Pistis Sophia – Chapter 36

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Peter complaineth of Mary

It came to pass then, when Jesus had finished speaking these words unto his disciples, that he said unto them; “Do ye understand in what manner I discourse with you?”

And Peter started forward and said unto Jesus: “My Lord, we will not endure this woman, for she taketh the opportunity from us and hath let none of us speak, but she discourseth many times.”

And Jesus answered and said unto his disciples: “Let him in whom the power of his spirit shall seeth, so that he understandeth what I say, come forward and speak. But now, Peter, I see thy power in thee, that it understandeth the solution of the mystery of the repentance, which Pistis Sophia hath uttered. Now, therefore, Peter, speak the thought of her repentance in the midst of thy brethren.”

Peter, the Hierophant of sexual mysteries speaks with great wisdom. We must know how to listen to him.

We have previously stated that the twelve Powers are within ourselves.

Previously, we emphatically affirmed that the twelve Powers are the twelve parts of our own Being.

We formerly explained that the twelve autonomous and Self-conscious parts of our own Being are the twelve Apostles of the Cosmic Drama within ourselves, here and now.

Therefore, we must comprehend that Peter, within ourselves, is that Self-conscious part of our profound interior Being, related with the mysteries of sex.

Peter’s death, crucified on the inverted cross, with his head towards the ground, indicates the necessity for us to descend into the Ninth Sphere, sex, in order to work with the fire and water. All White Initiations begin here.

Peter makes us understand that the Woman-Serpent discourses many times.

Nevertheless, Peter and the Woman-Serpent within ourselves are found intimately related.

The Woman-Serpent, Stella Mans, must interrogate Her son, Christ, many times during the Great Work in order to help us.

The Woman-Serpent is the Wife of the Holy Spirit and the Daughter of Her Son. The Woman-Serpent is Marah, Mary, Isis, our Divine Mother Kundalini.

The Intimate Christ knows very well that the interior Peter of each one of us integrally comprehends the solution of the repentance that Pistis Sophia uttered.

Peter, Patar, with his radical letters, knows very well that the key to repentance is in sex. The three radical letters of Peter, Patar, are ‘P-T-R’.

Only the power of the Spirit can comprehend the words of the Intimate Christ.

It is necessary to receive the ‘Donum-Dei’ in order to comprehend all the science of the Great Work.

The true Repentance has its foundation in the sexual Mysteries.

Peter is the one who has to express the idea of repentance in the midst of his brethren.   The brethren of Peter are the autonomous and Self-conscious parts of our own individual Being.

Peter interpreteth the second repentance of Psalm LXX

And Peter answered and said unto Jesus: “O Lord, give ear that I may speak the thought of her repentance, of which aforetime thy power prophesied through the prophet David, uttering her repentance in the seventieth Psalm:

1. O God, my God, I have trusted in thee, let me no more be put to shame forever.

2.Save me in thy virtuousness and set me free; incline thine ear unto me and save me.

3.Be unto me a strong God and a firm place to save me; for thou art my strength and my refuge.

4.My God, save me from the hand of the sinner and from the hand of the transgressor and from the impious [one]

5.For thou art my endurance, O Lord, thou art my hope from my youth up.

6.I have trusted myself to thee from my mother’s womb; thou hast brought me’ out of my mother’s womb. My remembrance is ever in thee.

7.I have become as the crazy for many; thou art my help and my strength, thou art my deliverer, O Lord.

8.My mouth was filled with glorifying, that I might praise the glory of thy splendour the whole daylong.

9.Cast me not away in the time of age; if my soul fades, forsake me not.

10.For mine enemies have spoken evil against me and they, who lay in wait for my soul, have taken counsel against my soul.

11.Saying together: God hath forsaken him; pursue and seize him, for there is no Saviour.

12.God, give heed to my help.

13.Let them be ashamed and destroyed who calumniate my soul Let them be enwrapped in shame and disgrace who seek evil against me.”

“This then is the solution of the second repentance which Pistis Sophia hath uttered.”

The interior God of each one of us is what counts.

Only our interior God can save us from all disgrace.

The interior Lord, the superior part of the Being, hears us and helps us.

May the severity of our God save us.

May the mercy of our God protect us.

The Lord will save us from the hand of the transgressor, from the hand of the sinner, and from the impious one.

The transgressor, the sinner, and the impious ones are within ourselves.

Verily, the transgressors, the sinners, and the impious ones are the psychic aggregates that we carry within our interior.

The Intimate God is our resistance and our hope, our strength and our reality.

Whosoever has incarnated the Intimate Christ knows very well that he has come from the womb of his Divine Mother Kundalini.

We came from the womb of the Mother by the will of the Ancient of Centuries.

We must never forget our Father, who is in secret. Each one of us has his own Father.

For the intellectual animal, mistakenly called human being, anything related with the Spirit is mere craziness.

We must praise the Father, who is in secret.

The Soul often fades, but if the Father fortifies us, we will be victorious.

When the child falls, when he perverts himself, then the Father withdraws.

When the Father withdraws, the child falls into disgrace.

If the Father would not withdraw, then the child would not fall into disgrace.

Whosoever is assisted by his or her Father never falls into misery

Miserable is the wicked child who has his Father absent.

It would have been better for that child to have not been born, or it would have been better for him that a millstone was hanged about his neck and that he was drowned in the depth of the sea.

The Ancient of Centuries can give us all, or He can withdraw from us, if this is His will. Woe to the one who is withdrawn from the Ancient of Days.

The enemies of the night, the red demons of Seth, the living personifications of our psychological defects, have spoken evil against the Being.

Verily, verily, beloved reader, the red demons of Seth, your psychic aggregates, are waiting for your Soul. A certain percentage of psychic Essence exists within each aggregate.

The red demons of Seth take counsel against your Soul.

Woe to the one who loses his Soul.

The tenebrous ones who dwell within us exclaim, “God hat forsaken him; pursue and seize him, for there is no Saviour.”

Our interior God can help us.

May shame, disgrace, and destruction be for the red demons of Seth.

Samael Aun Weor

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