Opium, the “I”, the Subconsciousness

Opium has more than four hundred active elements, yet chemists only know forty-two elements. Here we mention these forty-two elements that are named:

  1. Morphine
  2. Protopine
  3. Lanthopine
  4. Porphyroine
  5. Opium or narcotine
  6. Paramorphine or thebaine
  7. Phormine or pseudomorphine
  8. Metamorphine
  9. Gnoscopine
  10. Oleopine
  11. Atropine
  12. Pirotine
  13. Rheadine
  14. Tiktoutine
  15. Kolotine
  16. Xanthaline
  17. Zoutine
  18. Tritopine
  19. Laudanine
  20. Laudanosine
  21. Podotorine
  22. Arkhatosine
  23. Tokitosine
  24. Liktonosine
  25. Meconidine
  26. Papaverine
  27. Cryptonine
  28. Kadminine
  29. Kolomonine
  30. Koilononine
  31. Cotarmine
  32. Hydrocotarmine
  33. Opianine or meconine
  34. Meconoiozine
  35. Listotorine
  36. Phyktonosine
  37. Codeine
  38. Narceine
  39. Pseudocodeine
  40. Microparaine
  41. Microthebaine
  42. Messaine

Generally, opium or some of its active elements are usually used by drug addicts and all type of vicious people in order to fortify the awful consequences of the abominable Kundabuffer organ (tail of Satan).

It is commendable to know that in the remote past all human beings developed the abominable Kundabuffer organ (tail of Satan) due to a lamentable mistake of certain sacred individuals. Later, those sacred individuals removed the abominable Kundabuffer organ from humanity by intelligently storing the sacred fire within the coccygeal chakra (church of Ephesus, Muladhara chakra), the magnetic center located in the coccygeal bone at the base of the dorsal spine. The awful consequences of the Kundabuffer organ are constituted by that legion of devils that any person carries within their lunar bodies.

Mendelejeff intelligently reunited and listed all the names of the active elements of opium, classifying them according to their atomic weight.

The sacred law of the Heptaparapar-shinokh, the law of seven, governs the seven fundamental, basic crystallizations of opium.

It is commendable to know that seven basic crystallizations correspond to the seven basic crystallizations of the opium, and another seven to those seven, thus becoming 49 basic crystallizations, which are unknown by the official science.

The seven independent properties of opium—the seven fundamental crystallizations—have seven defined, subjective properties that correspond to seven subjective states of the human subconsciousness.

The seven-times-seven crystallizations of opium correspond with seven-times-seven subjective states of opium, and with seven-times-seven subconscious states of the human being.

In our earlier 1964-1965 message, we spoke widely about opium in relation with colors and sounds. Today, our only purpose is to study the relationship of opium with the subjective states and the human subconsciousness.

If we want to destroy the awful consequences of the abominable Kundabuffer organ within ourselves, first we need to comprehend that those awful consequences are processed in each one of the forty-nine subconscious levels of the human being.

It is necessary to clarify that within those forty-nine subconscious states of the human being we include the so-called infra-conscious, unconscious states etc.

All the small devils or “I’s” that are created within the five cylinders of the human machine are the awful consequences of the abominable Kundabuffer organ.

We have already stated and we repeat again: the five cylinders of the human machine are the intellect, emotion, movement, instinct, and sex.

To our disgrace, the awful consequences of the abominable Kundabuffer organ remain in these five cylinders of the human machine.

The vicious opium people, the drug addicts, unfortunately fortify the awful consequences of the abominable Kundabuffer organ within the five cylinders of their human machines.

The little “I’s” that in their conjunction constitute that which is called ego, “I”, myself, self-willed, live within the forty nine levels of the human subconsciousness.

The atomic material is different in each of the forty-nine subconscious levels of the human being.

The psychological state is distinct, different, in each of the forty-nine levels or regions of the human subconsciousness.

Any defect can disappear from the intellectual region, however, despite that fact, this does not signify that the demon that personifies it has ceased to exist; that demon, like the defect which characterizes it, continues to exist as a second unit in the second subconscious region. Likewise, any defect can disappear from the second subconscious region, yet it continues to exist as a third unit in the third subconscious region, and so on, successively.

There are seven primary units, and there are seven secondary subconscious units within the seven primary units. Likewise, seven tertiary independent units exist within the seven secondary subconscious units. There also exist processes of mutual relation, mutual influence, etc., in all of this.

This explains the reason for the didactics in cosmic tests: if an initiate is victorious in a certain test of lust in the physical world, he can fail in the same test at the secondary or tertiary subconscious unit.

