Pistis Sophia – Chapter 33

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It came to pass then, when Jesus had spoken these words unto his disciples, that he said unto them:

“This is the song of praise which Pistis Sophia uttered in her first repentance, repenting of her sin, and reciting all which had befallen her. Now, therefore: ‘Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.’

Mary again came forward and said:

“My Lord, my indweller of light hath ears, and I hear with my light-power, and thy spirit which is with me, hath sobered me. Hearken then that I may speak concerning the repentance, which Pistis Sophia hath uttered, speaking of her sin and all that befell her. Thy light-power hath prophesied thereof aforetime through the prophet David in the sixty-eighth Psalm.”

Those who have repented of their sins sing to the Great Light.

Marah, Mary, Isis, the Virgin of the Sea, within ourselves, hears the power of the Light, and the Spirit of the Lord dwells within Her.

God is rising within ourselves when our Divine Mother Kundalini disintegrates and scatters the ashes of the enemies of the Eternal One.

Unquestionably, the enemies of God are the undesirable psychic elements that we carry within our interior,

Such elements personify our psychological defects: Anger, greed, lust, envy, pride, laziness, gluttony, etc., etc., etc.

Just as the wax melts in front of the fire, the impious ones will perish in front of our profound interior God.

But the just ones, which means those who have completed the Great Work, will be joyful and will rejoice, and they will leap with pleasure in the presence of the Intimate God.

Sing to your profound intimate God. Sing psalms to his Name. Exalt in He who rides  over all the superior levels of the Being.

Jah is his name. Jah is the mantra through which the Ancient of Days is invoked. Each one of us has his own Ancient. He is the superior part of the Being.

“Father of Orphans and defender of widows” is God in His holy abode.

“To the orphans, God gives a family to reside with, and to the captives, He gives freedom and prosperity. Yet, the rebel ones will abide on dry land.”

Mary interpreteth the first repentance from Psalm LXVIII

1.Save me, O God, for the waters are come in even unto my soul.

2. I sank, or am submerged, in the slime of the abyss, and powers was not. I have gone down into the depths of the sea; a tempest hath submerged me.

3. I have kept on crying; my throat is gone, my eyes faded, waiting patiently for God.

4. They who hate me without a cause are more than the ‘hairs of my head; mighty are my foes, who violently pursued me. They required of me that which I took not from them.

5. God, thou hast known my foolishness, and my faults are not hid from thee.

6. Let not them that wait on thee, O Lord, Lord of powers, be ashamed for my sake; Let not those who seek thee be ashamed for my sake, O Lord, God of Israel, God of powers.

7. For thy sake have I endured shame; shame hath covered my face.

8. I am become a stranger to my brethren, a stranger unto the sons of my mother.

9. For the zeal of thy house hath consumed me; the reviling of them that revile thee has fallen upon me.

10. I bowed my soul with fasting, and it was turned to my reproach.

11. I put on sackcloth; I became unto them a bye-word.

12. They who sit at the gates, chattered at me; and they who drink wine, harped about me.

13. But I prayed with my soul unto thee, O Lord; the time of thy well liking is [now] O God. In the fullness of thy grace give ear unto my salvation in truth.

14. Save me out of this slime that I sink not therein; let me be saved from them that hate me, and from the deep waters.

15. Let not a water-flood submerge me, let not the deep swallow me, let not a well close its mouth above me.

16. Hear me, O Lord, for thy grace is good; according to the fullness of thy compassion look down upon me.

17. Turn not thy face away from thy servant, for I am oppressed.

18. Hear me quickly, give heed to my soul and deliver it.

19. Save me because of my foes, for thou knowest my disgrace, my shame and my dishonour; all my oppressors are before thee.

20. My heart awaiteth disgrace and misery; I waited for him who should sorrow with me, but I could not come at him, and for him who should comfort me, and I found him not.

21. They gave me gall for my meat: and in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.

22. Let their table be unto them for a trap and for a snare and for a retribution and for a stumbling block.

23. Mayest thou bend their backs at all time.

24. Pour out thy anger upon them, and let the wrath of thy anger lay hold upon them.

25. Let their encampment be desolate, let there be no dweller in their habitations.

26. For they persecuted him whom thou hast smitten, and added to the smart of their wounding.

27. They added iniquity to their iniquities; let them not come into thy justice.

28. Let them be wiped out of the book of the living, and let them not be written in among the righteous.

29. I am a poor wretch who is heart-broken too; it is the salvation of thy face, which hath taken me unto itself

30. I will praise the name of God in the ode, and exalt it in the song of thanksgiving.

31. This shall please god better than a young bull, which putteth forth horns and hoofs.

32. May the wretched see and make merry; seek ye God that your souls may live.

33. For God hath heard the wretched and despiseth not the prisoners.

34. Let heaven and earth praise the Lord, the sea and all that is therein.

35. For God will save Zion, and the cities of Judaea will be built up, and they will dwell there and inherit it.

36. The seed of his servants shall possess it, and they who love his name shall dwell therein.

Marah, Isis, Adonia, the Igneous Serpent of our magical powers, the ‘Woman Serpent’, tremendously suffers within our own selves.

Isis always suffers for Her Child in ourselves, and within our own selves, here and now. Each one of us makes his Divine Mother Kundalini suffer tremendously.

People spill Hermes’ glass, thus, they perish within the waters of life.

Moses was saved from the waters. Yet, the multitudes do not want to be saved from the waters.

Truly, only those who never spill Hermes’ glass can be saved from the waters. When submerged in the slime, Marah, Mary suffers inexpressibly.

