It came to pass then, when Mary had finished saying these words that he said:
“Well said, Mary, for thou art blessed before all women on the earth, because thou shall be the fullness of the fullnesses and the perfection of all perfections.”
In the Cathedral of the Soul, there is more happiness for one repented sinner, than for a thousand righteous ones who do not need of repentance.
Mary Magdalene gleams, and will gleam terribly divine.
Jesus commandeth Mary she further questioneth him on the changing of the spheres
Now when Mary had heard the Saviour speak these words, she exulted greatly, and she came before Jesus, fell down before him, adored his feet and said unto him:
“My Lord, hearken unto me, that I may question thee on this word, before that thou discoursest with us about the regions whither thou didst go.”
Jesus answered and said unto Mary: “Discourse in openness and fear not; all things on which thou questionest, I will reveal unto thee.”
Kundry always falls at the feet of Parsifal in order to manifest her love and obedience. The Intimate Jesus-Christ reveals the Mysteries to Magdalene.
Samael Aun Weor
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