Pistis Sophia – Chapter 31

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Sophia taketh the lion-faced power of Self-willed for the true Light

“It came to pass then thereafter that she looked below and saw his light-power in the parts below; and she knew not that it is that of the triple-powered Self-willed, but she thought that it came out of the light which she had seen from the beginning in the height, which came out of the veil of the Treasury of the Light. And she thought to herself I will go into that region without my pair and take the light and thereout fashion for myself light-aeons, so that I may go to the Light of lights, which is in the Height of heights.”

The terrestrial, great triple-powered Self-willed has its own intellection. It is easy to mistake the light of this intellection with the Light that comes from the Treasury of the Light.

Moreover, this intellection even feels that it is very capable of stealing the light of the Great Treasury and thereout fashion for itself light-aeons or Genii. Thus, sequentially, it hallucinates of reaching the power that permits it to reach the Light of lights, which is in the Height of heights.

Therefore, we must make a clear differentiation between Sophia and the subjective reasoning of the intellectual mammal, mistakenly called human being.

It is better to think in objective reasoning. Yet, for this, we must know the three existing minds.

  • The first is the sensual mind.
  • The second is the intermediate mind.
  • The third is the interior mind.

The first mind elaborates its concepts with its contents, by way of the data obtained with external sensorial perceptive senses. Therefore, it cannot know anything about that which is the Reality.

The second mind is the deposit of religious beliefs.

The third mind functions only with the data of the awakened Consciousness. The leaven of the materialistic and incredulous Sadducees is in the first mind.

The leaven of the hypocritical Pharisees, who do not work on themselves, is in the second mind.

In the third mind is Sophia, Divine Wisdom, who is based on the direct and lively experience of that which is not of time.

Jesus, the great Kabir, warned us by saying,

“Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.”

The materialistic doctrines of the Sadducees always rotate inside their vicious circle, which are their external sensorial perceptions. Therefore, they cannot know anything about that which is the Reality, about that which is beyond time.

Obviously, the Truth is beyond the body, affections and mind.

The fanatical Sadducees, materialists, and incredulous ones are born in time and they are lost in time. They do not know the Reality.

The hypocritical Pharisees believe, yet they do not know anything about that which is beyond time.

Only Pistis Sophia knows by direct mystical experience. However, she is related only with the interior mind.

Real experience of that which is the Truth is only possible with Pistis Sophia. Nevertheless, the opening of the interior mind and the advent of Sophia is possible only by awakening the Consciousness.

Pistis Sophia is a living experience, manifested as the objective reasoning of the Being. The interior mind could never function as objective reasoning, without previously having passed through the Buddhist Annihilation.

The absolute Resurrection of the Being is more than impossible without the radical death. If you do not die, then your Consciousness will not be resurrected.

The awakening of the Consciousness, the opening of the interior mind, and the advent of Sophia is made possible only by the Resurrection of the Being.

Sophia is the objective reasoning of the Being, the awakened Consciousness.

The complete functionalism of Pistis Sophia is within the objective reasoning of the Being.

In Gnostic Christic Esoterism, we are always quoting six degrees of the conscious objective reasoning of the Being.

The degrees of development of the objective reasoning of the Being are known by the number of tridents that are shown on the horns of the Individual Lucifer, who is within each one of us.

Obviously, the Individual Lucifer within each one of us is a reflection of the Logos (Christ) within our interior. This is why he is referred to us as Christus-Lucifer.

Lucifer gives us the sexual impulse. Therefore, Lucifer is the stairs to ascend and the stairs to descend.

We arise; we ascend, when defeating Lucifer.

Lucifer, integrated with ourselves, converts us into Archangels.

When the fourth Trident appears over the horns, then the objective reasoning of the Being has been perfected up to the sacred Ternoonald. Therefore, only two gradations remain before obtaining the Anklad degree.

The reasoning of the sacred Anklad is the most transcendental and luminous gradation that any Being can attain, and it corresponds to the third degree, in relation to the absolute reasoning of the Infinitude that sustains all.

The reasoning of the sacred Podkoolad is the final gradation before the sacred Anklad. The fifth Trident over the horns indicates the degree of the sacred Podkoolad.

The sixth Trident over the horns marks the degree of the sacred Anklad.

It is necessary to know about the Taurinean Mysteries in order not to alarm ourselves with the luminous horns of Christus-Lucifer within each one of us.

Let us remember the horns of silver of Great Hierophants.

The horns of demons are the fatal antithesis of the horns of light.

The horns of the tenebrous ones grow in accordance with each evil action.

Therefore, we must not confuse the horns of the demons with the luminous horns of Christus-Lucifer.

The great triple powered (mind, desire and sex), in complete degeneration, has nothing to do with the degrees of the objective reasoning of the Being.

Therefore, the intellectual animal does not know anything about Pistis Sophia.

She descendeth to the twelve aeons and thence into the chaos

“This then thinking, she went forth from her own region, the thirteenth aeon, and went down to the twelve Aeons. The rulers of the Aeons pursued her and were enraged against her, because she had thought of grandeur. And she went forth also from the twelve Aeons, and came into the regions of the chaos and drew night to that lion-faced light-power to devour it.”

Sophia, departing out from the Thirteenth Aeon, is something tremendous. This invites us to the evident self-reflection of the Being.

Consequently, the Thirteenth Aeon, the “13-Serpent”, is frightfully divine.

The form of the Cross of Saint Andrew is prominent in the crown of the “13-Woman Serpent”.

The Mercury and the Sulphur being crossed and crossed throughout the Great Work take us to the “13th” Aeon.

