“It came to pass then, when the archons of the Aeons and those of the Fate and those of the sphere continued to carry out this type, — turning on themselves, devouring the refuse of their matter, and not allowing souls to be born into the world of mankind, in order that they might delay in being rulers, and that the powers which are in their powers, that is the souls, might spend a long time here outside, — they then persisted doing this continually for two circles.
“It came to pass then, when I wished to ascend for the ministry for the sake of which I was called by command of the First Mystery, that I came up into the midst of the tyrants of the archons of the twelve Aeons, with my light-vesture about me, shining most exceedingly, and there was no measure for the light which was about me.”
May the Sun that illuminates you shine within you, and may the tyrants that enslave you be reborn as human beings, in order to teach and illuminate you perpetually.
Thus, they will devour the refuse of the matter, liberating those who must be liberated. The Lords of the Law will continue to be Rulers as long as their human persons respect the Law.
This is easily comprehended when we know that the Lords of the Law are also reincarnating, and for such motive, they possess a human body.
The term ‘tyrants’ is merely symbolic or allegoric, or simply seen from another angle, it is a symbolic term from the point of view of the ‘super-human’.
The powers of the Rulers are within our own Soul.
The Laws of the Archons of the Aeons and of the Fate, and of those from the sphere of action in which we move ourselves are within our own Soul.
We always spend a long time here outside, in this Valley of Tears, for a duration of two circles or in two circles, the external and the internal, the exoteric and the esoteric, and the visible and the occult.
Finally, the real human being is Christified and victoriously ascends in order to practice the Ministry, which was appointed to him by order of the Father of all the Lights, the Ancient of Days.
The Christified Adept must rise up into the midst of the Tyrants of the Rulers of the Twelve Aeons, with his Vesture of Light shining most exceedingly.

Adamas and the tyrants fight against the light-vesture
“It came to pass then, when those tyrants saw the great light which was about me, that the great Adamas, the Tyrant, and all the tyrants of the twelve Aeons, all together began to fight against the light of my vesture, desiring to hold it fast among them, in order to delay in their rulers hip. This then they did, not knowing against whom they fought.”
Adamas, the ‘Tyrant’, and all the ‘tyrants’ of the Law of Karma who govern the Twelve Aeons oppose the step of the human being who marches towards the Final Liberation. ‘Tyrants’ is an allegoric matter. The Lords of the Law are just, and they collect the debts from those who march towards their Liberation.
Obviously, we must convert ourselves into an “Adeptus Exentus”.
Jesus taketh from them a third of their power and changeth their course
“When then they mutinied and fought against the light, thereon by command of the First Mystery I changed the paths and the courses of their Aeons and the paths of their fate and of the sphere. I made them face six months towards the triangles on the left and towards the squares and towards those in their aspect and towards their octagons, just as they had formerly been. But their manner of turning, or facing, I changed to another order, and made them other six months face towards the works of their influences in the squares on the right and in their triangles and in those in their aspect and in their octagons. And I made them to be confounded in great confusion and deluded in great delusion the archons of the Aeons and all the archons of the Fate and those of the sphere; and I set them in great agitation, and thence on they were no longer able to turn towards the refuse of their matter to devour it, in order that their regions may continue to delay and they [themselves] may spend a long time as archons.
“But when I had taken away a third of their power, I changed their spheres, so that they spend a time facing to the left and another time facing to the right. I have changed their whole path and their whole course, and I have made the path of their whole course, and I have made the path of their course to hurry, so that they may be quickly purified and raised up quickly. And I have shortened their circles, and made their path speedier, and it will be exceedingly hurried. And they were thrown into confusion in their path, and from then on were no more able to devour the matter of the refuse of the purification of their light.”
It is not unjust to collect the debts from those who owe.
However, the one who fights for his Liberation suffers immensely, and feels that the Agents of the Law are tyrants.
The Intimate Christ, by command of the First Mystery, can change within ourselves the paths and courses of the Fate and the sphere in which we live, with the purpose that we may obtain our Christification.
Unquestionably, we must learn how to walk with two feet if we want to reach the Christification.
We must walk intensely with the Sixth Mystery, towards the triangles on the left. The Four-and-Twentieth Mystery cannot function without the Sixth Mystery.
The First Mystery is hidden within the Four-and-Twentieth Mystery.
The squares of upright behavior and the octagons of the Eightfold Path, in the diverse aspects, are the foundation of the Great Work.
The squares to the right and the triangles and their octagons in their diverse aspects serve as a foundation to the Great Work.
In synthesis, six months towards the right and six months towards the left with their triangles and squares and octagons in the diverse aspects enclose the work of the Great Work.
