“This then they accomplished continuously before their power was diminished in them and they waned and became exhausted, or powerless. It came to pass then, when they became powerless, that their power began to cease in them, so that they became exhausted in their power, and their light, which was in the region, ceased and their kingdom was destroyed, and the universe became quickly raised up.
“It came to pass then, when they had perceived this at the time, and when the number of the cipher of Melchisedec, the Receiver [the Light], happened, then had he to come out again and enter into the midst of the archons of all the Aeons and into the midst of all the archons of the Fate and of those of the sphere: and he threw them into agitation, and made them quickly abandon their circles. And forthwith they were constrained, and cast forth the power out of themselves, out of the breath of their mouth and the tears of their eyes and the sweat of their bodies.”

Unquestionably, when the Solar Gods fell into animal generation, they then converted themselves into lunar Gods.
When the Solar Gods became lunar, their power began to cease in them, so that they became exhausted in their power. Thus, without energies, they fell.
Then, the number of the cipher of Melchisedec, the Receiver of the Light, took place. Hence, the Great Being entered into action.
Melchisedec, in action and with a strong hand, governs the Archons of all the Aeons, and the Rulers of the Fate, and those Rulers of the Sphere.
Melchisedec, in action, makes these Hierarchies quickly abandon their respective circles when they commit the error of falling into animal generation.
Therefore, from that moment, these Lords find themselves constrained to search for their power outside of themselves, in the vain world.
Indubitably, the Solar Gods, when converted into lunar creatures, suffer terribly, as anyone.
The rulers devour their matter so that souls may not be fashioned
“Melchisedec, the Receiver of the Light, purifieth them, as he doth continually; he carrieth their light into the Treasury of the Light. And all the archons of the Aeons and the archons of the Fate and those of the sphere turn to the matter of their refuse; they devour it and do not let it go and become souls in the world. They devour then their matter, so that they may not become powerless and exhausted and their power cease in them and their kingdom become destroyed, but in order that they may delay and linger a long time until the completion of the number of the perfect souls who shall be in the Treasury of the Light.”
Notwithstanding, Melchisedec, the Genie of the Earth, the Receiver of the Light, shows the way of purification to the fallen Gods through his Adepts.
Melchisedec can carry the light of the Souls to the Treasury of the Light.
We have previously stated that the Golden Fleece, the Treasury of the Light, is found within the profundities of oneself.
Unquestionably, the Archons of the Fate and the Rulers of the Aeons and those of the Sphere turn to the matter of their refuse. They subdue it, devour it, subjugate it, govern it, and do not let it go to become Souls in the world.
This means that they, the Rulers, maintain the elemental Essences in their respective Kingdoms.
Such elemental Essences are governed by the Archons.
However, while the elemental Essences develop, they pass from one Kingdom to another, in accordance to the Law.
Every elemental Essence can convert itself into a human Soul, at its time and hour, and in accordance to the Law.
The completion of the number of the perfect Souls who shall be in the Treasury of the Light will be in the day of “Be with us”, which is the end of the Great Cosmic Day.
Samael Aun Weor
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