for the night in order to repeat the experiment.

I placed again the small creature in my bed to the right, like the previous night.

I relaxed my physical body, not leaving any muscle in tension, and I later concentrated deeply on the feline, keeping there in the deep of my heart the intention of not letting myself be frightened again.

“Warned soldier doesn’t die in war,” and I already was obviously informed about what should happen. Therefore, the fear had been frankly eliminated from my interior.

After having elapsed an hour more or less, in very deep concentration, the same phenomenon of the previous night was repeated exactly.

It is obvious that the Elemental of that kitten left the body so as to take a human gigantic and terrible figure.

From my bed, I looked at it; it was awful in a grand way, terrifying. Certainly his so enormous body didn’t fit completely, and therefore his legs and feet surpassed my humble bed. What astonished me most is that such Elemental, upon abandoning his dense body, could materialize physically, be made visible and tangible to our senses, because I could touch it with my physical hands and it seemed to be made of iron; I could see it with my physical eyes and his face was tremendous.

But this time I was not afraid. I made up my mind to have complete control on myself and it is clear that I achieved this. Then, speaking with firm and slow voice I demanded to be taken out of my physical body saying: “Get up kitten from this bed (upon saying this the giant stood up).”

Later on I went on commanding him: “Take me out now of this physical body; take me into the Astral”; upon saying this, that extraordinary giant answered me with the following words; “Give me your hands”; of course I lifted my hands, a moment that the Elemental took advantage of in order to pull me and take me out of the physical body.

That stranger being was endowed with a terrible force, but irradiated love and it is clear that he wanted to serve me; so they are, the Elementals of Nature.

Already standing in the Astral, next to my bed and having as a companion that mysterious being I started commanding him again: “Take me to downtown in the capital of Mexico.” “Follow me,” it was the answer of that colossus. He left the house walking slowly, and I followed him step by step.

We walked by different places of the city until we arrived at San Juan de Letrán, and somewhere around, in a corner, we stopped for a moment.

It was midnight, and I yearned to finish the experiment in a happy manner. I saw a group of gentlemen in a corner chatting; they were in their Physical Bodies and it is therefore unquestionable that they didn’t notice me; however, I wanted to make myself visible and tangible in front of them; such was my purpose.

Addressing then that giant Nahual of the marvels and prodigies, in sweet but imperative tone I gave him a new order: “Move me now to the world of three dimension, to the physical world.”

The Elemental Nahual put his two hands on my shoulders at the same time that he exerted on these a certain pressure.

I felt that I abandoned the Astral World and penetrated in the physical world; I became visible and tangible in the face of that group of gentlemen that was in that place.

Approaching them, I asked so: ” What time is it, gentlemen?” “It is twelve thirty.” “Thank you, gentlemen; I want to tell you that I come from the invisible regions and that I have decided to make myself visible and tangible for you; strange words, aren’t they?”. Those men looked at me amazed; I went on, telling them: “See you later, gentlemen; I return now again to the invisible world”. I requested the Elemental that I go over again to the supersensible regions and it is unquestionable that the creature obeyed at once.

I succeeded in seeing the astonishment of all those gentlemen. They felt horror, panic and they went away speedily from that place.

New orders given to the Elemental giant were enough so that he brought me back to the house.

Upon returning to the room and entering the bedroom, I saw that that mysterious gentleman had lost his gigantic size, and had penetrated the small feline body that was on the bed; this had happened in fact by the pineal gland, located, as is known, in the superior part of the brain.

I did the same, I put my astral feet on the above mentioned gland of the physical brain and I felt then inside my dense body in order to wake up in my bed.

I looked at the kitten, gave him some caresses, thanked him and said: “I thank you for the help given; you and I are friends.”

From then, my dear friends, I have come to believe that the kittens, these Elemental felines, could be ideal for all aspirants to the superior life. With this kind of Nahual any occultist could learn to leave into the Astral consciously and positively. What is important is not to be afraid; it takes a lot of courage to do that!

It is appropriate to mention that in this class of psychic experiments it is required that the color of the cat be black.

Many cultured ignoramuses could have the luxury of laughing at all these occult presentations, but to us that doesn’t matter; we are writing for people of spiritual restlessness; we are speaking for people that really yearn for the awakening of the Consciousness.

Q & A

1.- Master, could you explain to me what it is an Elemental?

R.- My friend, I want you to understand that every atom is a trio of matter, energy and Consciousness. Obviously, the conscious aspect of any atom is an Elemental.

You can expand now this idea a little more; think of the kitten of our experiment; there you will see a physical organism. It is obvious that this vital structure is constituted by organs and for cells.

Think now that each cell is a sum of atoms; you break an atom and it will liberate energy.

Clearly, all organism in the last synthesis is reduced to different types and subtypes of energy.

But there is something more in the creature or in creatures; there exists intelligence and Consciousness.

Undoubtedly, the Consciousness of the kitten of our experiment (or of any animal creature), it is the inferior Elemental, the Nahual, as they say the native of Oaxaca.

Undoubtedly, such Consciousness has an Etheric Body, that allows it to be made visible and tangible in any place and show in diverse forms, as you will have observed in my story.

Think of the plants. In each one of these we also see the trio of matter, energy and Consciousness; this last is always the Elemental.

There is Elemental in the fire, in the air and they also exist in the water and in the earth; the old sages learned how to manage the Elementals.

The magicians of ancient times ordered the Elementals of the air and these obeyed retiring the clouds or moving them away according to the will of the magician; they commanded the Salamanders of the fire and then such magicians were able to act on the volcanoes of the earth at will. They ordered the Elementals of the water and it is obvious that they could appease the tempests or to make the rivers and lakes overflow; they conjured the Elementals of the mineral Kingdom in order to carry out operations of alchemy or in order to make the earth tremble, or simply in order to conjure the earthquakes, and the result was always marvelous.

I believe that now the gentleman will be able to understand better what the Elementals are. I advise you to study the work entitled “The Elementals” by F. Hartman, the great German initiate.

2.- I have heard say that with the black cats they make Black Magic, they invoke demons, etc. What can you tell me about this, Master?

R.- Distinguished young lady, everything in Nature has a double use. There is the plant that cures and the plant that kills. You already see the magnificence that is electricity; how many machines move with electric power, how varied services it produces for us; however, it also serves for the electric chair; I believe that nobody ignores that the electricity in hands of the executioners is the cause of death.

The black cat is used wickedly by the perverse of the Black Magic, but it could also be used by the Saints of the White Magic. The Elementals in themselves are neither good nor bad; everything depends on the use that we make of them. If we use them for good purposes, we do unblemished work, but if we had the wrong aims, we shall do evil work.

I believe that none of the friends here present are dedicated to the black magic; I find that all could use the services of the black cat (that is especially magic) in order to learn how to Leave in the Astral Body consciously and positively.

Working for the awakening of the Consciousness is not a crime.

Samael Aun Weor

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