Triangles signify the three Primary Forces of Nature and the Cosmos. Squares signify upright behavior.
Octagons signify eight Initiations, eight Initiatic qualifications, etc.
The entire Secret Path that leads to the final Liberation is marked with triangles squares and octagons.
Six months towards the right and six months towards the left means half Light and half Darkness.
The Sages must work for epochs within the Light, and for epochs within the Darkness of No Being.
This type of Gnostic work, which is, for epochs within the Light, and for epochs within the Darkness, confuse many. Therefore, there are very few who attain the total inner Self- realization of the Being.
Remember the Sixth Arcanum, sex, love, the work in the Forge of the Cyclops.
It is urgent to work within the super-obscurity and the august silence of the Wise, in determined epochs.
It is indispensable to work within the Light during certain times. Every ascent is preceded by a descent.
Every exaltation is preceded by a frightful and terrible humiliation.
It is necessary to live among the demons in the infernal worlds, working within triangles, squares and octagons.
It is indispensable to live within the Light, working within triangles, octagons, and squares.
Light and Darkness are opposed, yet, they compliment each other.
At this precise moment, it is beneficial to transcribe the Hermetic foundation, which is related to what we are stating.
The Emerald Tablet, by Hermes Trismegistus
“It is true, no lie, certain, and to be depended upon, the superior agrees with the inferior, and the inferior with the superior, to affect that one truly wonderful work. As all things owe their existence to the will of the Only One, so all things owe their origin to the One Only Thing, the most hidden, by the arrangement of the Only God.
“The Father of that One Only Thing is the Sun, its mother is the Moon, the Wind carries it in its belly; but its nourse is a Spirituous Earth. That One Only Thing is the father of all things in the Universe, its power is perfect, after it is has been united to a Spirituous Earth.
“Separate that Spirituous Earth from the dense or crude by means of a gentle heat, with much attention. In great measure it ascends from the Earth up to Heaven, and the superior and the inferior are increased in power.”
“By this thou wilt partakes of the honors of the whole world. And the Darkness will fly thee.”
“This is the strength of all powers. With this thou wilt be able to overcome all things and to transmute all what is fine and what is coarse. In this manner, the world was created; the arrangements to follow this road are hidden. In this is hidden the Wisdom of the whole world.”
Without sexual magic and without the infernal worlds, it is impossible to comprehend the previous paragraphs of Hermes Trismegistus.
Unquestionably, the Path of the inner Self- realization of the Being is frightfully difficult. The Initiate must pass far beyond good and evil.
The Adept must fight not only against the forces of evil, but moreover, he must also fight against the forces of good.
The rocky Path is surrounded by frightful abysses, which are impossible to describe with words.
At times the path is lost within quicksand, at times it is cut by terrible precipices, at times we must ascend or descend towards the darkness of No Being.
At times, a beautiful virtue, which has no evil, can convert itself into an insurmountable obstacle that stops the march of the walker.
The descent into the darkness of No Being used to scare the walkers of the lonely path. The virtuous ones slander the walkers who descend into the abode of Pluto.
Nevertheless, we must not ever mistake a fall with a descent. In all of this exist terrible confusions.
The Rulers of the Fate, and the Archons of the Aeons, and those of the sphere in which we live, whose powers are within our own Soul, become terribly confused.
They are agitated within the Soul of the walker.
The matter of the refuse does not attract those who march along the difficult path. They already do not consume garbage and they only feed themselves with sepulchral food offered to the Gods.
It is not very pleasing to continue as Rulers of undesirable things.
The Intimate Christ does not change the sphere of the Rulers within ourselves, so that the Rulers may equilibrate their work between Light and Darkness.
This is how we can purify ourselves rapidly, so that we can be elevated,
In this way the circles remain abbreviated and the path is quickly completed. The Buddhist Annihilation is fundamental for the radical Christification.
The Rulers of the Aeons and those of the Fate and those of the sphere of action in which we live, who are within ourselves, and who are autonomous and conscious parts of our own Being, want the radical elimination of the animal ego.
It is not possible to establish correct relations in the diverse parts of our own Being, unless we previously eliminate the psychic aggregates. .
The entire ensembles of psychic aggregates, which are living personifications of our psychological defects, constitute the ego, the ‘I’.
Disgracefully, the Essence, the Consciousness, is found bottled up within these psychic aggregates. Thus, the Consciousness processes itself by virtue of its own embottlement.
Now we better comprehend why humanity is found in such a hypnotic state, unconscious and asleep.
The correct relation with oneself is not possible as long as the animal ego continues to thrive within us.