The Metallic Soul of the sacred sperm is the Mercury.

Unquestionably, the Mercury of the Wise must be fecundated by the Sulphur, in other words, by the Fire.

Salt, Sulphur, and Mercury must ascend throughout the medullar spinal canal, awakening in the human being all the powers, which make him divine.

Salt, Sulphur, and Mercury are the vitriol of the Wise.

The Gold for the superior existential bodies of the Being is obtained only by multiplying the vitriol.

The Spirit of the Gold is the sacred sperm.

The Antimony is one part of the Being. It is the great Alchemist who fastens the Gold into the superior existential bodies of the Being.

The bodies of Gold, mutually penetrating and co-penetrating without becoming confused, constitute ‘To Soma Heliakon’, the body of Gold of the Solar Man.

The Intimate Christ, covered with this metallic cover of Gold, is the Philosophical Stone. Whosoever possesses the Philosophical Stone, the Red Carbuncle, is married with Pistis Sophia.

Consequently, he can reach the Thirteenth Aeon. Woman-Serpent, numeral thirteen, indicates supreme death and supreme liberation.

Pistis Sophia descends to the twelve Aeons, when she considers it to be indispensable.

In no way do the Archons of the Aeons, who are in ourselves, wish to remain without Sophia.

The Rulers of the Aeons feel that they are alone without Sophia, when she is rising towards the Thirteenth Aeon.

Sophia can also penetrate into the Chaos. Since Pistis Sophia in essence is Logoic, she can penetrate into the Chaos.

We know very well that the ‘Great Abyss’ of the eternal waters is found between Binah and Chesed. Any Kabbalist who consults the Tree of Life knows this. The Divine Ray and the Chaos, Pistis Sophia and the Great Abyss, shine with pleasure when united.

Thus, the Chaos delectably sparkles when obtaining its meaning from this union with the Spirit.

The Logoic Ray, impregnated by Sophia, fecundates the waters of life, in order for the Universe to emerge.

The Logos fecundates Marah, Mary, the Eternal Mother Space. Marah, Mary, conceives the Universe in the Dawn of Creation. Marah, Mary, the Chaos, is the Great Ocean.

Marah, Mary, as Divine Mother of the Adept, is Stella Mans, the ‘Virgin of the Sea’, Devi Kundalini.

Marah, Mary, weeps at the foot of the cross, with her heart pierced with seven daggers. The Virgin of the Sea is the Wife of the Holy Spirit.

“As above so below.” Sophia within ourselves must also descend into the Chaos.

The sexual force, the creative energy, the Holy Spirit, must fecundate the chaotic waters, the sacred sperm, in order for the Solar Human to emerge, here and now.

Sophia must descend to work within the Chaos of our Being, in order for life to emerge. You know this.

The lion-faced light-power absorbs the Divine Wisdom.

When Sophia, as Divine Spirit, is associated with the Chaos, then the Protogonos, the primogenial light emerges.

The emanations of Self-willed squeeze the light-powers out of Sophia

“But all the material emanations of Self-willed surrounded her, and the great lion-faced light-power devoured all the light-powers in Sophia and cleaned out her light and devoured it, and her matter was thrust into the chaos; it became a lion-faced ruler in the chaos, of which one half is fire and the other is darkness, –that is Yaldabaoth, of whom I have spoken unto you many times. When this befell, Sophia became very greatly exhausted, and that lion-faced light- power set to work to take away from Sophia all her light-powers, and all the material powers of Self-willed surrounded Sophia at the Same time and pressed her sore.”

Sophia, exhausted after having been absorbed, suffers intensely.

The material powers of the self- willed intellect surround Sophia and lamentably oppress her.

The self-willed intellect of the antichrist, expressing itself everywhere, looks with disregard at Sophia.

The intellectual antichrist detests Pistis Sophia.

The intellectual antichrist, the living manifestation of the ego, performs false miracles and deceitful prodigies everywhere: atomic bombs, supersonic airplanes, atomic submarines, teleguided atomic rockets, travels to the Moon, etc., etc., etc.

The hatred of the antichrist towards Sophia is shown through all of these false miracles and marvels.

All the people kneel in the presence of the antichrist and say, “Who is like unto the beast?”

The lion- faced, false intellectual light-power, with his dominion, laughs, usurps the place of Sophia and works in order to take away all of Sophia’s luminous powers. False doctrines are propagating everywhere, taking the eternal values from this poor suffering humanity.

The absurd materialism and the repugnant atheism want to carry away all of Sophia’s powers of light.

The antichrist of intellectualism is presumptuously seated upon the throne of Sophia in these tenebrous times of ‘Kali Yuga’, in vespers of the “13th KATUN”. This occurs while the catastrophe is approaching, which will completely change the physiognomy of the terrestrial crust and will end the human species.

The real Wisdom, Sophia, is displaced by the false assumption of knowledge of the scoundrels of the intellect.

Nevertheless, the antichrist, the self-willed, believes that he possesses Sophia. The true substance of Sophia must be searched for within the Chaos. The glory of Sophia is found within the Chaos.

Lux in Tenebris Lucet. The Light shines in the Darkness. Sophia shines in the Darkness. The Starry Water, the prepared Mercury, the substance obtained in the form of white and brilliant metallic water, is the result of the Hermetic Art.

That which was found diffused within the tenebrous, gross and vile mass of the animal sperm can now shine by means of sexual transmutation.

The Light of Sophia always emerges from the sexual Chaos, and this Light shines in the Darkness.

Sophia, as a Verb, is Yaldabaoth in complete action.

Samael Aun Weor

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