Pistis Sophia – Chapter 25

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And Jesus answered and said unto Mary: “Well said, Mary: thou questionest finely with thy excellent question, and thou throwest light on all things with surety and precision. Now, therefore, from now on will I hide nothing from you, but I will reveal unto you all things with surety and openness.

Hearken then, Mary, and give ear, all ye disciples: Before I made proclamation to all the archons of the Aeons and to all the rulers of the Fate and of the Sphere, they were all bound in their bonds and in their spheres and in their seals, as Yew, the Overseer of the Light, had bound them from the beginning; and every one of them remained in his order, and every one journeyed according to his course, as Yew, the Overseer of the Light, had established them”.

Yew, the profoundly sacred name, is related with the Light and clairvoyance.

It is written that Jesus, the Great Kabir, chanted a song of praise in the Great Name.

It is written that He pronounced the profoundly sacred name Yew and He blew in their eyes saying, “Ye are now clairvoyant.”

Unquestionably, Yew is a mantric word or magic key related with clairvoyance. The word Yew appears in the Gnostic Mass.

The coming of Melchisedec

“And when the time of the number of Melchisedec, the great Receiver of the Light, came, he was wont to come into the midst of the Aeons and of all the archons who are bound in the sphere and in the Fate, and he carried away the purification of the light from all the rulers of the Aeons and from all the archons of the Fate and from those of the sphere-for he carried away then that which brings them into agitation and he set in motion the hastener who is over them, and made them turn their circles swiftly, and he [the hastener] carried away their power which was in them and the breath of their mouth and the tears [ waters] of their eyes and the sweat of their bodies.”

Melchisedec is the planetary Genie of the Earth, of whom Jesus, the Great Kabir, gave testimony.

Melchisedec is the Great Receiver of the Cosmic Light.

Melchisedec has a physical body. He is a Man, or better if we say, he is a Super Man.

The Kingdom of Agharti is found in the subterranean caverns of the Earth. The Earth is hollow and the networks of caverns constitute Agharti.

The Genie of the Earth lives in Agharti with a group of survivors from Lemuria and Atlantis.

The Goros, powerful Lords of life and death, work with Melchisedec.

The whole ancient Wisdom of the centuries has been recorded on Stone, within the Kingdom of Agharti.

When Abraham was returning from the slaughter of the Kings of Sodom and Gomorra, with whom he had fought, he found Melchisedec.

Melchisedec lived in a fort situated in the place where Jerusalem, the beloved city of the Prophets, was raised at a later time.

Abraham gave to Melchisedec his tithes and his goods, as the Law commands it. Melchisedec has an immortal physical body.

It is stated that Melchisedec and his people, and Abraham and his people celebrated the holy Gnostic Unction with the distribution of bread and wine in that time.

It was then when Melchisedec delivered the Holy Grail to Abraham.

Much later in time, this Chalice was carried by the Queen of Sheba to King Solomon. The Queen of Sheba submitted many ordeals to Solomon, before she surrendered this divine jewel.

The great Kabir Jesus celebrated the Last Supper with the sacred Chalice.

Joseph of Arimathaea filled the Chalice with the blood that was flowing from the body of the Adorable One, on the Mount of the Skulls.

The Roman Senator hid the Chalice and the Lance, with which Longinus wounded the side of the Lord.

When the Roman police entered the home of the Senator Joseph of Arimathaea, they found neither the Chalice nor the Lance.

Joseph of Arimathaea was enclosed within a prison for a long time for such a motive. After leaving the jail, Joseph of Arimathaea took the sacred relics (Chalice and Lance) and went to Rome.

He disgracefully found Nero persecuting the Gnostic Christians there.

He traveled along the Mediterranean, and one night, in his dreams, he was approached by an Angel who told him, “That Chalice has a great power, because it contains the blood of the Redeemer of the World. Keep it there.” The Angel then showed him the Temple of Monserrat, in Cataluña, Spain.

Joseph of Arimathaea hid the Chalice and the Lance within that Temple.

Therefore, the Holy Grail and the Lance of Longinus, the Roman Centurion, are found in the Castle of the Grail in transcendental Monsalvat.

It is necessary to emphatically affirm that the Temple of the Grail is found in Jinn state. The Chalice symbolizes the feminine Yoni. The Lance allegorizes the phallus of Greek Mysteries.

The Mysteries of Lingam- Yoni are found hidden in the Chalice and the Lance. The path that leads to the inner Self- realization of the Being is absolutely sexual. Melchisedec, in the midst of the Aeons and the Rulers, always carries away that which he must carry away, for the good of this suffering humanity.

The Genie of the Earth, in constant manner, continuously overtakes the purified Light, absorbs it and attracts it towards our Earth world, in order to help the Souls. We must not forget that the Aeons and Archons are banished to the Sphere and to the Fate.

It is possible, individually speaking, to settle the affairs of the Law with the Rulers and the Aeons of the Fate and the Sphere, by means of forgiveness and negotiations.

