The Cruel Enchantress Circe
Ancient traditions of Latium narrate: You too, Caieta, nurse of Aeneas, have given by...
Ancient traditions of Latium narrate: You too, Caieta, nurse of Aeneas, have given by...
“This then they accomplished continuously before their power was diminished in them and they...
You, who with mystical patience have auscultated the Arcanum of the mysterious night, you,...
Just few days ago, it occurred to me to visit the Temple of Chapultepec...
I address my word, at these moments, to all the brothers and sisters of...
And Jesus answered and said unto Mary: “Well said, Mary: thou questionest finely with...
Mary questioneth him again. It came to pass then, when Jesus had finished saying...
We are going to start our lecture tonight. In past lectures we talked about...
Aeneas, the most excellent Trojan man, olympically and solemnly ascended the august mountain of...