Simon the Magician
When I was in the supra-sensible worlds, two books came into my hands. 2. The first one...
When I was in the supra-sensible worlds, two books came into my hands. 2. The first one...
Let us now enter into the alchemical Spagirism. 2. Spagiria or Spagiric medicine comes from the Greek...
The invisible stars that palpitate within the profundities of the infinite are ineffable flames. 2. We are...
Tattwa is vibration of the Ether. 2. The Tattwas are the soul of the elements. 3. The...
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. “And the earth was without form, and...
“And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they prophesy a thousand two hundred and...
In our work of metallic transmutations, we must elaborate astral tinctures in order to work in the...
The Green Lion is the Innermost of every one. 2. This work is performed with the Vitriol...
The Red Lion is the drinkable Gold. 2. The drinkable Gold is the Kundalini. 3. The Kundalini...