An initiate can be victorious in tests of lust in 48 subconscious regions, yet fail in the forty-ninth region.

The initiate’s different entities or “I’s” that inhabit the forty-nine regions—which correspond to the forty-nine subjective states of opium—usually commit crimes which horrify, even when the initiate is entirely a saint in the physical world.

The subconscious entities or “I’s” that constitute the ego are truly independent demons who have robbed part of our consciousness and who do quite the contrary to what we will.

If in this physical world we decide not to fornicate, then in the secondary, tertiary, quaternary subconscious, etc., regions we do exactly the opposite. In these subconscious regions, initiates fornicate even when in the physical world they have reached perfect chastity.

What is most grave is the state of self-independence whereupon those subconscious submerged “I’s” act and live.

What is most grave is to not be able to say: Those entities are something strange, different, since indeed those entities are me, myself.

When tested in this or that defect, many initiates are victorious in thirty or forty regions, yet in the other subconscious regions they fail lamentably.

It is evident that our defects will continue to exist as long as those subconscious, submerged entities continue to exist in our forty-nine subconscious regions.

It is urgent to comprehend each defect, not only in the intellectual level, but also in each of the forty-nine subconscious departments of the mind.

Moreover, the most grave problem arises in us when—in spite of having comprehended a defect in all forty-nine subconscious levels of the mind—we fail when submitted to the test. That failed test indicates to us that we still have the defect that we want to annihilate.

It is evident that if the “I” that personifies the defect that we want to disintegrate continues to exist within any subconscious region, the outcome of the tests is failure.

Thus, in this case, only the Mother Kundalini, the igneous serpent of our magical powers, can help us. She can extract, remove from our lunar bodies, the defect in itself—that is to say, the “I” that personifies it. So, without the Divine Mother it is impossible to extract the hidden defects—personified in small, submerged, subconscious “I’s”—from the deep subconscious regions.

Kundalini is a compound word formed by the union of two: “Kunda” that reminds us of the abominable Kundabuffer organ, and “Lini” which signifies “to cease.” Thus, Kundalini means “the ceasing of the Kundabuffer organ.” The Kundalini ends the awful consequences of the abominable Kundabuffer organ.

We already stated and we repeat again that the awful consequences of the tenebrous Kundabuffer organ are personified in the pluralized “I.”

Whosoever wants to dissolve the pluralized “I” must let go of self-esteem and the over-consideration of their self, since those who live very attached to themselves, those who love themselves too much, will never be able to dissolve their pluralized “I.”

Practical life, social gatherings, become a full-sized mirror where we can discover ourselves. In social gatherings, our hidden defects surface from within, they arise spontaneously, and if we are in a state of alertness, we then see them, we discover them.

Any hidden defect must be placed under terrifying intellectual analyses, and after having deeply comprehended it intellectually, then it is necessary to investigate and comprehend it in all the levels of the mind, of the subconsciousness, by means of meditation. This comprehension leads initiates to subconscious regions where we are like leaves blown by the wind. Then, impotent, incapable of eliminating the discovered defect, we need to ask the Divine Mother Kundalini for her assistance. Only She can extract the demon who personifies that defect from our subconscious depths. Thus, she helps us by casting into the infernal worlds the submerged entity that personifies the defect that we want to reduce to dust. With the assistance of the Divine Mother Kundalini, the submerged subconscious entities, components of our defects, must little by little enter into the infernal worlds.

People covet virtues, without comprehending that any type of coveting fortifies the pluralized “I.” Thus, there are many people who deceive themselves by coveting to not be covetous.

There are many people who covet the virtue of kindness. Those wretched people do not want to comprehend that the virtue of kindness is born within us only by comprehending all of the processes of anger in all of our subconscious departments.

There are many people who covet the virtue of chastity. Those wretched people do not want to understand that the virtue of chastity is born within us only by comprehending all of the processes of lust in all the subconscious departments.

Pride is usually disguised in the tunic of humbleness, thus there are many people who covet the virtue of humbleness, without comprehending that only by making a dissection of pride in all of the subconscious levels of the mind is the exotic flower of humbleness be born in us in a natural and simple manner.

Envy is the secret trigger of any social machinery, thus there are many people who covet the virtue of happiness for their neighbor’s well-being, yet those people do not want to understand that only by comprehending the infinite processes of envy in all of the subconscious departments of the mind is the virtue of joy for our neighbor’s well-being be born within us.

Many sluggish people covet the virtue of diligence, but they do not want to understand that only by comprehending the processes of laziness in all of the levels of the mind is diligence, activity, born in us.