So, this is what signifies, “to carry away the purification of the light from all the rulers of the Aeons and from all the archons of the Fate and from those of the sphere.”

That is why it is stated that Melchisedec “carried away their  power  which  was in them and the breath of their mouth and the tears of their e and the sweat of their bodies.” Melchisedec, in ourselves and for ourselves, as Lord of this planetary abode in which we live, put in motion the hastener who is over them, and made them turn their circles swiftly.

This means that the acceleration of our inner Self-realization is always possible based on conscious works, voluntary sufferings, negotiations and forgiveness. Melchisedec answers for all the Souls of the Earth.

Jesus, the Great Kabir, was made a High Priest forever, in accordance with the order of Melchisedec.

“For this Melchisedec, King of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the Kings, and blessed him

“To whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all: first being by interpretations King of justice, and after that also King of Salem, which is, King of peace. “

“Without (earthly) Father, without (earthly) Mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God abideth a priest continually.” (Hebrews 7: 1-3)

Of the Fashioning of the souls of men

“And Melchisedec, the Receiver of the Light, purfieth those powers and carrieth their light into the Treasury of the Light, white the servitors of all the archons gather together all matter from them all; and the servitors of alt the rulers of the Fate and the servitors of the sphere which is below the Aeons, take it and fashion it into souls of men and cattle and reptiles and wild-beasts and birds, and send them down into the world of mankind. And Further the receivers of the sun and the receivers of the moon, if they look above and see the configurations of the paths of the Aeons and the configurations of the Fate and those of the sphere, then they take from them the light- power; and the receivers of the sun get it ready and deposit it, until they hand it over to the receivers of Melchisedec, the Light-purifier.

And their material refuse they bring to the sphere which is below the Aeons, and fashion it into [soul of] men, and fashion it also into souls of reptiles and of cattle and of wild- beasts and of birds, according to the circle of the rulers of that sphere and according to all the configuration of its revolution, and they cast them into this world of mankind, and they become souls in this region, as I have just said unto you.”

Time after time, Melchisedec, the Genie of the Earth, must purify the powers of this world with sacrifices and terrible transformations.

Great cataclysms are necessary.

Thus, this is how Melchisedec must purify the powers of the soul of the world and carry its light to the Treasury of the Light.

An exact parallel indicates to us that the same must occur within the microcosmic human, when he wants to attain the inner Self-realization of the Being.

The Workers of the Great Work intensely work on themselves and on the Universe. This is specified in every religion’s Genesis.

It is imperative for us to perform within ourselves what the Army of the Word performed within the Macrocosm.

The Servitors of all the Rulers gathered and gather together all matter from them all. This refers to the gathering of Salt, Sulphur, and Mercury for the Great Work.

The Great Work is created by means of wisely combining Salt, Sulphur and Mercury. Those who have performed the Great Work present it to the Receivers of Melchisedec. Those who have performed the Great Work enter into the Sacred Order of Melchisedec. The material refuse is cast into the infernal worlds, which means, into the submerged sphere, which is below the Aeons, the region of the beasts, which personify our defects of a psychological type.

These frightful things emerge from the abyss, according to the circle of the Rulers of that Sphere and according to all the configuration of its revolution, and the Rulers cast them into this world of mankind.

In the final synthesis, we can crystallize the Soul within ourselves by means of

Buddhist and Christic annihilation, meaning, by disintegrating psychic aggregates, or Dry Mercury.

The Receivers of the Sphere, who are below the Aeons, perform marvelous works that  are not even remotely suspected by people.

The Receivers of the Sphere can fashion the material refuse, which  falls  in the Sphere that is below the Aeons.

They can fashion such material refuse into souls of reptiles and wild-beasts, and birds, according to all the configurations of its revolution, and they cast them into this world of mankind, and they become souls in this region, as I have just said unto you.

The Receivers of the Sphere can and must direct the involuted process of wild- beasts, reptiles, cattle, furious bulls and demons with crocodile faces within the submerged sphere, which is below the Aeons.

Such beasts from the Averno are psychic aggregates that personify psychological defects; the inferno’s own spawns, egos that come from human organisms.

The Rulers of the Sphere, which are below the Aeons, have power over life and death. The Rulers of that submerged Sphere direct the tides of life and death.

Concretely, we shall say that the Rulers of the infernal submerged Sphere, which is below the Thirteen Aeons, have power in order to work with the living creatures that dwell on the surface of the Earth, and power in order to work with the beasts of the abyss.

The psychic aggregates, which constitute the ego, have animal form.

Those who enter the infernal worlds devolve within time, until the Second Death.

The Soul is liberated through the Second Death. The Essence then enters into Eden in order to restart, or reinitiate new evolving processes that must emerge from within the mineral kingdom, continuing in the plant kingdom, and proceeding in the animal kingdom, until conquering once again the human state which was lost in the past.

All of this work with souls of men and beasts on the surface of the world, and in the Sphere which is below the thirteen Aeons, is directed by the Rulers of the Averno.

Samael Aun Weor

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