Pistis Sophia – Chapter 39

It came to pass then, when Jesus had heard Martha speak these words, that he said unto her: “Well said, Martha, and finely.”

And Jesus continued again in the discourse and said unto his disciples: “Pistis Sophia again continued in the fourth repentance, reciting it before she was oppressed a second time, in order that the lion-faced power and all the material emanations with it, which Self-willed had sent into the chaos, might not take away her total light in her. She uttered then this repentance as follows:

The lion- faced or bestial- faced power, and its emanations, makes Pistis Sophia suffer. Self- willed, the ego, steals the Light from Pistis Sophia.

While the multiple, undesirable elements that personify our psychological defects exist within ourselves, it is ostensible that there will be pain.

It is not possible for happiness to be within each one of us, while the elements of Unhappiness exist in our interior.

The Essence, bottled up within all the subjective elements of misfortune, will process itself in virtue of its own embottlement.

The subjective elements of perceptions are precisely the entire variety of inhuman  psychic elements that we carry in our interior.

The marvelous, integral, unitotal, complete, illuminated perception of the Reality comes when we destroy the subjective elements of perceptions. These are the living personification of our errors.

Material emanations of the lion- faced or bestial- faced power, and the ego are precisely not only the variety of undesirable psychic elements, but moreover, they are also the personality.

Obviously, the personality must also be annihilated, and reduced to cosmic dust. The personality is never homogeneous.

The personality has many heterogeneous, subjective depths. The personality is multiple.

Karma is deposited within the personality.

The personality is Dry Mercury and Arsenic or poisonous Sulphur. This is known by the workers of the Great Work.

The personality interferes between the body and the Being. The personality serves as an obstacle for the Illumination.

All subjective interference will conclude when the personality and the ego are destroyed, and the Being will resurrect within ourselves in order to express Himself in all His Plenitude.

The resurrected Being expresses Himself with wisdom, love, and power. The lion- faced and its emanations, Self- willed and its perversity torture Pistis Sophia.

The fourth repentance of Sophia

  1.  O Light, in whom I have trusted, give ear to my repentance, and let my voice reach unto thy dwelling-place.
  2. Turn not away thy light-image from me, but have heed unto me, if they oppress me; and save me quickly at the time when I shall cry unto thee.
  3. For my time is vanished like a breath and I am become matter.
  4. They have taken my light from me, and my power is dried up. I have forgotten my mystery, which heretofore I was wont to accomplish.
  5. Because of the voice of the fear and the power of Self-willed my power is vanished
  6. I am become as a demon apart, who dwelleth in matter and light is not in him, and I am become as a counterfeiting spirit, which is in a material body and light-power is not in it.
  7. And I am become as a decan who is alone in the air.
  8. The emanations of Self-willed have sore oppressed me, and my pair hath said unto himself
  9. Instead of with light which was in her, they have filled her with chaos. I have devoured the sweat of my own matter and the anguish of the tears from the matter of my eyes, so that they who oppress me may not take the rest.
  10. All this hath befallen me, O Light, by thy commandment and they command, and it is thy commandment that I am here.
  11. Thy commandment hath brought me down, and I am descended as a power of the chaos, and my power is numbed in me.
  12. But thou, O Lord, art Light eternal, and dost visit them who are forever oppressed.
  13. Now, therefore, O light, arise and seek my power and the soul in me Thy commandment is accomplished, which thou didst decree for me in my afflictions. My time is come, that thou shouldst seek my power and my soul, and this is the time, which thou didst decree to seek me.
  14. For thy saviours have sought the power, which is in my soul, because the number is completed, and in order that also its matter may be saved.
  15. And then at that time shall all the rulers of the material Aeons be in fear of thy light, and all the emanations of the thirteenth material aeon shall be in fear of the mystery of thy light, so that the Others may put on the purification of their light.
  16. For the Lord will seek the power of your soul He hath revealed his mystery,
  17. So that he may regard the repentance of them who are in the regions below; and he hath not disregarded their repentance.
  18. This is then that mystery, which is, becomes the type in respect of the race, which shall be born; and the race, which shall be born, will sing praises to the height.
  19. For the Light hath looked down from the height of its light. It will look down on the total matter,
  20. To hear the sighing of those in chains, to loose the power of the souls whose power is bound.
  21. So that it may lay its name of the soul and its mystery in the power.

Pistis Sophia cries out within the Initiate. She asks the Father of all the Lights for help. The red demons of Seth oppress Pistis Sophia.

The Light of Pistis Sophia, identified with the inhuman elements of matter, suffers immensely.