Evil children make their Mother suffer.

The lustful current of the evil child sinks his Mother into the profundities of the ocean of pain.

The psychic aggregates mortally hate the Divine Mother Kundalini

The tenebrous ones violently attack all those who name the Divine Mother Kundalini within the castle of Klingsor, and in all the temples of black magic

The Divine Mother Kundalini suffers inexpressibly for Her child.

She fights to disintegrate the undesirable psychic elements, and She answers for Her child, feeling herself one with Her child.

The divine Woman-Serpent feels shame for the sins of Her child. It is tremendous how we make our Mother Kundalini suffer.

The Initiate, fallen in the slime, suffers inexpressibly, and the injuries hurt his heart. Those who have lost their Soul and have recovered it suffer when they see their errors. We must repent of our errors

The Initiate must remain impassible before praise and calumny.

Truly, we are not more because they praise us, neither are we less because they condemn us, because we are always what we are Salvation within the Truth is radical.

“Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” said Christ.

The Initiate works with the he lp of the Divine Mother Kundalini, illuminated by Sophia. Yet, when in pain, he asks his Father to take him out of the slime.

To be saved from the waters, as was Moses, is extraordinary.

The waters of life, the ‘Ens Seminis’, are accustomed to being boisterous Rare are those who obtain real salvation.

Almost the human beings fall into the well. They are swallowed by the Profundity. The Great Merciful One can save us, but only if we work on ourselves.

The Lord shows His face to the serf that works on himself. Only the Intimate Christ can save us.

The enemies of ourselves are within our own selves. The secret enemies dwell within our own psyche.

They are the subjective aggregates, which are living personifications of our psychological defects.

The psychic aggregates make us abnormal creatures.

The psyche of the humanoids of the Earth is very strange. It is subjective, incoherent and abnormal.

Obviously, the psyche which is bottled up within the psychic aggregates is abnormally processed.

As long as the animal ego continues to thrive within ourselves we will have gall for our meat.

While the Initiate continues with the undesirable elements of the ‘myself inside of the psyche, he will have vinegar to drink in order to calm his thirst, and the pain will multiply until the infinite.

May bitterness be for the psychic aggregates.

The psychic aggregates are really those who must distil and drink their own poison.

The indignation of the Being must be against them, against the undesirable elements that we carry within.

May the Essence be free and may the tenebrous ones perish.

Those perverse ones that we carry within our interior always add iniquity to their iniquities.

The psychic aggregates must be disintegrated and erased from the book of the living.

The Initiate feels as though he is a poor, unfortunate one, with a broken heart. Yet, the salvation of the profound Intimate Being raises him, stimulates him, and keeps him straight on the real Path.

It is necessary to praise the profound name of the Intimate Lord in the ode, and exalt it in the song of thanksgiving.

God hears the suffering soul and never despises the prisoners, which means, those who are paying Karma.

The four elements, fire, water; air and earth are found contained within the Mercury of the Wise. This is how the Wise can govern the elements of Nature.

The Super-Man governs the elements of Nature.

The Celestial Jerusalem shines within the resurrected Adept. The Celestial Jerusalem is in the seed of the serfs of the Lord.

The ancient populace worshipped the corn, wheat and rice, because they represent the sacred seed.

Mayas and Nahoas symbolized the Mercury of the Wise with corn. The Middle East and Europe saw the blessed seed in the wheat.

China, Japan and India saw the sacred sperm in the rice.

We transform the Ens Seminis into creative energy, which means into Mercury, only by the transmutatory science.

Whosoever possesses the Mercury of the Wise can create within himself the superior existential bodies of the Being.

Whosoever possesses the Mercury of the Wis e within himself will abide in the city of Heliopolis.

God will save Zion by virtue of the Mercury of the Wise. The interior cities will be constructed, and the Initiates will dwell in them and inherit them.

A City of Light, a Celestial Jerusalem, must be constructed within each human being. This is how Initiates can abide in the city of Heliopolis.

Thus, within each human being, a terribly malignant psychological city exists, which is inhabited by the demons of desire. We must destroy this city.

It is necessary to create the Mercury of the Wise in order to edify the Celestial Jerusalem within ourselves.

It is written, “The seed of his servants shall possess it, and they who love his name shall dwell therein.” “Know Thyself.”

You, who wish to know the Philosophical Stone, must know yourself very well. Thus, you will know it.

The key of the Philosophical Stone is within the Mercury of the Wise.

The elements of Nature are joined in their precise proportion and in their natural quality within the Mercury, which is the Metallic Soul of the sacred sperm.

All of that which is searched for by the Wise is what comes from the Mercury.

Only the Mercury has the power to dissolve, mortify, and destroy the undesirable psychic elements that we carry within our interior.

Elements transform themselves into other elements within the Mercury. The element earth within each one of us will convert itself into water, and the water into air. Finally, the air will convert itself into fire.

Thus, the Mercury fecundated by Sulphur (Fire), by way of the good duties of the sublimed Salt, will rise through the medullar canal of the aspirant, in order to radically transform him.

Light shines within Darkness.

Stella Mans, the Virgin of the Sea, Devi Kundalini shines in the Mercury that ascends through the medullar canal of the Initiate.

The Igneous Serpent of our magical powers reduces all the tenebrous dwellers of the psychological city into dust.

The Celestial Jerusalem will be raised upon the ruins of the damned city. Therefore, the Celestial Jerusalem is something profoundly internal. It is our own interior Universe.

Samael Aun Weor

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