Many gluttons covet the virtue of temperance, of sobriety, but they do not want to realize that only by comprehending the processes of gluttony in the different corridors and turnabouts of the mind is the necessity of eating little and being moderate in drinking born in us in a natural and spontaneous manner.

Anger usually is disguised with the gown of the judge or with a bitter smile.

There are many people who do not covet money, social position, etc., but they covet virtues, honors, paradise, psychic powers, etc.

There are terrifically chaste people in the intellectual level, but are frightfully fornicators in the different subconscious regions. Fornication usually is disguised with the flattery given to the girl who walks on the street, or in the “so to say” very “serious” conversation with the person of the opposite sex, or with the pretext of devotion to beauty, etc.

There are many people who do not envy money, social status, ranks, honors, possessions, but they envy the saints, they covet their virtues so that they can also become saints.

There are people who dress humbly, nonetheless they have sublime pride, they are conceited with their simplicity; they do not boast about anything, thus they not only hide their pride from others but also from themselves.

Some gluttons disguise their gluttony with the pose of simple people that barbecue on Sundays and picnic days. Others try to justify their defect by saying that they need to feed themselves well in order to work, etc.

In the subconscious regions, each defect is multifaceted, and it is represented by multiple small, subjective entities or “I’s” that live within our lunar bodies, and that project themselves within the subconscious regions or lands of the mind.

Only through in depth comprehension and with the help of the Divine Mother Kundalini can we eliminate those “I’s” from our lunar bodies.

The initiate, with the aid of the Divine Mother, not only needs to eliminate desire, but moreover the shadow of desire, and even the memory of that shadow.

People confuse passion with love. In life it is very difficult to find a truly legitimate enamored couple. The only thing that exists in the world are passionate couples. Passion is disguised with the clothing of love, and recites about delights and things of paradise.

It may be that in the world there are some truly enamored couples who love and adore each other; however, we must look for this kind of case with Diogenes’ lantern.

Some passionate couples can swear that they are enamored, that they love each other, and even marry and live many years, or their whole life, convinced that they are enamored, yet are totally deceived by the poison of passion.

Common and ordinary people would hardly admit these affirmations, yet any initiate comes to know and comprehend this when they are put under rigorous tests within the different subconscious fields.

The way of the light is very narrow, contracted, and difficult; this is why it is called the path of the razor’s edge.

In the exoteric or public circle of humanity, there are many people who study pseudo-occultism, but among them it is very rare to find a serious person who is really resolute to work for his inner self-realization. Indeed, we have been able to demonstrate that the only thing that people are interested in is to amuse themselves, thus they have made of occultism a new form of amusement.

Everywhere abound fickle people, who like curious butterflies flutter today in one school and tomorrow in another; today they listen to one lecturer and tomorrow another; today they are enthused with this teaching and tomorrow with another.

All of the butterfly-fickle people we have known waste their time lamentably, and die without having reached their self-realization.

There is an accumulative center within the mind that only wants to accumulate theories, data, amusements, etc. This center is the pluralized “I.”

The different entities that form the pluralized “I” enjoy accumulating. They want to amuse themselves. Thus, when one of those entities becomes enthused by the path of the razor’s edge, it is soon displaced by another entity that does not want anything to do with this path, and then we see that person enter another school, thus abandoning the path.

The pluralized “I” is the worst enemy of the realization of the Inner Self. What is most grave is the subtle form of self-deceit, since whosoever leaves the path of the razor’s edge firmly believes to have left the error and to have found the true path.

Therefore, the Gnostic students who truly want to acquire a permanent center of consciousness in order to have continuity of purpose and to attain the realization of the Inner Self must dissolve the pluralized “I.” That is, they must eliminate from their lunar bodies all of the different subconscious submerged entities that we create from moment to moment within the five cylinders of the organic machine.

Only by de-egotizing ourselves do we individualize our psyche, and only by possessing true individuality do we stop flying around like curious butterflies, thus we acquire seriousness and continuity of purpose.

It is necessary to let go of the mystical pride of believing ourselves to be saints, because in this world it is very difficult to find a saint. All of us have the same defects, and those who do not have a certain defect in one direction have it in another. All of us are cut with the same scissors.

We must not forget the inner relation between the forty-nine subconscious states of opium and the forty-nine subjective states of the intellectual animal mistakenly called human being.

Nature speaks everywhere, thus the seven-times-seven subjective states of opium are also found within the human being.

We need to reduce the “I” to dust, and this is only possible by means of a basic, in depth comprehension, and with the aid of the Divine Mother Kundalini, the igneous serpent of our magical powers.

Samael Aun Weor

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