The tenebrous ones have taken the Light and the power from Pistis Sophia. The red demons of Seth, within ourselves, embitter Pistis Sophia.

Thus, Sophia forgets the Mystery, which must be accomplished, the great Mystery of the inner Self-realization.

Fear is the worst enemy of Pistis Sophia. Men kill each other because of fear.

Nations arm themselves and go to war because of fear. We mistrust people because of fear.

Espionage and perversity exist because of fear.

There exist thieves and prostitutes because of the fear of life. The aspirants flee and part from the real Path because of fear.

Frontiers, documents and restrictions of all types, which interrupt the journeys of people, are due to fear.

Fear is the cause of thousands of personal and collective conflicts.

The fallen Initiate, lacking Light, and with Pistis Sophia within his interior, appears like a demon.

The fallen aspirant, although he has a physical body, lacks Light and power. A decan, alone in the air, is the Initiate who is fallen in the mud.

Pistis Sophia is oppressed by the ego, the Self-willed, and in general by all of its psychic elements, within which the Consciousness of the Initiate is found bottled up.

The Soul, wisdom, Pistis Sophia, suffers immensely.

Sophia hides the sweetness of her own Essence and the anguish of her  eyes  within herself, so that the tenebrous ones cannot take the rest of her Light.

How bitter the fate of Sophia, the Soul, the Being is after the fall.

The Father of all Lights knows how we have suffered, and by His command and in accordance with the Law, we are here.

We have broken the Law, and we must suffer the consequences.

The human beings, devolving within the Chaos, suffer the inexpressible. Nevertheless. Christ, the Ancient of Days, can save us.

When incarnated in the Venustic Initiation, Christ works terrifically from within the Initiate, in order to liberate the fallen Soul, Pistis Sophia.

The Intimate Christ, the Son of the Father of all the Lights, must seek Pistis Sophia in order to save her.

The Adepts of the Great Light also seek Pistis Sophia, who is hidden within the Initiate, in order to help her.

By helping, the Redeemers help themselves.

Give and you shall be given. The more you give, the more you shall be given, but  whosoever gives nothing, even that which he has shall be taken away from him.

The Rulers of the Aeons fear the Mysteries of the Light. How difficult it is to ascend to the Thirteenth Aeon.

The fear of the Rulers in the presence of the Thirteenth Aeon is ostensible. The Initiate who attains the arrival to the Thirteenth Aeon is very rare.

The Intimate Christ will seek the power of your Soul. He will reveal the Great Mysteries to you, so that you can arrive at the Thirteenth Aeon.

It is not possible to arrive at the Thirteenth Aeon without previously passing through the Buddhist Annihilation.

Whosoever wishes to arrive at the Thirteenth Aeon must previously disintegrate the entire variety of undesirable psychic elements that we carry within our interior.

Pistis Sophia, bottled up within the psychic aggregates, is processed in virtue of her own bottled up state.

Whosoever wishes to arrive at the Thirteenth Aeon must disintegrate within himself not only the psychic aggregates of evil, but also the psychic aggregates of good.

We must pass beyond good and evil.

Unquestionably, the Soul can observe the repentance of the inferior parts of itself from the Thirteenth Aeon.

The inferior parts of our own Being, placed in the inferior levels, also have the right to repentance.

This is Gnosis, the Christie Mystery, and the fundamental Doctrine that will shine gloriously in the future Sixth Great Root Race, following the great catastrophe, which is approaching.

The Light will shine above the future Race, in the Golden Age.

Gnosis will illuminate the Consciousness and will liberate the oppressed.

The Intimate Christ will place His name in the Soul, and the sacred Mystery in the real power.

Then, the Solar Dynasties will govern the populations, and the entire Earth will be a paradise.

The future Root Race will reside in new continents, because the present continents will remain at the bottom of the seas, after being burned by ardent fire.

The gigantic planet known as Hercolubus is approaching now. It is a world thousands of times larger than the Earth.

Obviously, when Hercolubus is excessively close to the Earth, it will attract the liquid fire from the interior of the world towards the surface, and then all that which is alive will be burned.

A complete revolution of the axis of the Earth will take place upon the maximum approach of Hercolubus.

The poles will then be converted into the equator, and the equator into the poles. The oceans will change ground, and the present continents will be on the bottom of the oceans.

A small group will be saved, so they can serve as a seed plot for the future Sixth Root Race.

This group will also be mixed with people from other worlds for their complete regeneration.

The new Race of Pistis Sophia can only come from a strong and regenerated group.

Samael Aun Weor

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