They no more have the power of devouring their matter
And moreover I have shortened their times and their periods, so that the perfect number of souls who shall receive the mysteries and be in the Treasury of the Light, shall be quickly completed For had I not changed their courses, and had I not shortened their periods, they would not have let any soul come into the world, because of the matter of the refuse which they devoured, and they would have destroyed many souls. For this cause I said unto you aforetime; ‘I have shortened the times because of my elect; otherwise no soul would have been able to be saved.’ And I have shortened the times and the periods because of the perfect number of the souls who shall receive the mysteries, that is to say, the ‘elect’; and had I not shortened their periods, no material souls would have been saved, but they would have perished in the fire which is in the flesh of the rulers. This then is the word on which thou dost question me with precision.” it came to pass then, when Jesus had finished speaking these words unto his disciples, that they fell down all together, adored him and said to him:
“Blessed are we before all men, for unto us thou hast revealed these great exploits.”
The diverse, autonomous and self-conscious parts of our Being are represented within our own Soul by the Rulers of the Aeons and of those of the Fate and those of the Sphere. They do not desire to devour the matter of the refuse of the purification of the ir Light.
Christ, our Lord, reduces times and periods in order that we may quickly receive the Mysteries and be in the Treasury of the Light.
Nevertheless, we must work on ourselves intensely if we wish to receive help from the Intimate Christ.
Strike with thy rod while thou beg to thy God. Without death, there is no Resurrection.
If you do not die, then you will not be resurrected.
The death, which we refer to in these paragraphs, is not the death of the physical body. Resurrection is not necessary for the death of the physical body.
The immortal Soul does not need the resurrection of the physical body. The terrible Judgment of the Lord is necessary before Resurrection.
Obviously we must be judged and we must die before the profound inner Resurrection. The tyrant, the ego that we carry within ourselves must die, if we truly long for the resurrection of Christ within ourselves.
We will continue to be unconscious and perverse, submerged in pain, as long as the Being is not resurrected.
The death of the ego and the Resurrection of the Being within ourselves must occur during life.
The Being and the ego are incompatible.
The Being and the ego are like water and oil. They can never be mixed. Only the resurrected Souls will be in the Treasury of the Light.
Total illumination is only for the resurrected Beings, for the perfect Souls.
The Intimate Christ within ourselves changes courses and shortens periods, with the objective that the Soul may crystallize within our human personality.
Each psychic aggregate within ourselves is the living personification of a psychological defect.
It is unquestionable that when a psychological defect is disintegrated, that it is replaced with a virtue, power, force or law, which crystallizes within our human personality.
This is how we are crystallizing the Soul little by little. Obviously, even the physical body must be converted into Soul.
Therefore, the Soul is the whole assembly of forces and spiritual powers that must be crystallized within ourselves.
This is how the Soul enters this world. This is how the Souls arrive to the Earth.
However, if the water does not boil at one hundred degrees, that which must be crystallized does not crystallize, and that which must be eliminated is not eliminated.
Similarly, we affirm that we must pass through great emotional crises before attaining the disintegration of any psychic aggregate.
It is not enough to comprehend a defect. It is necessary to eliminate it.
It is urgent to know how to meditate, in order to comprehend any psychic aggregate, or in other words, any psychological defect.
It is indispensable to know how to work with all our heart and with all our soul, if we want the elimination to occur.
When we beseech Stella Mans, the Virgin of the Sea, we are assisted.
The Divine Mother Kundalini the Igneous Serpent of our magical powers can and must eliminate the psychic aggregates.
Each one of us has his individual, particular Cosmic Mother.
The transcendental sexual electricity, in the Forge of the Cyclops, reinforces Stella Maris. Obviously, this is why it is preferable to invoke the Igneous Serpent of our magical powers while in the Flaming Forge of Vulcan, during the precise moment of metaphysical copulation.

This is how we can and must precipitate the death of the tyrant whom we carry within. In this way the Souls can rapidly come to the Earth.
The matter of refuse, the psychic aggregates, the living representations of our psychological defects impede the arrival of the Souls into the world.
This is why it is absolutely necessary to eliminate defects and to crystallize the Soul. The perfect number of Souls who will receive the Mysteries of the Light is ineffable.
If Christ had shortened the periods within ourselves, then no Soul would have been able to be saved.
In other words, this signifies that the crystallization of the Soul in human persons would have been unsuccessful.
The fire of the abominable Kundabuffer organ, the negative fire that burnt in the atomic infernos of the intellectual animal, mistakenly called human being, would have annulled every intent of psychic crystallization.
Thus, it would have been impossible for the Souls to arrive on the Earth.
In the former verses, psychic crystallization, or the arrival of the Souls is perceived as a synonym, or something similar.
Samael Aun Weor
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