Jesus entereth the thirteenth aeon and findeth Pistis Sophia.
“It came to pass then thereafter that I ascended to the veils of the thirteenth aeon. It came to pass then, when had I arrived at their veils, that they drew apart of their own accord and opened themselves for me. I entered in into the thirteenth aeon and found Pistis Sophia below the thirteenth aeon all alone and no one of them with her. And she sat in that region grieving and mourning, because she had not been admitted into the thirteenth aeon, her higher region.
And she was moreover grieving because of the torments which Self-willed, who is one of the three triple-powers, had inflicted on her.
But this, — when I shall come to speak with you respecting their expansion, I will tell you the mystery, how this befell her.”
The Thirteenth Aeon reminds us of the thirteen Heavens of the Aztecs or Nahoas from ancient Mexico.
There also exists thirteen Katuns among the Mayas of Yucatan, Palenque, and Central America in general.
These are the thirteen prophetic Katuns, thirteen periods of time for each human race. Obviously, the prophecies for each one of the past Katuns of our Aryan Root Race were exactly fulfilled.
Presently, we are approaching the Thirteenth Katun.
The Mayas say that between the years 2040 and 2043, the Thirteenth Katun will enter into activity.
The great catastrophe that will destroy this present humanity, which lives on the five continents of the world, will occur during the Thirteenth Katun.
Our Solar System has thirteen Worlds, which are as follows: Earth, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Vulcan, Persephone and Clarion.
The thirteen Katuns, the thirteen Worlds, the thirteen Heavens of Anahuac are related with the thirteen Sephiroth of Hebraic Kabbalah, as follows: Ain, Ain Soph, Ain Soph Aur, Kether, Chokmah, Binah, Chesed, Geburah, Tiphereth, Netzach, Hod, Jesod, Malkuth.
These are the thirteen Aeons or supra-sensible atomic Regions, which are mutually penetrating and co-penetrating without confusion.
The Unmanifested Absolute is beyond these thirteen Aeons.
Inside the human being, the Intimate Christ ascends within the resurrected Adept up to the terrific Mysteries of the Thirteenth Aeon.
The Mysteries of the Thirteenth Aeon are opened in the presence of the Christified and resurrected Adept.
Pistis Sophia is a compound word. Pistis Sophia signifies power-wisdom.
Pistis signifies power. Sophia means wisdom.
Unquestionably, the power is in the Fohat, which means in the Fire. The authentic Wisdom is converted into Fire.
There exis ts the Fire of the fire, the Flame of the flame, which is the astral signature of the Fire.
Obviously, Christ-Wisdom is the astral signature of the Fire.
The terrific Mysteries of Pistis Sophia are within the Thirteenth Aeon.
Obviously, Pistis Sophia emerged from within the bosom of the Cosmic Common Eternal Father.
Ostensibly, Pistis Sophia emerged from within the Unmanifested Absolute and remained cast within the Thirteenth Aeon.
We must pass through the Buddhist Annihilation if we wish to be betrothed with Pistis Sophia.
Those who worship their ‘beloved ego’ will never find Pistis Sophia.
Only through death comes newness. If the germ does not die, then the plant is not born. Pistis Sophia is found latent within each one of us, within our interior Universe.
Only the death of the ego will permit us to be betrothed with Pistis Sophia, in order to ascend to the Thirteenth Aeon.
Unquestionably, averted Eros or misguided Cupid, who is one of the three Triple- Powers, is what inflicts the worst damage on Pistis Sophia.
However, we will never proclaim ourselves against Eros, Shiva, the Holy Spirit, or against Cupid-Eros, because we know very well that the key of all power is found within the tantric mysteries of Lingam- Yoni.
Chaos-Gae, Eros, the Greek Trinity, invites us to reflect.
Markedly, we only proclaim ourselves against averted Eros or misguided Cupid, which is fornication, adultery and sexual abuse.
Sophia and her fellow-powers behold the light
“It came to pass then, when Pistis Sophia saw me shining most exceedingly and with no measure for the light which was about me, that she was in great agitation and gazed at the light of my vesture.
She saw the mystery of her name on my vesture and the whole glory of its mystery, formerly she was in the region of the height, in the thirteenth aeon, — but she was wont to sing praises to the higher light which she had seen in the veil of the Treasury of the Light. “It came to pass then, when she persisted in singing praises to the higher light, that all the rulers who are with the two great triple-powers, and her invisible who is paired with her, and the other two-and-twenty invisible emanations gazed [the light],–in as much as Pistis Sophia and her pair, they and the other two-and-twenty emanations make up four- and-twenty emanations, which the great invisible Forefather and the two great triple- powers have emanated”
Pistis Sophia, the divine Wisdom-Power, shines within the Christic Mysteries and in great agitation she palpitates and shakes within the Logoic Vestures.
The mystery of the name of Pistis Sophia is hidden in the Solar Logos.
This is why it was always said to us that Christ is the Instructor of the world.
“The supreme personality of God said: Many, many births both you and I have passed. I can remember all of them, but you cannot, O subduer of the enemy!
“Although I am unborn and My transcendental body never deteriorates, and although I am the Lord of all sentient beings, I incarnate dominating my Prakriti and appear in my original transcendental form; serving my self of my own maya. “Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion – at that time I descent Myself “To deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of Religion, I advent Myself millennium after millennium.
“One who knows the transcendental nature of my appearance and activities does not, upon leaving the body, take his birth again in this material world, but attains my external abode, O Arjuna!” [Bhagavad Gita]
This quotation is from Bhagavad-Gita, the Hymn of the Lord.
The Reincarnated Christ expresses himself through every authentic Avatar.
Pistis Sophia gloriously shines within the Lord. The entire glory of the Mystery of Pistis Sophia is within Christ.
Pistis Sophia descends from the Thirteenth Aeon and returns into the Thirteenth Aeon. Shining unmistakably within the Prophets, Pistis Sophia sings praises to the highest Light that exists within the Mysteries of the Treasury of the Light.
Pistis Sophia utters with the sacred Verb of the great Hierophants.
Pistis Sophia, Wisdom-Power made flesh within the incarnated Gods, gloriously shines.
Samael Aun Weor
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